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# ronin-decode 1 "May 2022" Ronin "User Manuals" ## SYNOPSIS `ronin decode ` [*options*] [*FILE* ...] ## DESCRIPTION Decodes each character of the given data from a variety of formats. ## ARGUMENTS *FILE* The optional file to read and process. If no *FILE* arguments are given, input will be read from `stdin`. ## OPTIONS `-f`, `--file` *FILE* Optional file to process. `--string` *STRING* Optional string to process. `-M`, `--multiline` Process each line of input separately. `-n`, `--keep-newlines` Preserves newlines at the end of each line. `--base32` Base32 decodes the data. `-b`, `--base64`[`=`*strict*\|*url*] Base64 decodes the data. If the `strict` or `url` option value is given, it will enable `strict` or `url` Base64 encoding mode, respectively. `-c, `--c` Decodes the data as a C string. `-X`, `--hex` Hex decode the data (ex: `414141...`). `-H`, `--html` HTML decodes the data. `-u`, `--uri` URI decodes the data. `--http` HTTP decodes the data. `-j`, `--js` JavaScript decodes the data. `-S`, `--shell` Decodes the data as a Shell String. `-P`, `--powershell` Decodes the data as a PowerShell String. `-R`, `--ruby` Ruby decodes the data. `-x`, `--xml` XML decodes the data. `-h`, `--help` Print help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern <> ## SEE ALSO ronin-encode(1)
Version data entries
3 entries across 3 versions & 1 rubygems
Version | Path |
ronin-2.0.0.beta3 | man/ |
ronin-2.0.0.beta2 | man/ |
ronin-2.0.0.beta1 | man/ |