require 'chef_fs/knife' require 'chef/application/client' class Chef class Knife remove_const(:Converge) if const_defined?(:Converge) && == 'Chef::Knife::Converge' # override Chef's version class Converge < ::ChefFS::Knife ChefFS = ::ChefFS banner "knife converge [PATTERN1 ... PATTERNn]" deps do require 'chef' require 'chef/log' require 'chef_fs/file_system' end options.merge!(Chef::Application::Client.options) option :port, :short => '-p', :long => '--port=PORT', :description => "Port to listen on (default: 8889)" attr_accessor :exit_code def configure_chef super if config[:config_file] ui.output "Using config file #{config[:config_file]} ..." end Chef::Config.merge!(config) self.exit_code = 0 end def run # Figure out the run list based on the passed-in objects run_list = get_run_list(name_args) if exit_code != 0 exit exit_code end # Configure and run chef client if config[:config_file] dot_chef = File.dirname(config[:config_file]) if File.basename(dot_chef) == '.chef' # Override default locations to go in the .chef directory, since we are knife. Chef::Config[:client_key] = File.join(dot_chef, 'client.pem') if !Chef::Config[:client_key] || Chef::Config[:client_key] == Chef::Config.platform_specific_path("/etc/chef/client.pem") Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] = File.join(dot_chef, 'cache') if Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] == Chef::Config.platform_specific_path("/var/chef/cache") Chef::Config[:file_backup_path] = File.join(dot_chef, 'backups') if Chef::Config[:file_backup_path] == Chef::Config.platform_specific_path("/var/chef/backup") Chef::Config[:file_checksum_path] = File.join(dot_chef, 'checksums') if Chef::Config[:file_checksum_cache] == "/var/chef/checksums" end end client = client.config = config if run_list != '' client.config[:override_runlist] = run_list end client.configure_logging # Bypass configure_chef, which we've already done adequately. client.setup_application client.run_application end def get_run_list(args) result = [] args.each do |arg| if arg.start_with?('recipe[') || arg.start_with?('role[') result += arg.split(',') else begin ChefFS::FileSystem.list(chef_fs, pattern_arg_from(arg)).each do |entry| if entry.parent && entry.parent.path == '/cookbooks' result << "recipe[#{}]" elsif entry.parent && == 'recipes' && entry.parent.parent && entry.parent.parent.parent && == 'cookbooks' &&[-3..-1] == '.rb' cookbook_name = recipe_name =[0..-4] result << "recipe[#{cookbook_name}::#{recipe_name}]" elsif entry.parent && == 'roles' result << "role[#{}]" else ui.error "arguments must be cookbooks, recipes or roles! #{format_path(entry)} is not a cookbook, recipe or role." self.exit_code = 1 end end rescue ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationFailedError => e "#{format_path(e.entry)} #{e.reason}." self.exit_code = 1 rescue ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e ui.error "#{format_path(e.entry)}: No such file or directory" self.exit_code = 1 end end end result.join(',') end end end end