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Arctic Alaska", "date":[ { "date":"2012-12-21", "dateType":"revision" } ], "edition":"First Edition plus edits", "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"1", "role":"owner" }, { "contactId":"2", "role":"principleInvestigator" }, { "contactId":"3", "role":"administrator" }, { "contactId":"4", "role":"collaborator" }, { "contactId":"7", "role":"publisher" } ], "presentationForm":[ "documentDigital", "tableDigital" ], "identifier":[ { "identifier":"10/1256.0011", "type":"doi" }, { "identifier":"id with nil type", "type":"" }, { "identifier":"id with missing type" }, { "identifier":"978-1490564098", "type":"isbn" }, { "identifier":"1234-5017", "type":"issn" }, { "identifier":"32", "type":"projectId", "authority":{ "title":"ASC Project ID", "date":[ { "date":"2014-05-27", "dateType":"publication" } ], "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"1", "role":"owner" } ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://alaska.usgs.gov/portal/project.php?project_id=32", "protocol":"http", "name":"DOI/GTN-Permafrost and Climate-Monitoring Network", "description":"Project detail page", "function":"information" } ] } }, { "identifier":"A516548V0034", "type":"awardNum", "authority":{ "title":"NSF Grant Award Number", "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://NSFexample.org/grants/thisone" } ] } } ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://data.usgs.gov/climateMonitoring/region/show?region=alaska", "protocol":"http", "name":"U.S. Geological Survey: Real-Time Permafrost and Climate Monitoring Network - Arctic Alaska", "description":"project website", "function":"information" } ] }, "pointOfContact":[ { "contactId":"2", "role":"pointOfContact" }, { "contactId":"5", "role":"collaborator" } ], "abstract":"DOI is developing a long-term permafrost monitoring network on federal lands in northern Alaska as part of the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). DOI/GTN-P consists of two subnetworks: 1) a network of 15 automated surface stations, and 2) a 20-element deep borehole array. The surface stations continuously monitor changes in permafrost active-layer as well as a number of other climate parameters, including: permafrost temperature, soil moisture, snow depth, air temperature, wind speed and direction, up- and downwelling shortwave radiation, albedo, and cloudiness. A portion of the surface network is now available in near real-time through radio telemetry. Vegetation changes are coincidentally monitored at these sites. The borehole array is used to monitor the thermal state of the underlying permafrost. This is the largest array of deep boreholes in the world currently available for monitoring the thermal state of permafrost. Many of the surface stations are co-located with deep boreholes, effectively forming 'permafrost observatories.' In conjunction with DOI/GTN-P, we are developing models for synthesizing climate observations and for investigating how the cryosphere responds to climate change. These models will improve existing predictive capabilities for DOI lands. Climate projections by global coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) suggest significant environmental changes will occur in the Arctic during the next 80 years (http://www.acia.uaf.edu). According to these models, climate change will be Arctic-wide with a pronounced enhancement over the Arctic Ocean and adjacent coastal plains. These projections suggest large climate-induced landscape and ecosystem changes are likely to occur in northern Alaska during the next few decades. Important issues for DOI lands in this region include: permafrost degradation; vulnerability of high northern infrastructure to permafrost instability; large potential greenhouse gas (CO2, methane) emissions form warming permafrost; shifting vegetation patterns; impacts of habitat changes of wildlife; changing stream flow and lake levels; impacts of ecosystem changes on Native peoples: and, coastal erosion, inundation of coastal areas by storm surges. Given the large potential impacts, and the significant uncertainty in the model projections, a comprehensive monitoring effort is warranted.", "shortAbstract":"DOI is developing a long-term permafrost monitoring network on federal lands in northern Alaska as part of the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).", "status":"onGoing", "hasMapLocation":true, "hasDataAvailable":true, "language":[ "eng; USA", "esp; MEX" ], "purpose":"Long-term monitoring of permafrost conditions in the Alaska Arctic", "credit":[ "Allison Gaylord - Nunatech", "Mike Dover - Critigen" ], "topicCategory":[ "climatology", "geoscientificInformation", "location" ], "environmentDescription":"On my laptop, not backed up", "resourceNativeFormat":[ { "formatName":"MS SQL Server", "version":"2008 R2" }, { "formatName":"MS-SQL-Server", "version":"2008 R2" }, { "formatName":"JSON", "version":"" }, { "formatName":"Simple JSON", "version":"none" } ], "keyword":[ { "keyword":[ "Atmosphere > Clouds", "Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Air Temperature", "Cryosphere > Snow/Ice > Albedo", "Cryosphere > Frozen Ground > Permafrost", "Cryosphere > Snow/Ice > Snow Depth", "Land Surface > Soils > Soil Moisture/Water Content", "Cryosphere > Frozen Ground > Soil Temperature" ], "keywordType":"theme", "thesaurus":{ "title":"NASA/Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords", "date":[ { "date":"2013-09-19", "dateType":"revision" } ], "edition":"Version", "presentationForm":[ "documentDigital" ], "identifier":[ { "identifier":"10.1000/182", "type":"doi" } ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://gcmdservices.gsfc.nasa.gov/static/kms/sciencekeywords/sciencekeywords.csv" } ] } }, { "keyword":[ "Cryosphere" ], "keywordType":"theme", "thesaurus":{ "title":"NSF IPY Discipline Codes", "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"9", "role":"author" } ], "presentationForm":[ "documentDigital" ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://example.com" } ] } }, { "keyword":[ "North Slope Borough", "Barrow", "Point Barrow" ], "keywordType":"place", "thesaurus":{ "title":"United States Board on Geographic Names", "date":[ { "date":"1993-02-01", "dateType":"creation" } ], "presentationForm":[ "documentDigital" ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://geonames.usgs.gov/" } ] } } ], "resourceMaintenance":[ { "maintenanceFrequency":"irregular", "maintenanceNote":[ "The permafrost project data is updated in step with field work awards." ], "maintenanceContact":[ { "contactId":"2", "role":"pointOfContact" } ] } ], "resourceSpecificUsage":[ { "specificUsage":"GTN-P (Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost)", "userDeterminedLimitation":"none", "userContactInfo":[ { "contactId":"1", "role":"principalInvestigator" }, { "contactId":"5", "role":"collaborator" } ] }, { "specificUsage":"GCOS (Global Climate Observing System)", "userDeterminedLimitation":"none", "userContactInfo":[ { "contactId":"1", "role":"principalInvestigator" }, { "contactId":"5", "role":"collaborator" } ] } ], "graphicOverview":[ { "fileName":"GTNP AK Collection Site Map", "fileDescription":"Map of borehole locations for permafrost data collection in Alaska in association with the Global Terrestrial Network forr Permafrost", "fileType":"Map image in PDF format", "fileUri":"http://alaska.usgs.gov/free/maps/GTNP North Slope.pdf" }, { "fileName":"allRecs_callCounts_bowhead_2010.jpg", "fileDescription":"This image is a spectraplot visualizing the density of Bowhead whale calls in the Northeast Chukchi Sea, AMAR recorder locations, and industry lease areas.", "fileType":"JPEG", "fileUri":"http://aoos.org/aoos-data-resources/bowhead_images2010_0114.jpg" }, { "fileName":"pln40_perc_2010_01.png", "fileType":"PNG" }, { "fileName":"pln40_spec_summer_2010.png" } ], "constraint":{ "useLimitation":[ "not for suitable for navigation", "draft version", "not intended for general use", "don't be a jerk" ], "legalConstraint":[ { "accessConstraint":[ "patentPending", "restricted" ], "useConstraint":[ "restricted" ], "otherConstraint":[ "Legally barred from use for navigation." ] }, { "accessConstraint":[ "otherRestrictions" ], "useConstraint":[ "otherRestrictions" ], "otherConstraint":[ "Access Constraints: No one else. 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"authority":{ "title":"Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost Identifiers" } }, { "identifier":"DWPT", "type":"databaseId", "authority":{ "title":"US Geological Survey borehole identifier" } } ], "featureScope":"borehole", "featureAcquisitionMethod":"DGPS", "temporalElement":{ "timePeriod":[ { "id":"timePeriod030", "description":"Period of borehole operation", "beginPosition":"1987-09-17", "endPosition":"2007-08-13" } ] }, "verticalElement":[ { "minimumValue":-653, "maximumValue":12, "verticalCRSTitle":"NAVD88 depth", "verticalCRSUri":"http://www.epsg-registry.org/export.htm?gml=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::6357" } ] } } ] } ] } ], "dataQualityInfo":[ { "scope":"dataset", "lineage":{ "statement":"derived from that other dataset", "processStep":[ { "stepId":"135b", "description":"Manually combed through to find obvious junk data values, changed value to 999999999999999999999", "rationale":"It had to be done!", "dateTime":"2011-08-23", "processor":[ { "contactId":"3", "role":"processor" }, { "contactId":"2", "role":"publisher" } ] }, { "description":"changed junk data value to 9999", "rationale":"Way too many 9's that first time.", "dateTime":"2013-08-28", "processor":[ { "contactId":"4", "role":"processor" } ] } ], "source":[ { "description":"For this work, a mesoscale numerical model (WRF) will be initialized using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) output at 32-km resolution. The NARR data provides the “best-guess” analysis of atmospheric conditions for use in historical studies. The NARR domain covers all of North and Central America, much of the northeastern Pacific and northern Atlantic Oceans, including Alaska and Hawaii. Ten years of NARR data will be used (1 Jan 2000 – 31 Dec 2009).", "citation":{ "title":"Very High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of Regional Climate and Hydrology", "date":[ { "date":"2000-01-21", "dateType":"publication" } ], "edition":"version 1.2.0", "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"1", "role":"originator" } ], "presentationForm":[ "documentDigital" ], "identifier":[ { "identifier":"0ab4-dd983c01", "type":"issn" }, { "identifier":"547-2239078752", "type":"isbn" } ] }, "processStep":[ { "stepId":"135bc", "description":"The NARR data will be used to initialize the WRF model. The NARR data cannot be used by the WRF directly. Instead, WRF-required initial data and lateral data will be created from the NARR data using the WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) utilities. In addition, the 32-km grid resolution of the NARR data will be objectively analyzed to the WRF 4-km grid. ", "rationale":"It had to be done!", "dateTime":"2013-08-13", "processor":[ { "contactId":"3", "role":"processor" } ] }, { "stepId":"135bd", "description":"The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey Vegetation Database includes data for over 40,400 vegetation plots that were sampled on the island of Hawaii in 1977. This database records with cover data that can be used for modeling their distribution abundance.", "rationale":"It had to be done!", "dateTime":"2013-08-13", "processor":[ { "contactId":"3", "role":"processor" } ] } ] }, { "description":"We got this dataset from those guys in Fairbanks." } ] } }, { "scope":"dataset", "lineage":{ "statement":"This is that other dataset that you might have heard about.", "source":[ { "description":"This dataset came from somewhere. It was collected by so and so.", "citation":{ "title":"Example_dataset_20111009_turner_v1-12.csv", "date":[ { "date":"2011-10-09", "dateType":"revision" } ] } } ] } }, { "scope":"series", "lineage":{ "statement":"This series is made up of those datasets." } }, { "scope":"dataset", "lineage":{ "statement":"This another ctd datas from the GAK1 location.", "processStep":[ { "description":"This is how this dataset was processed." } ] } }, { "scope":"dataset", "lineage":{ "statement":"This series is made up of those datasets.", "source":[ { "description":"We got this dataset from those guys in Fairbanks." } ] } } ], "supplementalInfo":"There is a lot more I could say, but won't" }, "distributionInfo":[ { "distributorContact":{ "contactId":"4", "role":"custodian" }, "distributionOrderProcess":[ { "fees":"0.00USD", "plannedAvailabilityDateTime":"2013-06-21T00:00:00-08:00", "orderingInstructions":"Call 555-1212 and yell at the operator", "turnaround":"up to 3 hours" }, { "fees":"3.00USD", "turnaround":"immediate" } ], "distributorFormat":[ { "formatName":"netCDF", "version":"4.0" }, { "formatName":"Excel Spreadsheet", "version":"xlsx" }, { "formatName":"CSV" } ], "distributorTransferOptions":[ { "online":[ { "uri":"http://aoos.org/aoos-data-resources", "name":"AOOS Data Resources", "description":"This page provides links to interactive maps and data discovery tools.", "function":"information" }, { "uri":"http://aoos.org/fake_resource_location" } ], "offline":{ "name":"dvd", "mediumFormat":"iso9660", "mediumNote":"To receive a dvd in the mail, contact the distributor POC." } } ] }, { "distributorContact":{ "contactId":"5", "role":"distributor" } } ], "associatedResource":[ { "associationType":"crossReference", "initiativeType":"collection", "resourceType":"dataset", "resourceCitation":{ "title":"U.S. Geological Survey's Borehole Temperature Logs from Arctic Alaska, pre-1989", "date":[ { "date":"1989", "dateType":"creation" } ], "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"5", "role":"pointOfContact" } ], "presentationForm":[ "digitalData" ], "identifier":[ { "identifier":"2014AKCSC-03", "type":"awardNum", "authority":{ "title":"NCCWSC Grant Award Number", "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"9", "role":"funder" } ] } } ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://esp.cr.usgs.gov/data/bht_alaska/", "protocol":"http", "description":"This dataset consists of borehole temperature measurements acquired in permafrost regions of arctic Alaska between 1950 and 1988 by the U.S. Geological Survey. A large number of the 87 sites (boreholes) represented in this dataset are deep enough to penetrate the base of permafrost." } ] }, "metadataCitation":{ "title":"Borehole Temperature Logs Metadata", "date":[ { "date":"2013-08-15", "dateType":"revision" } ], "edition":"0.6.0", "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"5", "role":"owner" } ], "presentationForm":[ "digitalDocument" ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://alaska.usgs.gov/rex/adiwg/public/projects/263?format=xml", "protocol":"HTTP", "name":"", "description":"project metadata record", "function":"" } ] } } ], "additionalDocumentation":[ { "resourceType":"publication", "citation":{ "title":"A new high_precision borehole-temperature logging system used at GISP2, Greenland, and Taylor Dome, Antarctica", "date":[ { "date":"1996", "dateType":"publication" } ], "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"5", "role":"author" } ], "presentationForm":[ "documentDigital" ], "identifier":[ { "identifier":"10/00125.55517", "type":"doi" } ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://www.igsoc.org/journal.old/42/142/igs_journal_vol42_issue142_pg576-584.pdf", "protocol":"http", "name":"Journal of Glaciology", "description":"Publication document", "function":"download" } ] } }, { "resourceType":"publication", "citation":{ "title":"Thermal State of Permafrost (TSP): The US Contribution to the International Permafrost Observatory Network", "date":[ { "date":"2006", "dateType":"award" } ], "responsibleParty":[ { "contactId":"9", "role":"funder" } ], "presentationForm":[ "documentDigital" ], "onlineResource":[ { "uri":"http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0520578", "protocol":"http", "name":"U.S. National Science Foundation Award database", "description":"Grant award" } ] } } ] } }