require 'rexml/document' require 'timeout' require 'luffa' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ require 'win32/registry' end module Calabash module Android module Dependencies private class ScanningTimedOutError < RuntimeError; end def self.set_android_dependencies(android_dependencies) @@android_dependencies = android_dependencies end def self.set_java_dependencies(java_dependencies) @@java_dependencies = java_dependencies end def self.android_dependencies(key) setup unless defined?(@@android_dependencies) if @@android_dependencies.has_key?(key) file = @@android_dependencies[key] unless File.exists?(file) raise "No such file '#{file}'" end file else raise "No such dependency '#{key}'" end end def self.java_dependencies(key) setup unless defined?(@@java_dependencies) if key == :ant_path ant_executable elsif @@java_dependencies.has_key?(key) file = @@java_dependencies[key] unless File.exists?(file) raise "No such file '#{file}'" end file else raise "No such dependency '#{key}'" end end public def self.adb_path android_dependencies(:adb_path) end def self.aapt_path android_dependencies(:aapt_path) end def self.zipalign_path android_dependencies(:zipalign_path) end def self.android_jar_path android_dependencies(:android_jar_path) end def self.java_path java_dependencies(:java_path) end def self.keytool_path java_dependencies(:keytool_path) end def self.jarsigner_path java_dependencies(:jarsigner_path) end def self.ant_path java_dependencies(:ant_path) end def self.setup if ENV['CI_NO_ANDROID_RUNTIME'] == '1' @@android_dependencies = {} @@java_dependencies = {} return end @@halt_scanning = false @@halt_scanning_thread = nil if ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] android_sdk_location = ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] p ("Setting Android SDK location to $ANDROID_HOME") else android_sdk_location = detect_android_sdk_location end if android_sdk_location.nil? p 'Could not find an Android SDK please make sure it is installed.' p 'You can read about how Calabash is searching for an Android SDK and how you can help here:' p '' raise 'Could not find an Android SDK' end p ("Android SDK location set to '#{android_sdk_location}'") @@halt_scanning_thread = do sleep 60 @@halt_scanning = true end begin set_android_dependencies(locate_android_dependencies(android_sdk_location)) rescue ScanningTimedOutError => e p 'Timed out locating Android dependency' p 'You can read about how Calabash is searching for an Android SDK and how you can help here:' p '' raise e.message rescue Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError => e p 'Could not locate Android dependency' p 'You can read about how Calabash is searching for an Android SDK and how you can help here:' p '' raise e end if ENV['JAVA_HOME'] java_sdk_home = ENV['JAVA_HOME'] p ("Setting Java SDK location to $JAVA_HOME") else java_sdk_home = detect_java_sdk_location end p ("Java SDK location set to '#{java_sdk_home}'") Thread.kill(@@halt_scanning_thread) if @@halt_scanning_thread @@halt_scanning = false @@halt_scanning_thread = do sleep 60 @@halt_scanning = true end begin set_java_dependencies(locate_java_dependencies(java_sdk_home)) rescue ScanningTimedOutError => e p 'Timed out locating Java dependency' p "You can read about how Calabash is searching for a JDK and how you can help here:" p "" raise e.message rescue Environment::InvalidJavaSDKHome => e p "Could not find Java Development Kit please make sure it is installed." p "You can read about how Calabash is searching for a JDK and how you can help here:" p "" raise e rescue Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError => e p "Could not find Java dependency" p "You can read about how Calabash is searching for a JDK and how you can help here:" p "" raise e end Thread.kill(@@halt_scanning_thread) if @@halt_scanning_thread end private def self.tools_directory tools_directories = tools_directories(ENV['ANDROID_HOME']) File.join(ENV['ANDROID_HOME'], tools_directories.first) end def self.tools_directories(android_sdk_location) build_tools_files = list_files(File.join(android_sdk_location, 'build-tools')).select {|file|} build_tools_directories = do |dir| begin true rescue ArgumentError false end end.sort do |a, b|,{|dir| File.join('build-tools', File.basename(dir))} if build_tools_directories.empty? unless build_tools_files.reverse.first.nil? build_tools_directories = [File.join('build-tools', File.basename(build_tools_files.reverse.first))] end end build_tools_directories + ['platform-tools', 'tools'] end def self.platform_directory(android_sdk_location) files = list_files(File.join(android_sdk_location, 'platforms')) .select {|file|} sorted_files = files.sort_by {|item| '%08s' % item.split('-').last}.reverse if sorted_files.first.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find any platform directory in '#{File.join(android_sdk_location, 'platforms')}'" end File.join('platforms', File.basename(sorted_files.first)) end def self.locate_android_dependencies(android_sdk_location) adb_path = scan_for_path(android_sdk_location, adb_executable, ['platform-tools']) aapt_path = scan_for_path(android_sdk_location, aapt_executable, tools_directories(android_sdk_location)) zipalign_path = scan_for_path(android_sdk_location, zipalign_executable, tools_directories(android_sdk_location)) if adb_path.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find '#{adb_executable}' in '#{android_sdk_location}'" end if aapt_path.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find '#{aapt_executable}' in '#{android_sdk_location}'" end if zipalign_path.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find '#{zipalign_executable}' in '#{android_sdk_location}'" end p ("Set aapt path to '#{aapt_path}'") p ("Set zipalign path to '#{zipalign_path}'") p ("Set adb path to '#{adb_path}'") android_jar_path = scan_for_path(File.join(android_sdk_location, 'platforms'), 'android.jar', [File.basename(platform_directory(android_sdk_location))]) if android_jar_path.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find 'android.jar' in '#{File.join(android_sdk_location, 'platforms')}'" end p ("Set android jar path to '#{android_jar_path}'") { aapt_path: aapt_path, zipalign_path: zipalign_path, adb_path: adb_path, android_jar_path: android_jar_path } end def self.locate_java_dependencies(java_sdk_location) # For the Java dependencies, we will use the PATH elements of they exist on_path = find_executable_on_path(java_executable) if on_path p ('Found java on PATH') java_path = on_path else if java_sdk_location.nil? || java_sdk_location.empty? raise Environment::InvalidJavaSDKHome, "Could not locate '#{java_executable}' on path, and Java SDK Home is invalid." end java_path = scan_for_path(java_sdk_location, java_executable, ['bin']) end p ("Set java path to '#{java_path}'") on_path = find_executable_on_path(keytool_executable) if on_path p ('Found keytool on PATH') keytool_path = on_path else if java_sdk_location.nil? || java_sdk_location.empty? raise Environment::InvalidJavaSDKHome, "Could not locate '#{keytool_executable}' on path, and Java SDK Home is invalid." end keytool_path = scan_for_path(java_sdk_location, keytool_executable, ['bin']) end p ("Set keytool path to '#{keytool_path}'") on_path = find_executable_on_path(jarsigner_executable) if on_path p ('Found jarsigner on PATH') jarsigner_path = on_path else if java_sdk_location.nil? || java_sdk_location.empty? raise Environment::InvalidJavaSDKHome, "Could not locate '#{jarsigner_executable}' on path, and Java SDK Home is invalid." end jarsigner_path = scan_for_path(java_sdk_location, jarsigner_executable, ['bin']) end p ("Set jarsigner path to '#{jarsigner_path}'") if java_path.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find '#{java_executable}' on PATH or in '#{java_sdk_location}'" end if keytool_path.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find '#{keytool_executable}' on PATH or in '#{java_sdk_location}'" end if jarsigner_path.nil? raise Environment::InvalidEnvironmentError, "Could not find '#{jarsigner_executable}' on PATH or in '#{java_sdk_location}'" end { java_path: java_path, keytool_path: keytool_path, jarsigner_path: jarsigner_path } end def self.halt_scanning? @@halt_scanning end def self.scan_for_path(path, file_name, expected_sub_folders = nil) if self.halt_scanning? p ("Timed out looking for '#{file_name}', currently looking in '#{path}'") raise ScanningTimedOutError, "Timed out looking for '#{file_name}'" end # Optimization for expected folders if expected_sub_folders && !expected_sub_folders.empty? expected_sub_folders.each do |expected_sub_folder| result = scan_for_path(File.join(path, expected_sub_folder), file_name) return result if result end p ("Did not find '#{file_name}' in any standard directory of '#{path}'. Calabash will therefore take longer to load") p (" - Expected to find '#{file_name}' in any of:") expected_sub_folders.each do |expected_sub_folder| p (" - #{File.join(path, expected_sub_folder)}") end end files = list_files(path).sort.reverse if files.reject{|file|}. map{|file| File.basename(file)}.include?(file_name) return File.join(path, file_name) else{|file|}.each do |dir| result = scan_for_path(dir, file_name) return result if result end end nil end def self.detect_android_sdk_location if File.exist?(monodroid_config_file) sdk_location = read_attribute_from_monodroid_config('android-sdk', 'path') if sdk_location p ("Setting Android SDK location from '#{monodroid_config_file}'") return sdk_location end end if File.exist?(File.expand_path('~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-mac_x86/')) return File.expand_path('~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-mac_x86/') end if File.exist?(File.expand_path('~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/')) return File.expand_path('~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/') end # Default location when installing with Android Studio if File.exist?(File.expand_path('~/Library/Android/sdk/')) return File.expand_path('~/Library/Android/sdk/') end if File.exist?('C:\\Android\\android-sdk') return 'C:\\Android\\android-sdk' end if is_windows? from_registry = read_registry(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Novell\\Mono for Android", 'AndroidSdkDirectory') if from_registry && File.exist?(from_registry) p ("Setting Android SDK location from HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software\\Novell\\Mono for Android") return from_registry end from_registry = read_registry(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\\Android SDK Tools', 'Path') if from_registry && File.exist?(from_registry) p ("Setting Android SDK location from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\\Android SDK Tools") return from_registry end end nil end def self.detect_java_sdk_location if File.exist?(monodroid_config_file) sdk_location = read_attribute_from_monodroid_config('java-sdk', 'path') if sdk_location p ("Setting Java SDK location from '#{monodroid_config_file}'") return sdk_location end end java_versions = ['1.9', '1.8', '1.7', '1.6'] if is_windows? java_versions.each do |java_version| key = "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit\\#{java_version}" from_registry = read_registry(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 'JavaHome') if from_registry && File.exist?(from_registry) p ("Setting Java SDK location from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE #{key}") return from_registry end end end nil end def self.monodroid_config_file File.expand_path('~/.config/xbuild/monodroid-config.xml') end def self.read_attribute_from_monodroid_config(element, attribute) element =["//#{element}"] if element element.attributes[attribute] else nil end end def self.find_executable_on_path(executable) path_elements.each do |x| f = File.join(x, executable) return f if File.exists?(f) end nil end def self.path_elements return [] unless ENV['PATH'] ENV['PATH'].split (/[:;]/) end def self.zipalign_executable is_windows? ? 'zipalign.exe' : 'zipalign' end def self.jarsigner_executable is_windows? ? 'jarsigner.exe' : 'jarsigner' end def self.java_executable is_windows? ? 'java.exe' : 'java' end def self.keytool_executable is_windows? ? 'keytool.exe' : 'keytool' end def self.adb_executable is_windows? ? 'adb.exe' : 'adb' end def self.aapt_executable is_windows? ? 'aapt.exe' : 'aapt' end def self.ant_executable is_windows? ? 'ant.exe' : 'ant' end def self.is_windows? (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/) end def self.read_registry(root_key, key, value) begin[value] rescue nil end end def self.list_files(path) # Dir.glob does not accept backslashes, even on windows. We have to # substitute all backwards slashes to forward. # C:\foo becomes C:/foo if is_windows? Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*').gsub('\\', '/')) else Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*')) end end end end end