require 'http_client_patch/include_client' require 'httpclient' require 'nokogiri' require 'time' require 'uri' require 'summon' require 'summon/transport/headers' # Search engine for Serial Solutions Summon # # Docs: # # # # Also Summon user guide at: # # # Can try out searches and see XML results with an auth login in their # interface: # # An example user-facing Summon UI, useful for figuring out available # facets and facet values, or trying out searches: # # # == Functionality notes # # * for pagination, underlying summon API only supports 'page', not 'start' # style, if you pass in 'start' style it will be 'rounded' to containing 'page'. # # == Required config params # [access_id] supplied by SerSol for your account # [secret_key] supplied by SerSol for your account # # == Optional custom config params # # [fixed_params] # Fixed SerSol query param literals to send with every search. # Value is a HASH, of keys and either single values or arrays # of values. For instance, to exclude certain content types # from all search results, in config: # :fixed_params => # {"s.fvf" => ["ContentType,Web Resource,true","ContentType,Reference,true","ContentType,eBook,true"] } # Note that values are NOT URI escaped in config, code will take care # of that for you. You could also fix "s.role" to 'authenticated' using # this mechanism, if you restrict all access to your app to authenticated # affiliated users. # [highlighting] # Default true, ask SerSol for query-in-context highlighting in # title and snippets field. If true you WILL get HTML with tags # in your titles -- and snippets available in ResultItems. They # will be used by stnadard display logic as summary unless you set # for_display.prefer_abstract_as_summary = true # [use_summon_openurl] default false. If true, will use OpenURL kev context # object passed back by summon to generate openurls, instead of creating # one ourself from individual data elements. summon openurl is decent, # but currently includes highlighting tags in title elements. Also note # it includes DC-type openurls, which we don't currently generate ourselves. # [lang] Sent to summon as "s.l" param, see # default nil. You may want to set to "en". # # # == Custom search params # # [:auth] Pass in `:auth => true` (or "true") to send headers to summon # indicating an authorized user, for full search results. # [:summon_params] Hash of key/value pairs to pass directly to summon. Just like # fixed_params in configuration, but per-search. Can be # used to directly trigger functionality not covered by # the bento_search adapter. Values can be arrays where summon # keys are repeatable. # [:peer_reviewed_only] Set to boolean true or string 'true', to restrict # results to peer-reviewed only (as identified by Summon) # [:online_only] Limit to only items marked 'with fulltext online' by Summon. # Just a convenience shortcut for setting s.fvf including IsFullText,true # # [:pubyear_start] # [:pubyear_end] Date range limiting, pass in custom search args, # one or both of pubyear_start and pubyear_end # #to_i will be called on it, so can be string. # .search(:query => "foo", :pubyear_start => 2000) # # == Custom response data # # * result_item.custom_data["summon.original_data"] has a Hash of the decoded JSON # for the item, directly as returned by Summon API. # # == Tech notes # We did not choose to use the summon ruby gem in general, we wanted more control # than it offered (ability to use HTTPClient persistent connections, MultiJson # for json parsing, etc). # # However, we DO use that gem specifically for constructing authentication # headers how summon wants it, see class at # # # Language provided only in language_str not language_code, all that API gives # us. We could try to reverse lookup from ISO code labels later if we want. class BentoSearch::SummonEngine include BentoSearch::SearchEngine # Can't change http timeout in config, because we keep an http # client at class-wide level, and config is not class-wide. # Change this 'constant' if you want to change it, I guess. # # Summon is pretty fast, we think a 4.5 second timeout should be # be plenty. May be adjusted from experience. HttpTimeout = 4.5 extend HTTPClientPatch::IncludeClient include_http_client do |client| client.connect_timeout = client.send_timeout = client.receive_timeout = HttpTimeout end include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper # for safe_join # Originally we used $$BENTO_HL_START$$ etc with dollar # signs, but the dollar signs trigger a weird bug in summon # where end tokens are missing from output. @@hl_start_token = "__BENTO_HL_START__" @@hl_end_token = "__BENTO_HL_END__" def search_implementation(args) uri, headers = construct_request(args) Rails.logger.debug("SummonEngine request URL: #{uri}") results = hash, response, exception = nil begin response = http_client.get(uri, nil, headers) hash = MultiJson.load( response.body ) rescue TimeoutError, HTTPClient::ConfigurationError, HTTPClient::BadResponseError, MultiJson::DecodeError, Nokogiri::SyntaxError => e exception = e end # handle some errors if (response.nil? || hash.nil? || exception || (! HTTP::Status.successful? response.status)) results.error ||= {} results.error[:exception] = e results.error[:status] = response.status if response return results end results.total_items = hash["recordCount"] hash["documents"].each do |doc_hash| item = item.custom_data["summon.original_data"] = doc_hash item.unique_id = first_if_present doc_hash["ID"] item.title = format_title(doc_hash) = doc_hash["link"] # Don't understand difference between hasFullText and # isFullTextHit. ??. We'll use hasFullText for now, that's # the documented one. item.link_is_fulltext = doc_hash["hasFullText"] if configuration.use_summon_openurl item.openurl_kev_co = doc_hash["openUrl"] # Summon conveniently gives us pre-made OpenURL end item.journal_title = first_if_present doc_hash["PublicationTitle"] item.issn = first_if_present doc_hash["ISSN"] item.isbn = first_if_present doc_hash["ISBN"] item.doi = first_if_present doc_hash["DOI"] item.start_page = first_if_present doc_hash["StartPage"] item.end_page = first_if_present doc_hash["EndPage"] if (pubdate = first_if_present doc_hash["PublicationDate_xml"]) item.year = pubdate["year"] end item.volume = first_if_present doc_hash["Volume"] item.issue = first_if_present doc_hash["Issue"] if (pub = first_if_present doc_hash["Publisher_xml"]) item.publisher = pub["name"] end # if it's a dissertation, put the school in the 'publisher' field. # if we don't have one otherwise. if (! item.publisher) && (school = first_if_present doc_hash["DissertationSchool_xml"]) item.publisher = school["name"] end (doc_hash["Author_xml"] || []).each do |auth_hash| a = a.first = name_normalize auth_hash["givenname"] a.last = name_normalize auth_hash["surname"] a.middle = name_normalize auth_hash["middlename"] a.display = name_normalize auth_hash["fullname"] item.authors << a unless a.empty? end item.format = normalize_content_type( first_if_present doc_hash["ContentType"] ) if doc_hash["ContentType"] item.format_str = doc_hash["ContentType"].join(", ") end item.language_str = first_if_present doc_hash["Language"] item.abstract = first_if_present doc_hash["Abstract"] # Just straight snippets if doc_hash["Snippet"] item.snippets = doc_hash["Snippet"].collect {|s| handle_highlighting(s)} end results << item end return results end # Looks up a record by SerSol Id, engine.get( item.unique_id ) should return # item. # # Returns a single BentoSearch::ResultItem, or raises BentoSearch::NotFound, # BentoSearch::TooManyFound, or other unspecified exception. def get(id) # "ID" is an internal search field for Summon, not listed in our # own search_field_definitions, but it works. results = search(id, :search_field => "ID") raise"ID: #{id}") if results.length == 0 raise"ID: #{id}") if results.length == 0 raise (results.error[:exception] || if results.failed? return results.first end def first_if_present(array) array ? array.first : nil end # Normalize Summon Content-Type to our standardized # list. # # This ends up losing useful distinctions Summon makes, however. def normalize_content_type(summon_type) case summon_type when "Journal Article", "Book Review", "Trade Publication Article", "Newspaper Article" then "Article" when "Audio Recording", "Music Recording", "Spoken Word Recording" then "AudioObject" when "Book", "eBook", "Book / eBook" then "Book" when "Book Chapter" then :book_item when "Conference Proceeding" then :conference_paper when "Dissertation" then :dissertation when "Journal", "Newsletter", "Newspaper" then :serial when "Photograph" then "Photograph" when "Report", "Technical Report" then "Report" when "Video Recording", "Film" then "VideoObject" when "Web Resource" then "WebPage" when "Computer File", "Data Set" then "SoftwareApplication" else nil end end def name_normalize(str) return nil if str.blank? str = str.strip return nil if str.blank? || str =~ /^[,:.]*$/ return str end # returns two element array: [uri, headers] # # uri, headers = construct_request(args) def construct_request(args) # Query params in a hash with array values, becuase easiest # to generate auth headers that way. Value is array of values that # are NOT URI-encoded yet. query_params = {|h, k| h[k] = [] } # Add in fixed_params from config, and summon_params from search, if any. direct_params = (configuration.fixed_params || {}).merge( args[:summon_params] || {} ) direct_params.each_pair do |key, value| [value].flatten.each do |v| query_params[key] << v end end if args[:per_page] query_params[""] = args[:per_page] end if args[:page] query_params[""] = args[:page] end if args[:search_field] query_params['s.q'] = "#{args[:search_field]}:(#{summon_escape(args[:query])})" else query_params['s.q'] = summon_escape( args[:query] ) end if (args[:sort] && (defn = self.sort_definitions[args[:sort]]) && (literal = defn[:implementation])) query_params['s.sort'] = literal end if args[:auth] == true query_params['s.role'] = "authenticated" end if [true, "true"].include? args[:peer_reviewed_only] query_params['s.fvf'] ||= [] query_params['s.fvf'] << "IsPeerReviewed,true" end if [true, "true"].include? args[:online_only] query_params["s.fvf"] ||= [] query_params['s.fvf'] << "IsFullText,true" end # Summon uses "*" for open ended range endpoint if args[:pubyear_start] || args[:pubyear_end] from = args[:pubyear_start].to_i from = "*" if from == 0 to = args[:pubyear_end].to_i to = "*" if to == 0 query_params["s.rf"] ||= [] query_params["s.rf"] << "PublicationDate,#{from}:#{to}" end if configuration.highlighting query_params['s.hs'] = @@hl_start_token query_params['s.he'] = @@hl_end_token else query_params['s.hl'] = "false" end if configuration.lang query_params["s.l"] = configuration.lang end headers = :access_id => configuration.access_id, :secret_key => configuration.secret_key, :accept => "json", :params => query_params, :url => configuration.base_url ) query_string = query_params.keys.collect do |key| [query_params[key]].flatten.collect do |value| "#{CGI.escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" end end.flatten.join("&") uri = "#{configuration.base_url}?#{query_string}" return [uri, headers] end # Escapes special chars for Summon. Not entirely clear what # we have to escape where (or double escape sometimes?), but # we're just going to do a straight backslash escape of special # chars. # # Does NOT do URI-escaping, that's a different step. def summon_escape(string) # replace with backslash followed by original matched thing, # need to double backslash for ruby string literal makes # this ridiculously confusing, sorry. Block form of gsub # is the only thing that keeps it from being impossible. # # Do NOT escape double quotes, let people use them for # phrases! # # While docs suggest you have to double-slash escape hyphens, # in fact doing so ruins ID: search, so we don't. string.gsub(/([+&|!\(\){}\[\]^~*?\\:])/) do |match| "\\#{$1}" end end # If summon has put snippet highlighting tokens # in a field, we need to HTML escape the literal values, # while still using the highlighting tokens to put # HTML tags around highlighted terms. def handle_highlighting( str, options = {} ) BentoSearch::Util.handle_highlight_tags( str, :start_tag => @@hl_start_token, :end_tag => @@hl_end_token, :enabled => configuration.highlighting, :strip => options[:strip] ) end # combine title and subtitle into one title, def format_title(doc_hash) title = first_if_present doc_hash["Title"] subtitle = first_if_present doc_hash["Subtitle"] if subtitle.present? title = "#{title}: #{subtitle}" end return handle_highlighting( title ) end def self.required_configuration [:access_id, :secret_key] end def self.default_configuration { :base_url => "", :highlighting => true, :use_summon_openurl => false } end def max_per_page 200 end # Summon actually only supports relevancy sort, and pub year asc or desc. # we just expose relevance and pub year desc here. def sort_definitions # implementation includes literal sersol value, but not yet # uri escaped, that'll happen at a later code point. { "relevance" => {:implementation => nil}, # default "date_desc" => {:implementation => "PublicationDate:desc"} } end # Summon offers many more search fields than this. This is a subset # listed here. See # although those docs may not be up to date. # # The AuthorCombined, TitleCombined, and SubjectCombined indexes # aren't even listed in the docs, but they are real. I think. def search_field_definitions { nil => {:semantic => :general}, "AuthorCombined" => {:semantic => :author}, "TitleCombined" => {:semantic => :title}, # SubjectTerms does not include TemporalSubjectTerms # or Keywords, sorry. "SubjectTerms" => {:semantic => :subject}, # ISBN and ISSN do not include seperate EISSN and EISBN # fields, sorry. "ISBN" => {:semantic => :isbn}, "ISSN" => {:semantic => :issn}, "OCLC" => {:semantic => :oclcnum}, "PublicationSeriesTitle" => {:semantic => :source_title } } end end