require 'hooks/inheritable_attribute' require 'representable/definition' require 'representable/nokogiri_extensions' module Representable def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods::Accessors, ClassMethods::Declarations extend Hooks::InheritableAttribute inheritable_attr :representable_attrs self.representable_attrs = [] inheritable_attr :explicit_representation_name # FIXME: move to Accessors. end end # Reads values from +doc+ and sets properties accordingly. def update_properties_from(doc) self.class.representable_bindings.each do |ref| next if block_given? and not yield ref # skip if block is false. # DISCUSS: will we keep that? value = send(ref.definition.setter, value) end self end private # Compiles the document going through all properties. def create_representation_with(doc) self.class.representable_bindings.each do |ref| next if block_given? and not yield ref # skip if block is false. # DISCUSS: will we keep that? value = public_send(ref.definition.getter) # DISCUSS: eventually move back to Ref. ref.write(doc, value) if value end doc end module ClassMethods # :nodoc: module Declarations def definition_class Definition end # Returns bindings for all properties. def representable_bindings {|attr| binding_for_definition(attr) } end # Declares a represented document node, which is usually a XML tag or a JSON key. # # Examples: # # representable_property :name # representable_property :name, :from => :title # representable_property :name, :as => Name def representable_property(*args) attr = add_representable_property(*args) attr_reader(attr.getter) attr_writer(attr.getter) end # Declares a represented document node collection. # # Examples: # # representable_collection :products # representable_collection :products, :from => :item # representable_collection :products, :as => Product def representable_collection(name, options={}) options[:collection] = true representable_property(name, options) end private def add_representable_property(*args)*args).tap do |attr| representable_attrs << attr end end end module Accessors def representation_name=(name) self.explicit_representation_name = name end def representation_name explicit_representation_name or name.split('::').last. gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). downcase end end end end