module GraphQL module Models module ActiveRecordExtension extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Default options for graphql_enums ENUM_OPTIONS = { upcase: true } class_methods do def graphql_enum_types @_graphql_enum_types ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end # Defines a GraphQL enum type on the model def graphql_enum(attribute, **options) options = ENUM_OPTIONS.merge(options) options[:name] ||= "#{}#{attribute.to_s.classify}" options[:description] ||= "#{attribute.to_s.titleize} field on #{}" if !options.include?(:values) && !options.include?(:type) if defined_enums.include?(attribute.to_s) options[:values] = defined_enums[attribute.to_s] { |ev| [options[:upcase] ? ev.upcase : ev, ev.titleize] }.to_h else fail"Could not auto-detect the values for enum #{attribute} on #{}") end end enum_type = graphql_enum_types[attribute] unless enum_type enum_type = options[:type] || GraphQL::EnumType.define do name options[:name] description options[:description] options[:values].each do |value_name, desc| value(value_name, desc) end end graphql_enum_types[attribute] = enum_type end graphql_resolve(attribute) { send(attribute).try(:upcase) } if options[:upcase] enum_type end def graphql_resolvers @_graphql_resolvers ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end # Defines a custom method that is used to resolve this attribute's value when it is included # on a GraphQL type. def graphql_resolve(attribute, &block) fail"#{__method__} requires a block") unless block_given? graphql_resolvers[attribute] = block end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, GraphQL::Models::ActiveRecordExtension)