/**************************************************************************//** * Enumeration methods. * * Copyright © 2002 - 2009 by Timothy P. Hunter * * Changes since Nov. 2009 copyright © by Benjamin Thomas and Omer Bar-or * * @file rmenum.c * @version $Id: rmenum.c,v 1.9 2009/12/20 02:33:33 baror Exp $ * @author Tim Hunter ******************************************************************************/ #include "rmagick.h" #define ENUMERATORS_CLASS_VAR "@@enumerators" static VALUE Enum_type_values(VALUE); static VALUE Enum_type_inspect(VALUE); /** * Set up a subclass of Enum. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param tag the name of the subclass * @return the subclass */ VALUE rm_define_enum_type(const char *tag) { VALUE class; class = rb_define_class_under(Module_Magick, tag, Class_Enum);\ rb_define_singleton_method(class, "values", Enum_type_values, 0); rb_define_method(class, "initialize", Enum_type_initialize, 2); rb_define_method(class, "inspect", Enum_type_inspect, 0); return class; } /** * Construct a new Enum subclass instance. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param class the subclass * @param sym the symbol * @param val the value for the symbol * @return a new instance of class */ VALUE rm_enum_new(VALUE class, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { VALUE argv[2]; argv[0] = sym; argv[1] = val; return rb_obj_freeze(rb_class_new_instance(2, argv, class)); } /** * Enum class alloc function. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param class the Ruby class to use * @return a new enumerator */ VALUE Enum_alloc(VALUE class) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; volatile VALUE enumr; enumr = Data_Make_Struct(class, MagickEnum, NULL, NULL, magick_enum); rb_obj_freeze(enumr); return enumr; } /** * "Case equal" operator for Enum. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim Enum#=== @endverbatim * * Notes: * - Yes, I know "case equal" is a misnomer. * * @param self this object * @param other the other object * @return true or false */ VALUE Enum_case_eq(VALUE self, VALUE other) { MagickEnum *this, *that; if (CLASS_OF(self) == CLASS_OF(other)) { Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, this); Data_Get_Struct(other, MagickEnum, that); return this->val == that->val ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } return Qfalse; } /** * Initialize a new Enum instance. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim Enum#initialize(sym,val) @endverbatim * * @param self this object * @param sym the symbol * @param val the value for the symbol * @return self */ VALUE Enum_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); magick_enum->id = rb_to_id(sym); /* convert symbol to ID */ magick_enum->val = NUM2INT(val); return self; } /** * Return the value of an enum. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim Enum#to_i @endverbatim * * @param self this object * @return this object's value */ VALUE Enum_to_i(VALUE self) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); return INT2NUM(magick_enum->val); } /** * Support Comparable module in Enum. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim Enum#<=> @endverbatim * * Notes: * - Enums must be instances of the same class to be equal. * * @param self this object * @param other the other object * @return -1, 0, 1, or nil */ VALUE Enum_spaceship(VALUE self, VALUE other) { MagickEnum *this, *that; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, this); Data_Get_Struct(other, MagickEnum, that); if (this->val > that->val) { return INT2FIX(1); } else if (this->val < that->val) { return INT2FIX(-1); } // Values are equal, check class. return rb_funcall(CLASS_OF(self), rm_ID_spaceship, 1, CLASS_OF(other)); } /** * Return the name of an enum. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim Enum#to_s @endverbatim * * @param self this object * @return the name */ VALUE Enum_to_s(VALUE self) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); return rb_str_new2(rb_id2name(magick_enum->id)); } /** * Initialize method for all Enum subclasses. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim xxx#initialize(sym,val) @endverbatim * * @param self this object * @param sym the symbol * @param val the value of the symbol * @return self */ VALUE Enum_type_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { VALUE super_argv[2]; volatile VALUE enumerators; super_argv[0] = sym; super_argv[1] = val; (void) rb_call_super(2, (const VALUE *)super_argv); if (rb_cvar_defined(CLASS_OF(self), rb_intern(ENUMERATORS_CLASS_VAR)) != Qtrue) { rb_cv_set(CLASS_OF(self), ENUMERATORS_CLASS_VAR, rb_ary_new()); } enumerators = rb_cv_get(CLASS_OF(self), ENUMERATORS_CLASS_VAR); (void) rb_ary_push(enumerators, self); return self; } /** * Enum subclass #inspect. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim xxx#inspect @endverbatim * * @param self this object * @return string representation of self */ static VALUE Enum_type_inspect(VALUE self) { char str[100]; MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); sprintf(str, "%.48s=%d", rb_id2name(magick_enum->id), magick_enum->val); return rb_str_new2(str); } /** * Behaves like #each if a block is present, otherwise like #to_a. * * Ruby usage: * - @verbatim xxx.values @endverbatim * - @verbatim xxx.values {|v| } @endverbatim * * Notes: * - Defined for each Enum subclass * * @param class the subclass * @return iterator over values if given block, a copy of the values otherwise */ static VALUE Enum_type_values(VALUE class) { volatile VALUE enumerators, copy; volatile VALUE rv; int x; enumerators = rb_cv_get(class, ENUMERATORS_CLASS_VAR); if (rb_block_given_p()) { for (x = 0; x < RARRAY_LEN(enumerators); x++) { (void) rb_yield(rb_ary_entry(enumerators, x)); } rv = class; } else { copy = rb_ary_new2(RARRAY_LEN(enumerators)); for (x = 0; x < RARRAY_LEN(enumerators); x++) { (void) rb_ary_push(copy, rb_ary_entry(enumerators, x)); } rb_obj_freeze(copy); rv = copy; } return rv; } /** * Construct a ClassType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param cls the class type * @return a new enumerator */ VALUE ClassType_new(ClassType cls) { const char *name; switch(cls) { default: case UndefinedClass: name = "UndefineClass"; break; case DirectClass: name = "DirectClass"; break; case PseudoClass: name = "PseudoClass"; break; } return rm_enum_new(Class_ClassType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(cls)); } /** * Construct a ColorspaceType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param cs the ColorspaceType * @return a new ColorspaceType enumerator */ VALUE ColorspaceType_new(ColorspaceType cs) { const char *name; switch(cs) { default: case UndefinedColorspace: name = "UndefinedColorspace"; break; case RGBColorspace: name = "RGBColorspace"; break; case GRAYColorspace: name = "GRAYColorspace"; break; case TransparentColorspace: name = "TransparentColorspace"; break; case OHTAColorspace: name = "OHTAColorspace"; break; case XYZColorspace: name = "XYZColorspace"; break; case YCbCrColorspace: name = "YCbCrColorspace"; break; case YCCColorspace: name = "YCCColorspace"; break; case YIQColorspace: name = "YIQColorspace"; break; case YPbPrColorspace: name = "YPbPrColorspace"; break; case YUVColorspace: name = "YUVColorspace"; break; case CMYKColorspace: name = "CMYKColorspace"; break; case sRGBColorspace: name = "sRGBColorspace"; break; case HSLColorspace: name = "HSLColorspace"; break; case HWBColorspace: name = "HWBColorspace"; break; case HSBColorspace: name = "HSBColorspace"; break; case LabColorspace: name = "LabColorspace"; break; case Rec601YCbCrColorspace: name = "Rec601YCbCrColorspace"; break; case Rec601LumaColorspace: name = "Rec601LumaColorspace"; break; case Rec709LumaColorspace: name = "Rec709LumaColorspace"; break; case Rec709YCbCrColorspace: name = "Rec709YCbCrColorspace"; break; case LogColorspace: name = "LogColorspace"; break; case CMYColorspace: name = "CMYColorspace"; break; } return rm_enum_new(Class_ColorspaceType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(cs)); } /** * Return the name of a CompositeOperator enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param op the CompositeOperator * @return the name */ static const char * CompositeOperator_name(CompositeOperator op) { switch (op) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(AddCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(AtopCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_BLURCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(BlurCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(BumpmapCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ChangeMaskCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ClearCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorBurnCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(BlendCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorDodgeCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ExclusionCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(HardLightCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SoftLightCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorizeCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyBlueCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyCyanCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyMagentaCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyYellowCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyBlackCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyGreenCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyOpacityCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyRedCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DarkenCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_DISTORTCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(DistortCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(DivideCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstAtopCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstInCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstOutCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstOverCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DifferenceCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DisplaceCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DissolveCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(HueCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(InCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(LightenCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_LINEARBURNCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(LinearBurnCompositeOp) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_LINEARDODGECOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(LinearDodgeCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(LinearLightCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(LuminizeCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_MATHEMATICSCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(MathematicsCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(MinusCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ModulateCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(MultiplyCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(OutCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(OverCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(OverlayCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_PEGTOPLIGHTCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(PegtopLightCompositeOp) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_PINLIGHTCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(PinLightCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(PlusCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ReplaceCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SaturateCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ScreenCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcAtopCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcInCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcOutCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcOverCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SubtractCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ThresholdCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_VIVIDLIGHTCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(VividLightCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(XorCompositeOp) } return "UndefinedCompositeOp"; } /** * Construct a CompositeOperator enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param op the CompositeOperator * @return a new CompositeOperator enumerator */ VALUE CompositeOperator_new(CompositeOperator op) { const char *name = CompositeOperator_name(op); return rm_enum_new(Class_CompositeOperator, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(op)); } /** * Return the name of a CompressionType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param ct the CompressionType * @return the name */ static const char * CompressionType_name(CompressionType ct) { switch (ct) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoCompression) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_B44COMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(B44Compression) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_B44ACOMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(B44ACompression) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(BZipCompression) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_DXT1COMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(DXT1Compression) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_DXT3COMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(DXT3Compression) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_DXT5COMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(DXT5Compression) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(FaxCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(Group4Compression) ENUM_TO_NAME(JPEGCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(JPEG2000Compression) ENUM_TO_NAME(LosslessJPEGCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(LZWCompression) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_PIZCOMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(PizCompression) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_PXR24COMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(Pxr24Compression) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(RLECompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(ZipCompression) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_ZIPSCOMPRESSION) ENUM_TO_NAME(ZipSCompression) #endif } return "UndefinedCompression"; } /** * Construct a CompressionType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param ct the CompressionType * @return a new CompressionType enumerator */ VALUE CompressionType_new(CompressionType ct) { const char *name = CompressionType_name(ct); return rm_enum_new(Class_CompressionType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(ct)); } /** * Return the name of a DisposeType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the DisposeType * @return the name */ static const char * DisposeType_name(DisposeType type) { switch(type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedDispose) ENUM_TO_NAME(BackgroundDispose) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoneDispose) ENUM_TO_NAME(PreviousDispose) } return "UndefinedDispose"; } /** * Construct a DisposeType enum object for the specified value..new. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the DisposeType * @return a new DisposeType enumerator */ VALUE DisposeType_new(DisposeType type) { const char *name = DisposeType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_DisposeType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /** * Return the name of a FilterTypes enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the FilterTypes * @return the name */ static const char * FilterTypes_name(FilterTypes type) { switch(type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(PointFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(BoxFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(TriangleFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(HermiteFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(HanningFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(HammingFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(BlackmanFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(GaussianFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(QuadraticFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(CubicFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(CatromFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(MitchellFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(LanczosFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(BesselFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(SincFilter) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_KAISERFILTER) ENUM_TO_NAME(KaiserFilter) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_WELSHFILTER) ENUM_TO_NAME(WelshFilter) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_PARZENFILTER) ENUM_TO_NAME(ParzenFilter) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_LAGRANGEFILTER) ENUM_TO_NAME(LagrangeFilter) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_BOHMANFILTER) ENUM_TO_NAME(BohmanFilter) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_BARTLETTFILTER) ENUM_TO_NAME(BartlettFilter) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_SENTINELFILTER) // not a real filter name - defeat gcc warning message case SentinelFilter: break; #endif } return "UndefinedFilter"; } /** * Construct an FilterTypes enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the FilterTypes * @return a new FilterTypes enumerator */ VALUE FilterTypes_new(FilterTypes type) { const char *name = FilterTypes_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_FilterTypes, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /** * Return the name of a EndianType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the EndianType * @return the name */ static const char * EndianType_name(EndianType type) { switch(type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedEndian) ENUM_TO_NAME(LSBEndian) ENUM_TO_NAME(MSBEndian) } return "UndefinedEndian"; } /** * Construct an EndianType enum object. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the EndianType * @return a new EndianType enumerator */ VALUE EndianType_new(EndianType type) { const char *name = EndianType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_EndianType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /** * Return the name of a GravityType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the GravityType * @return the name */ static const char * GravityType_name(GravityType type) { switch(type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(ForgetGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(NorthWestGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(NorthGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(NorthEastGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(WestGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(CenterGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(EastGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(SouthWestGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(SouthGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(SouthEastGravity) ENUM_TO_NAME(StaticGravity) } // Defeat "duplicate case value" error. return "UndefinedGravity"; } /** * Construct an GravityType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the GravityType * @return a new GravityType enumerator */ VALUE GravityType_new(GravityType type) { const char *name = GravityType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_GravityType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /** * Return the name of a ImageType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the ImageType * @return the name */ static const char * ImageType_name(ImageType type) { switch(type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedType) ENUM_TO_NAME(BilevelType) ENUM_TO_NAME(GrayscaleType) ENUM_TO_NAME(GrayscaleMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(PaletteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(PaletteMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(TrueColorType) ENUM_TO_NAME(TrueColorMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorSeparationType) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorSeparationMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizeType) ENUM_TO_NAME(PaletteBilevelMatteType) } return "UndefinedType"; } /** * Construct an ImageType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the ImageType * @return a new ImageType enumerator */ VALUE ImageType_new(ImageType type) { const char *name = ImageType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_ImageType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /** * Return the name of a InterlaceType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param interlace the InterlaceType * @return the name */ static const char * InterlaceType_name(InterlaceType interlace) { switch(interlace) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(GIFInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(JPEGInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(PNGInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(LineInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(PlaneInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(PartitionInterlace) } return "UndefinedInterlace"; } /** * Construct an InterlaceType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param interlace the InterlaceType * @return a new InterlaceType enumerator */ VALUE InterlaceType_new(InterlaceType interlace) { const char *name = InterlaceType_name(interlace); return rm_enum_new(Class_InterlaceType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(interlace)); } /** * Return the name of a InterpolatePixelMethod enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param interpolate the InterpolatePixelMethod * @return the name */ static const char * InterpolatePixelMethod_name(InterpolatePixelMethod interpolate) { switch(interpolate) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(AverageInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(BicubicInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(BilinearInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(FilterInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(IntegerInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(MeshInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(NearestNeighborInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(SplineInterpolatePixel) } return "UndefinedInterpolatePixel"; } /** * Construct an InterpolatePixelMethod enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param interpolate the InterpolatePixelMethod * @return a new InterpolatePixelMethod enumerator */ VALUE InterpolatePixelMethod_new(InterpolatePixelMethod interpolate) { const char *name = InterpolatePixelMethod_name(interpolate); return rm_enum_new(Class_InterpolatePixelMethod, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(interpolate)); } /** * Return the name of a MagickLayerMethod enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param method the MagickLayerMethod * @return the name */ static const char * LAYERMETHODTYPE_NAME(LAYERMETHODTYPE method) { switch(method) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CompareAnyLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CompareClearLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CompareOverlayLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizeLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizePlusLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CoalesceLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(DisposeLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizeTransLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizeImageLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(RemoveDupsLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(RemoveZeroLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CompositeLayer) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_MERGELAYER) ENUM_TO_NAME(MergeLayer) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_MOSAICLAYER) ENUM_TO_NAME(MosaicLayer) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_FLATTENLAYER) ENUM_TO_NAME(FlattenLayer) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_TRIMBOUNDSLAYER) ENUM_TO_NAME(TrimBoundsLayer) #endif } return "UndefinedLayer"; } /** * Construct an MagickLayerMethod enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param method the MagickLayerMethod * @return a new MagickLayerMethod enumerator */ VALUE LAYERMETHODTYPE_NEW(LAYERMETHODTYPE method) { const char *name = LAYERMETHODTYPE_NAME(method); return rm_enum_new(CLASS_LAYERMETHODTYPE, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(method)); } /** * Return the name of a OrientationType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the OreintationType * @return the name */ static const char * OrientationType_name(OrientationType type) { switch(type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(TopLeftOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(TopRightOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(BottomRightOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(BottomLeftOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(LeftTopOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(RightTopOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(RightBottomOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(LeftBottomOrientation) } return "UndefinedOrientation"; } /** * Construct an OrientationType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the OrientationType * @return a new OrientationType enumerator */ VALUE OrientationType_new(OrientationType type) { const char *name = OrientationType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_OrientationType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /** * Return the name of a RenderingIntent enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param intent the RenderingIntent * @return the name */ static const char * RenderingIntent_name(RenderingIntent intent) { switch(intent) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(SaturationIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(PerceptualIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(AbsoluteIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(RelativeIntent) } return "UndefinedIntent"; } /** * Construct an RenderingIntent enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param intent the RenderingIntent * @return a new RenderingIntent enumerator */ VALUE RenderingIntent_new(RenderingIntent intent) { const char *name = RenderingIntent_name(intent); return rm_enum_new(Class_RenderingIntent, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(intent)); } /** * Return the name of a ResolutionType enum as a string. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the ResolutionType * @return the name */ static const char * ResolutionType_name(ResolutionType type) { switch(type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedResolution) ENUM_TO_NAME(PixelsPerInchResolution) ENUM_TO_NAME(PixelsPerCentimeterResolution) } return "UndefinedResolution"; } /** * Construct an ResolutionType enum object for the specified value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the ResolutionType * @return a new ResolutionType enumerator */ VALUE ResolutionType_new(ResolutionType type) { const char *name = ResolutionType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_ResolutionType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /** * Return the string representation of a StorageType value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param type the StorageType * @return the name */ const char * StorageType_name(StorageType type) { switch (type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(CharPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(DoublePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(FloatPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(IntegerPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(LongPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(QuantumPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(ShortPixel) } return "UndefinedPixel"; } /** * Return the string representation of a VirtualPixelMethod value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param method the VirtualPixelMethod * @return the name */ static const char * VirtualPixelMethod_name(VirtualPixelMethod method) { switch (method) { ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(EdgeVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(MirrorVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(TileVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(TransparentVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(DitherVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(RandomVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(ConstantVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(MaskVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(BlackVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(GrayVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(WhiteVirtualPixelMethod) #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_HORIZONTALTILEVIRTUALPIXELMETHOD) ENUM_TO_NAME(HorizontalTileVirtualPixelMethod) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_VERTICALTILEVIRTUALPIXELMETHOD) ENUM_TO_NAME(VerticalTileVirtualPixelMethod) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_HORIZONTALTILEEDGEVIRTUALPIXELMETHOD) ENUM_TO_NAME(HorizontalTileEdgeVirtualPixelMethod) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_VERTICALTILEEDGEVIRTUALPIXELMETHOD) ENUM_TO_NAME(VerticalTileEdgeVirtualPixelMethod) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ENUM_CHECKERTILEVIRTUALPIXELMETHOD) ENUM_TO_NAME(CheckerTileVirtualPixelMethod) #endif } return "UndefinedVirtualPixelMethod"; } /** * Construct a VirtualPixelMethod enum for a specified VirtualPixelMethod value. * * No Ruby usage (internal function) * * @param style theVirtualPixelMethod * @return a new VirtualPixelMethod enumerator */ VALUE VirtualPixelMethod_new(VirtualPixelMethod style) { const char *name = VirtualPixelMethod_name(style); return rm_enum_new(Class_VirtualPixelMethod, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(style)); }