class Search < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :organization belongs_to :event belongs_to :membership_type validates_presence_of :organization_id attr_accessible :zip, :state, :event_id, :tagging, :person_type, :person_subtype, :min_lifetime_value, :max_lifetime_value, :min_donations_amount, :max_donations_amount, :min_donations_date, :max_donations_date, :discount_code, :membership_status, :passholder, :membership_type_id, :membership_type attr_accessor :passholder def length people.length end def people @people ||= find_people end def tag(tag) Delayed::Job.enqueue(, people)) end def attach_action(action) Delayed::Job.enqueue(, people)) end def description conditions = [] conditions << "Are tagged with #{tagging}." if tagging.present? conditions << "Bought tickets for #{}." if event_id.present? conditions << "Purchased #{}" if membership_type_id.present? if zip.present? || state.present? locations = [] locations << state if state.present? locations << "the zipcode of #{zip}" if zip.present? conditions << "Are located within #{locations.to_sentence}." end if min_lifetime_value.present? && max_lifetime_value.present? conditions << "Have a lifetime value between $#{min_lifetime_value} and $#{max_lifetime_value}." elsif min_lifetime_value.present? conditions << "Have a minimum lifetime value of $#{min_lifetime_value}." elsif max_lifetime_value.present? conditions << "Have a maximum lifetime value of $#{max_lifetime_value}." end unless discount_code.blank? conditions << ((discount_code == Discount::ALL_DISCOUNTS_STRING) ? "Used any discount code" : "Used discount code #{discount_code}.") end unless [min_donations_amount, max_donations_amount, min_donations_date, max_donations_date].all?(&:blank?) if min_donations_amount.present? && max_donations_amount.present? string = "Made between $#{min_donations_amount} and $#{max_donations_amount} in donations" elsif min_donations_amount.present? string = "Made a total minimum of $#{min_donations_amount} in donations" elsif max_donations_amount.present? string = "Made no more than $#{max_donations_amount} in total donations" else string = "Made any donations" end if min_donations_date.present? && max_donations_date.present? string << " from #{min_donations_date.strftime('%D')} to #{max_donations_date.strftime('%D')}." elsif min_donations_date.present? string << " after #{min_donations_date.strftime('%D')}." elsif max_donations_date.present? string << " before #{max_donations_date.strftime('%D')}." else string << " overall." end conditions << string end if membership_status.present? state_str = (membership_status == "None") ? "not" : membership_status.downcase conditions << "Are #{state_str} members" end if membership_type_id.present? people = people.joins(:member => [:memberships => [:membership_type]]) people = people.where(' = ?', membership_type_id) end do |s| if conditions.blank? if person_type == "Company" if person_subtype.present? return "All #{person_subtype.pluralize(2)}." else return "All companies." end else return "All individuals." end else if person_type == "Company" if person_subtype.present? s = "#{person_subtype.pluralize(2)} that: " else s = "Companies that: " end else s = "Individuals that: " end return s + "<ul>" + conditions.collect{|c| "<li>#{c}</li>"}.join + "</ul>" end end end private def find_people column_names = Person.column_names.collect {|cn| "people.#{cn}" } column_names << "lower(people.last_name) AS ordered_last_names" people = Person.where(:organization_id => organization_id) people = people.where(:dummy => false) people = people.order('ordered_last_names ASC') people = people.where("people.type" => person_type) unless person_type.blank? people = people.where("people.subtype" => person_subtype) unless person_type.blank? || person_subtype.blank? people = people.tagged_with(tagging) unless tagging.blank? people = people.joins(:address) unless zip.blank? && state.blank? people = people.joins(:tickets => {:show => :event}).where("" => event_id) unless event_id.blank? people = people.where("" => zip.to_s) unless zip.blank? people = people.where("addresses.state" => state) unless state.blank? people = people.where("people.lifetime_value >= ?", min_lifetime_value * 100.0) unless min_lifetime_value.blank? people = people.where("people.lifetime_value <= ?", max_lifetime_value * 100.0) unless max_lifetime_value.blank? unless discount_code.blank? people = people.joins(:orders => [:items => [:discount]]) people = (discount_code == Discount::ALL_DISCOUNTS_STRING) ? people.where("items.discount_id is not null") : people.where("discounts.code = ?", discount_code) end unless [min_donations_amount, max_donations_amount, min_donations_date, max_donations_date].all?(&:blank?) people = people.joins(:orders => :items) people = people.where("orders.created_at >= ?", min_donations_date) unless min_donations_date.blank? people = people.where("orders.created_at <= ?", max_donations_date + unless max_donations_date.blank? people = people.where("items.product_type = 'Donation'") people ="") if min_donations_amount.blank? people = people.having("SUM(items.price + items.nongift_amount) >= 1") else people = people.having("SUM(items.price + items.nongift_amount) >= ?", min_donations_amount * 100.0) end people = people.having("SUM(items.price + items.nongift_amount) <= ?", max_donations_amount * 100.0) unless max_donations_amount.blank? end ### MEMBERSHIP ## if membership_status.present? #Necessary because we need a left join for the "Not" condition to work people = people.joins('left join members on members.person_id =') people = people.merge(Member.current) if membership_status == "Current" people = people.merge(Member.lapsed) if membership_status == "Lapsed" people = people.merge(Member.past) if membership_status == "Past" people = people.where(" is null") if membership_status == "Not" end if membership_type_id.present? people = people.joins(:member => [:memberships => [:membership_type]]) people = people.where(' = ?', membership_type_id) end end end