require 'spec_helper' describe Shoulda::Matchers::ActiveRecord::AssociationMatcher do context 'belong_to' do it 'accepts a good association with the default foreign key' do belonging_to_parent.should belong_to(:parent) end it 'rejects a nonexistent association' do define_model(:child).new.should_not belong_to(:parent) end it 'rejects an association of the wrong type' do define_model :parent, :child_id => :integer define_model(:child) { has_one :parent }.new.should_not belong_to(:parent) end it 'rejects an association that has a nonexistent foreign key' do define_model :parent define_model(:child) { belongs_to :parent }.new.should_not belong_to(:parent) end it 'accepts an association with an existing custom foreign key' do define_model :parent define_model :child, :guardian_id => :integer do belongs_to :parent, :foreign_key => 'guardian_id' end belong_to(:parent) end it 'accepts a polymorphic association' do define_model :child, :parent_type => :string, :parent_id => :integer do belongs_to :parent, :polymorphic => true end belong_to(:parent) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :dependent option' do belonging_to_parent(:dependent => :destroy). should belong_to(:parent).dependent(:destroy) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :dependent option' do belonging_to_parent.should_not belong_to(:parent).dependent(:destroy) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :conditions option' do define_model :parent, :adopter => :boolean define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer do belongs_to :parent, :conditions => { :adopter => true } end belong_to(:parent).conditions(:adopter => true) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :conditions option' do define_model :parent, :adopter => :boolean define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer do belongs_to :parent end belong_to(:parent).conditions(:adopter => true) end it 'accepts an association without a :class_name option' do belonging_to_parent.should belong_to(:parent).class_name('Parent') end it 'accepts an association with a valid :class_name option' do define_model :tree_parent define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer do belongs_to :parent, :class_name => 'TreeParent' end belong_to(:parent).class_name('TreeParent') end it 'rejects an association with a bad :class_name option' do belonging_to_parent.should_not belong_to(:parent).class_name('TreeChild') end context 'an association with a :validate option' do [false, true].each do |validate_value| context "when the model has :validate => #{validate_value}" do it 'accepts a matching validate option' do belonging_to_parent(:validate => validate_value). should belong_to(:parent).validate(validate_value) end it 'rejects a non-matching validate option' do belonging_to_parent(:validate => validate_value). should_not belong_to(:parent).validate(!validate_value) end it 'defaults to validate(true)' do if validate_value belonging_to_parent(:validate => validate_value). should belong_to(:parent).validate else belonging_to_parent(:validate => validate_value). should_not belong_to(:parent).validate end end it 'will not break matcher when validate option is unspecified' do belonging_to_parent(:validate => validate_value).should belong_to(:parent) end end end end context 'an association without a :validate option' do it 'accepts validate(false)' do belonging_to_parent.should belong_to(:parent).validate(false) end it 'rejects validate(true)' do belonging_to_parent.should_not belong_to(:parent).validate(true) end it 'rejects validate()' do belonging_to_parent.should_not belong_to(:parent).validate end end context 'an association with a :touch option' do [false, true].each do |touch_value| context "when the model has :touch => #{touch_value}" do it 'accepts a matching touch option' do belonging_to_parent(:touch => touch_value). should belong_to(:parent).touch(touch_value) end it 'rejects a non-matching touch option' do belonging_to_parent(:touch => touch_value). should_not belong_to(:parent).touch(!touch_value) end it 'defaults to touch(true)' do if touch_value belonging_to_parent(:touch => touch_value). should belong_to(:parent).touch else belonging_to_parent(:touch => touch_value). should_not belong_to(:parent).touch end end it 'will not break matcher when touch option is unspecified' do belonging_to_parent(:touch => touch_value).should belong_to(:parent) end end end end context 'an association without a :touch option' do it 'accepts touch(false)' do belonging_to_parent.should belong_to(:parent).touch(false) end it 'rejects touch(true)' do belonging_to_parent.should_not belong_to(:parent).touch(true) end it 'rejects touch()' do belonging_to_parent.should_not belong_to(:parent).touch end end def belonging_to_parent(options = {}) define_model :parent define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer do belongs_to :parent, options end end context 'have_many' do it 'accepts a valid association without any options' do having_many_children.should have_many(:children) end it 'accepts a valid association with a :through option' do define_model :child define_model :conception, :child_id => :integer, :parent_id => :integer do belongs_to :child end define_model :parent do has_many :conceptions has_many :children, :through => :conceptions end have_many(:children) end it 'accepts a valid association with an :as option' do define_model :child, :guardian_type => :string, :guardian_id => :integer define_model :parent do has_many :children, :as => :guardian end have_many(:children) end it 'rejects an association that has a nonexistent foreign key' do define_model :child define_model :parent do has_many :children end have_many(:children) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :as option' do define_model :child, :caretaker_type => :string, :caretaker_id => :integer define_model :parent do has_many :children, :as => :guardian end have_many(:children) end it 'rejects an association that has a bad :through option' do matcher = have_many(:children).through(:conceptions) matcher.matches?(having_many_children).should be_false matcher.failure_message_for_should.should =~ /does not have any relationship to conceptions/ end it 'rejects an association that has the wrong :through option' do define_model :child define_model :conception, :child_id => :integer, :parent_id => :integer do belongs_to :child end define_model :parent do has_many :conceptions has_many :relationships has_many :children, :through => :conceptions end matcher = have_many(:children).through(:relationships) matcher.matches?( be_false matcher.failure_message_for_should.should =~ /through relationships, but got it through conceptions/ end it 'accepts an association with a valid :dependent option' do having_many_children(:dependent => :destroy). should have_many(:children).dependent(:destroy) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :dependent option' do having_many_children.should_not have_many(:children).dependent(:destroy) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :order option' do having_many_children(:order => :id). should have_many(:children).order(:id) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :order option' do having_many_children.should_not have_many(:children).order(:id) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :conditions option' do define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer, :adopted => :boolean define_model :parent do has_many :children, :conditions => { :adopted => true } end have_many(:children).conditions(:adopted => true) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :conditions option' do define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer, :adopted => :boolean define_model :parent do has_many :children end have_many(:children).conditions(:adopted => true) end it 'accepts an association without a :class_name option' do having_many_children.should have_many(:children).class_name('Child') end it 'accepts an association with a valid :class_name option' do define_model :node, :parent_id => :integer define_model :parent do has_many :children, :class_name => 'Node' end have_many(:children).class_name('Node') end it 'rejects an association with a bad :class_name option' do having_many_children.should_not have_many(:children).class_name('Node') end context 'validate' do it 'accepts when the :validate option matches' do having_many_children(:validate => false).should have_many(:children).validate(false) end it 'rejects when the :validate option does not match' do having_many_children(:validate => true).should_not have_many(:children).validate(false) end it 'assumes validate() means validate(true)' do having_many_children(:validate => false).should_not have_many(:children).validate end it 'matches validate(false) to having no validate option specified' do having_many_children.should have_many(:children).validate(false) end end it 'accepts an association with a nonstandard reverse foreign key, using :inverse_of' do define_model :child, :ancestor_id => :integer do belongs_to :ancestor, :inverse_of => :children, :class_name => :Parent end define_model :parent do has_many :children, :inverse_of => :ancestor end have_many(:children) end it 'rejects an association with a nonstandard reverse foreign key, if :inverse_of is not correct' do define_model :child, :mother_id => :integer do belongs_to :mother, :inverse_of => :children, :class_name => :Parent end define_model :parent do has_many :children, :inverse_of => :ancestor end have_many(:children) end def having_many_children(options = {}) define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer define_model :parent do has_many :children, options end end context 'have_one' do it 'accepts a valid association without any options' do having_one_detail.should have_one(:detail) end it 'accepts a valid association with an :as option' do define_model :detail, :detailable_id => :integer, :detailable_type => :string define_model :person do has_one :detail, :as => :detailable end have_one(:detail) end it 'rejects an association that has a nonexistent foreign key' do define_model :detail define_model :person do has_one :detail end have_one(:detail) end it 'accepts an association with an existing custom foreign key' do define_model :detail, :detailed_person_id => :integer define_model :person do has_one :detail, :foreign_key => :detailed_person_id end have_one(:detail).with_foreign_key(:detailed_person_id) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :as option' do define_model :detail, :detailable_id => :integer, :detailable_type => :string define_model :person do has_one :detail, :as => :describable end have_one(:detail) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :dependent option' do having_one_detail(:dependent => :destroy). should have_one(:detail).dependent(:destroy) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :dependent option' do having_one_detail.should_not have_one(:detail).dependent(:destroy) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :order option' do having_one_detail(:order => :id).should have_one(:detail).order(:id) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :order option' do having_one_detail.should_not have_one(:detail).order(:id) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :conditions option' do define_model :detail, :person_id => :integer, :disabled => :boolean define_model :person do has_one :detail, :conditions => { :disabled => true} end have_one(:detail).conditions(:disabled => true) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :conditions option' do define_model :detail, :person_id => :integer, :disabled => :boolean define_model :person do has_one :detail end have_one(:detail).conditions(:disabled => true) end it 'accepts an association without a :class_name option' do having_one_detail.should have_one(:detail).class_name('Detail') end it 'accepts an association with a valid :class_name option' do define_model :person_detail, :person_id => :integer define_model :person do has_one :detail, :class_name => 'PersonDetail' end have_one(:detail).class_name('PersonDetail') end it 'rejects an association with a bad :class_name option' do having_one_detail.should_not have_one(:detail).class_name('NotSet') end it 'accepts an association with a through' do define_model :detail define_model :account do has_one :detail end define_model :person do has_one :account has_one :detail, :through => :account end have_one(:detail).through(:account) end it 'rejects an association with a bad through' do having_one_detail.should_not have_one(:detail).through(:account) end context 'validate' do it 'accepts when the :validate option matches' do having_one_detail(:validate => false). should have_one(:detail).validate(false) end it 'rejects when the :validate option does not match' do having_one_detail(:validate => true). should_not have_one(:detail).validate(false) end it 'assumes validate() means validate(true)' do having_one_detail(:validate => false). should_not have_one(:detail).validate end it 'matches validate(false) to having no validate option specified' do having_one_detail.should have_one(:detail).validate(false) end end def having_one_detail(options = {}) define_model :detail, :person_id => :integer define_model :person do has_one :detail, options end end context 'have_and_belong_to_many' do it 'accepts a valid association' do having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives. should have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives) end it 'rejects a nonexistent association' do define_model :relative define_model :person define_model :people_relative, :id => false, :person_id => :integer, :relative_id => :integer have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives) end it 'rejects an association with a nonexistent join table' do define_model :relative define_model :person do has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives end have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives) end it 'rejects an association of the wrong type' do define_model :relative, :person_id => :integer define_model :person do has_many :relatives end have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives) end it 'accepts an association with a valid :conditions option' do define_model :relative, :adopted => :boolean define_model :person do has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives, :conditions => { :adopted => true } end define_model :people_relative, :id => false, :person_id => :integer, :relative_id => :integer have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).conditions(:adopted => true) end it 'rejects an association with a bad :conditions option' do define_model :relative, :adopted => :boolean define_model :person do has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives end define_model :people_relative, :id => false, :person_id => :integer, :relative_id => :integer have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).conditions(:adopted => true) end it 'accepts an association without a :class_name option' do having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives. should have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).class_name('Relative') end it 'accepts an association with a valid :class_name option' do define_model :person_relative, :adopted => :boolean define_model :person do has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives, :class_name => 'PersonRelative' end define_model :people_person_relative, :person_id => :integer, :person_relative_id => :integer have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).class_name('PersonRelative') end it 'rejects an association with a bad :class_name option' do having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives. should_not have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).class_name('PersonRelatives') end context 'validate' do it 'accepts when the :validate option matches' do having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives(:validate => false). should have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).validate(false) end it 'rejects when the :validate option does not match' do having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives(:validate => true). should have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).validate(false) end it 'assumes validate() means validate(true)' do having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives(:validate => false). should_not have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).validate end it 'matches validate(false) to having no validate option specified' do having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives. should have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives).validate(false) end end def having_and_belonging_to_many_relatives(options = {}) define_model :relative define_model :people_relative, :id => false, :person_id => :integer, :relative_id => :integer define_model :person do has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives end end end