import EventEmitter from './events'; import defaultOptions from './defaultOptions'; const onStepsPrevious = Symbol('onStepsPrevious'); const onStepsNext = Symbol('onStepsNext'); export default class bulmaSteps extends EventEmitter { constructor(selector, options = {}) { super(); this.element = typeof selector === 'string' ? document.querySelector(selector) : selector; // An invalid selector or non-DOM node has been provided. if (!this.element) { throw new Error('An invalid selector or non-DOM node has been provided.'); } this._clickEvents = ['click']; /// Set default options and merge with instance defined this.options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }; this[onStepsPrevious] = this[onStepsPrevious].bind(this); this[onStepsNext] = this[onStepsNext].bind(this); this.init(); } /** * Initiate all DOM element containing carousel class * @method * @return {Array} Array of all Carousel instances */ static attach(selector = '.steps', options = {}) { let instances = new Array(); const elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); [], element => { setTimeout(() => { instances.push(new bulmaSteps(element, options)); }, 100); }); return instances; } /** * Initiate plugin * @method init * @return {void} */ init() { this._id = 'bulmaSteps' + (new Date()).getTime() + Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(9999)); this.steps = this.element.querySelectorAll(this.options.selector); this.contents = this.element.querySelectorAll(this.options.selector_content); this.previous_btn = this.element.querySelector(this.options.previous_selector); this.next_btn = this.element.querySelector(this.options.next_selector); [], (step, index) => { step.setAttribute('data-step-id', index); }); if (this.steps && this.steps.length) { this.activate_step(0); this.updateActions(this.steps[0]); } this._bindEvents(); this.emit('bulmasteps:ready', this.element.value); } /** * Bind all events * @method _bindEvents * @return {void} */ _bindEvents() { if (this.previous_btn != null) { this._clickEvents.forEach(event => { this.previous_btn.addEventListener(event, this[onStepsPrevious], false); }); } if (this.next_btn != null) { this._clickEvents.forEach(event => { this.next_btn.addEventListener(event, this[onStepsNext], false); }); } if (this.options.stepClickable) { [], (step, index) => { this._clickEvents.forEach(event => { while(index > this.current_id) { this[onStepsNext](event); } while(index < this.current_id) { this[onStepsPrevious](event); } }); }) } } [onStepsPrevious](e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!'disabled')) { this.previous_step(); } } [onStepsNext](e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!'disabled')) { this.next_step(); } } get_current_step_id() { for (var i = 0; i < this.steps.length; i++) { var step = this.steps[i]; if (step.classList.contains(this.options.active_class)) { return parseInt(step.getAttribute('data-step-id')); } } return null; } updateActions(step) { var stepId = parseInt(step.getAttribute('data-step-id')); if (stepId == 0) { if (this.previous_btn != null) { this.previous_btn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (this.next_btn != null) { this.next_btn.removeAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } else if (stepId == (this.steps.length - 1)) { if (this.previous_btn != null) { this.previous_btn.removeAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (this.next_btn != null) { this.next_btn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } else { if (this.previous_btn != null) { this.previous_btn.removeAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (this.next_btn != null) { this.next_btn.removeAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } } next_step() { var current_id = this.get_current_step_id(); if (current_id == null) { return; } var next_id = current_id + 1, errors = []; if (typeof this.options.beforeNext != 'undefined' && this.options.beforeNext != null && this.options.beforeNext) { errors = this.options.beforeNext(current_id); } this.emit('bulmasteps:before:next', current_id); if (typeof errors == 'undefined') { errors = []; } if (errors.length > 0) { this.emit('bulmasteps:errors', errors); for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { if (typeof this.options.onError != 'undefined' && this.options.onError != null && this.options.onError) { this.options.onError(errors[i]); } } return; } if (next_id >= this.steps.length - 1) { if (typeof this.options.onFinish != 'undefined' && this.options.onFinish != null && this.options.onFinish) { this.options.onFinish(current_id); } this.emit('bulmasteps:finish', current_id); } if (next_id < this.steps.length) { this.complete_step(current_id); this.activate_step(next_id); } } previous_step() { var current_id = this.get_current_step_id(); if (current_id == null) { return; } this.uncomplete_step(current_id - 1); this.activate_step(current_id - 1); } /** * Activate a single step, * will deactivate all other steps. */ activate_step(step_id) { this.updateActions(this.steps[step_id]); for (var i = 0; i < this.steps.length; i++) { var _step = this.steps[i]; if (_step == this.steps[step_id]) { continue; } this.deactivate_step(i); } this.steps[step_id].classList.add(this.options.active_class); if (typeof this.contents[step_id] !== 'undefined') { this.contents[step_id].classList.add(this.options.active_class); } if (typeof this.options.onShow != 'undefined' && this.options.onShow != null && this.options.onShow) { this.options.onShow(step_id); } this.emit('bulmasteps:step:show', step_id); } complete_step(step_id) { this.steps[step_id].classList.add(this.options.completed_class); this.emit('bulmasteps:step:completed', step_id); } uncomplete_step(step_id) { this.steps[step_id].classList.remove(this.options.completed_class); this.emit('bulmasteps:step:uncompleted', step_id); } deactivate_step(step_id) { this.steps[step_id].classList.remove(this.options.active_class); if (typeof this.contents[step_id] !== 'undefined') { this.contents[step_id].classList.remove(this.options.active_class); } } }