module ActiveFedora module SemanticNode extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_inheritable_accessor :class_relationships, :internal_uri, :class_named_relationships_desc self.class_relationships = {} self.class_named_relationships_desc = {} end attr_accessor :internal_uri, :named_relationship_desc, :relationships_are_dirty, :load_from_solr #TODO I think we can remove named_relationship_desc from attr_accessor - jcoyne def assert_kind_of(n, o,t) raise "Assertion failure: #{n}: #{o} is not of type #{t}" unless o.kind_of?(t) end def add_relationship(relationship) # Only accept ActiveFedora::Relationships as input arguments assert_kind_of 'relationship', relationship, ActiveFedora::Relationship self.relationships_are_dirty = true register_triple(relationship.subject, relationship.predicate, relationship.object) end def register_triple(subject, predicate, object) register_subject(subject) register_predicate(subject, predicate) relationships[subject][predicate] << object end def register_subject(subject) if !relationships.has_key?(subject) relationships[subject] = {} end end def register_predicate(subject, predicate) register_subject(subject) if !relationships[subject].has_key?(predicate) relationships[subject][predicate] = [] end end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Remove the given ActiveFedora::Relationship from this object def remove_relationship(relationship) @relationships_are_dirty = true unregister_triple(relationship.subject, relationship.predicate, relationship.object) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Remove the subject, predicate, and object triple from the relationships hash def unregister_triple(subject, predicate, object) if relationship_exists?(subject, predicate, object) relationships[subject][predicate].delete_if {|curObj| curObj == object} relationships[subject].delete(predicate) if relationships[subject][predicate].nil? || relationships[subject][predicate].empty? else return false end end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Returns true if a relationship exists for the given subject, predicate, and object triple def relationship_exists?(subject, predicate, object) outbound_only = (subject != :inbound) #cache the call in case it is retrieving inbound as well, don't want to hit solr too many times cached_relationships = relationships(outbound_only) cached_relationships.has_key?(subject)&&cached_relationships[subject].has_key?(predicate)&&cached_relationships[subject][predicate].include?(object) end def inbound_relationships(response_format=:uri) rel_values = {} inbound_relationship_predicates.each_pair do |name,predicate| objects = self.send("#{name}",{:response_format=>response_format}) items = [] objects.each do |object| if (response_format == :uri) #create a Relationship object so that it generates the appropriate uri #inbound relationships are always object properties r =>:self, :predicate=>predicate, :object=>object) items.push(r.object) else items.push(object) end end unless items.empty? rel_values.merge!({predicate=>items}) end end return rel_values end def outbound_relationships() if !internal_uri.nil? && !relationships[internal_uri].nil? return relationships[:self].merge(relationships[internal_uri]) else return relationships[:self] end end # If outbound_only is false, inbound relationships will be included. def relationships(outbound_only=true) @relationships ||= relationships_from_class outbound_only ? @relationships : @relationships.merge(:inbound=>inbound_relationships) end def relationships_from_class rels = {} self.class.relationships.each_pair do |subj, pred| rels[subj] = {} pred.each_key do |pred_key| rels[subj][pred_key] = [] end end return rels end # Creates a RELS-EXT datastream for insertion into a Fedora Object # @param [String] pid # @param [Hash] relationships (optional) @default self.relationships # Note: This method is implemented on SemanticNode instead of RelsExtDatastream because SemanticNode contains the relationships array def to_rels_ext(pid, relationships=self.relationships) starter_xml = <<-EOL EOL xml = # Iterate through the hash of predicates, adding an element to the RELS-EXT for each "object" in the predicate's corresponding array. # puts "" # puts "Iterating through a(n) #{self.class}" # puts "=> whose relationships are #{self.relationships.inspect}" # puts "=> and whose outbound relationships are #{self.outbound_relationships.inspect}" self.outbound_relationships.each do |predicate, targets_array| targets_array.each do |target| case predicate when :has_model, "hasModel", :hasModel xmlns="info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#" begin rel_predicate = self.class.predicate_lookup(predicate,xmlns) rescue UnregisteredPredicateError xmlns = nil rel_predicate = nil end else xmlns="info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#" begin rel_predicate = self.class.predicate_lookup(predicate,xmlns) rescue UnregisteredPredicateError xmlns = nil rel_predicate = nil end end unless xmlns && rel_predicate rel_predicate, xmlns = self.class.find_predicate(predicate) end # puts ". #{predicate} #{target} #{xmlns}" literal = URI.parse(target).scheme.nil? if literal xml.root.elements["rdf:Description"].add_element(rel_predicate, {"xmlns" => "#{xmlns}"}).add_text(target) else xml.root.elements["rdf:Description"].add_element(rel_predicate, {"xmlns" => "#{xmlns}", "rdf:resource"=>target}) end end end xml.to_s end def load_inbound_relationship(name, predicate, opts={}) opts = {:rows=>25}.merge(opts) query = self.class.inbound_relationship_query(,"#{name}") return [] if query.empty? solr_result = SolrService.instance.conn.query(query, :rows=>opts[:rows]) if opts[:response_format] == :solr return solr_result else if opts[:response_format] == :id_array id_array = [] solr_result.hits.each do |hit| id_array << hit[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID] end return id_array elsif opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr || self.load_from_solr return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result,{:load_from_solr=>true}) else return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result) end end end def load_outbound_relationship(name, predicate, opts={}) id_array = [] if !outbound_relationships[predicate].nil? outbound_relationships[predicate].each do |rel| id_array << rel.gsub("info:fedora/", "") end end if opts[:response_format] == :id_array && !self.class.relationship_has_solr_filter_query?(:self,"#{name}") return id_array else query = self.class.outbound_relationship_query("#{name}",id_array) solr_result = SolrService.instance.conn.query(query) if opts[:response_format] == :solr return solr_result elsif opts[:response_format] == :id_array id_array = [] solr_result.hits.each do |hit| id_array << hit[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID] end return id_array elsif opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr || self.load_from_solr return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result,{:load_from_solr=>true}) else return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result) end end end module ClassMethods #include ActiveFedora::RelationshipsHelper::ClassMethods # Allows for a relationship to be treated like any other attribute of a model class. You define # relationships in your model class using this method. You then have access to several # helper methods to list, append, and remove objects from the list of relationships. # ====Examples to define two relationships # class AudioRecord < ActiveFedora::Base # # has_relationship "oral_history", :has_part, :inbound=>true, :type=>OralHistory # # returns all similar audio # has_relationship "similar_audio", :has_part, :type=>AudioRecord # #returns only similar audio with format wav # has_relationship "similar_audio_wav", :has_part, :solr_fq=>"format_t:wav" # # The first two parameters are required: # name: relationship name # predicate: predicate for the relationship # opts: # possible parameters # :inbound => if true loads an external relationship via Solr (defaults to false) # :type => The type of model to use when instantiated an object from the pid in this relationship (defaults to ActiveFedora::Base) # :solr_fq => Define a solr query here if you want to filter out some objects in your relationship (must be a properly formatted solr query) # # If inbound is true it expects the relationship to be defined by another object's RELS-EXT # and to load that relationship from Solr. Otherwise, if inbound is true the relationship is stored in # this object's RELS-EXT datastream # # Word of caution - The same predicate may not be used twice for two inbound or two outbound relationships. However, it may be used twice if one is inbound # and one is outbound as shown in the example above. A full list of possible predicates are defined by predicate_mappings # # For the oral_history relationship in the example above the following helper methods are created: # oral_history: returns array of OralHistory objects that have this AudioRecord with predicate :has_part # oral_history_ids: Return array of pids for OralHistory objects that have this AudioRecord with predicate :has_part # oral_history_query: Return solr query that can be used to retrieve related objects as solr documents # # For the outbound relationship "similar_audio" there are two additional methods to append and remove objects from that relationship # since it is managed internally: # similar_audio: Return array of AudioRecord objects that have been added to similar_audio relationship # similar_audio_ids: Return array of AudioRecord object pids that have been added to similar_audio relationship # similar_audio_query: Return solr query that can be used to retrieve related objects as solr documents # similar_audio_append: Add an AudioRecord object to the similar_audio relationship # similar_audio_remove: Remove an AudioRecord from the similar_audio relationship def has_relationship(name, predicate, opts = {}) opts = {:singular => nil, :inbound => false}.merge(opts) if opts[:inbound] == true #raise "Duplicate use of predicate for inbound relationship name not allowed" if predicate_exists_with_different_relationship_name?(:inbound,name,predicate) register_relationship_desc(:inbound, name, predicate, opts) register_predicate(:inbound, predicate) create_inbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts) else #raise "Duplicate use of predicate for named outbound relationship \"#{predicate.inspect}\" not allowed" if named_predicate_exists_with_different_name?(:self,name,predicate) register_relationship_desc(:self, name, predicate, opts) register_predicate(:self, predicate) create_relationship_name_methods(name) create_outbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts) end end # Generates relationship finders for predicates that point in both directions # # @param [String] name of the relationship method(s) to create # @param [Symbol] outbound_predicate Predicate used in outbound relationships # @param [Symbol] inbound_predicate Predicate used in inbound relationships # @param [Hash] opts # # Example: # has_bidirectional_relationship("parts", :has_part, :is_part_of) # # will create three instance methods: parts_outbound, and parts_inbound and parts # the inbound and outbound methods are the same that would result from calling # create_inbound_relationship_finders and create_outbound_relationship_finders # The third method combines the results of both and handles generating appropriate # solr queries where necessary. def has_bidirectional_relationship(name, outbound_predicate, inbound_predicate, opts={}) create_bidirectional_relationship_finders(name, outbound_predicate, inbound_predicate, opts) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Check to make sure a subject,name, and predicate triple does not already exist # with the same subject but different name. # This method is used to ensure conflicting has_relationship calls are not made because # predicates cannot be reused across relationship names. Otherwise, the mapping of relationship name # to predicate in RELS-EXT would be broken. def named_predicate_exists_with_different_name?(subject,name,predicate) if named_relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) named_relationships_desc[subject].each_pair do |existing_name, args| return true if !args[:predicate].nil? && args[:predicate] == predicate && existing_name != name end end return false end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Return hash that stores named relationship metadata defined by has_relationship calls # ====Example # For the following relationship # # has_relationship "audio_records", :has_part, :type=>AudioRecord # Results in the following returned by named_relationships_desc # {:self=>{"audio_records"=>{:type=>AudioRecord, :singular=>nil, :predicate=>:has_part, :inbound=>false}}} def named_relationships_desc @class_named_relationships_desc ||= Hash[:self => {}] #class_named_relationships_desc end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Internal method that ensures a relationship subject such as :self and :inbound # exist within the named_relationships_desc hash tracking named relationships metadata. def register_named_subject(subject) unless named_relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) named_relationships_desc[subject] = {} end end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Internal method that adds relationship name and predicate pair to either an outbound (:self) # or inbound (:inbound) relationship types. def register_named_relationship(subject, name, predicate, opts) register_named_subject(subject) opts.merge!({:predicate=>predicate}) named_relationships_desc[subject][name] = opts end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Used in has_relationship call to create dynamic helper methods to # append and remove objects to and from a named relationship # ====Example # For the following relationship # # has_relationship "audio_records", :has_part, :type=>AudioRecord # # Methods audio_records_append and audio_records_remove are created. # Boths methods take an object that is kind_of? ActiveFedora::Base as a parameter def create_named_relationship_methods(name) append_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_append" remove_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_remove" self.send(:define_method,:"#{append_method_name}") {|object| add_named_relationship(name,object)} self.send(:define_method,:"#{remove_method_name}") {|object| remove_named_relationship(name,object)} end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # Similar to +create_named_relationship_methods+ except we are merely creating an alias for outbound portion of bidirectional # # ====Example # has_bidirectional_relationship "members", :has_collection_member, :is_member_of_collection # # Method members_outbound_append and members_outbound_remove added # This method will create members_append which does same thing as members_outbound_append # and will create members_remove which does same thing as members_outbound_remove def create_bidirectional_named_relationship_methods(name,outbound_name) append_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_append" remove_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_remove" self.send(:define_method,:"#{append_method_name}") {|object| add_named_relationship(outbound_name,object)} self.send(:define_method,:"#{remove_method_name}") {|object| remove_named_relationship(outbound_name,object)} end def create_inbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts = {}) class_eval <<-END def #{name}(opts={}) load_inbound_relationship('#{name}', '#{predicate}', opts) end def #{name}_ids #{name}(:response_format => :id_array) end def #{name}_from_solr #{name}(:response_format => :load_from_solr) end def #{name}_query relationship_query("#{name}") end END end def create_outbound_relationship_finders(name, predicate, opts = {}) class_eval <<-END def #{name}(opts={}) load_outbound_relationship(#{name.inspect}, #{predicate.inspect}, opts) end def #{name}_ids #{name}(:response_format => :id_array) end def #{name}_from_solr #{name}(:response_format => :load_from_solr) end def #{name}_query relationship_query("#{name}") end END end # Generates relationship finders for predicates that point in both directions # and registers predicate relationships for each direction. # # @param [String] name Name of the relationship method(s) to create # @param [Symbol] outbound_predicate Predicate used in outbound relationships # @param [Symbol] inbound_predicate Predicate used in inbound relationships # @param [Hash] opts (optional) def create_bidirectional_relationship_finders(name, outbound_predicate, inbound_predicate, opts={}) inbound_method_name = name.to_s+"_inbound" outbound_method_name = name.to_s+"_outbound" has_relationship(outbound_method_name, outbound_predicate, opts) has_relationship(inbound_method_name, inbound_predicate, opts.merge!(:inbound=>true)) #create methods that mirror the outbound append and remove with our bidirectional name, assume just add and remove locally create_bidirectional_relationship_name_methods(name,outbound_method_name) class_eval <<-END def #{name}(opts={}) opts = {:rows=>25}.merge(opts) if opts[:response_format] == :solr || opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr outbound_id_array = [] predicate = outbound_relationship_predicates["#{name}_outbound"] if !outbound_relationships[predicate].nil? outbound_relationships[predicate].each do |rel| outbound_id_array << rel.gsub("info:fedora/", "") end end #outbound_id_array = #{outbound_method_name}(:response_format=>:id_array) query = self.class.bidirectional_relationship_query(,"#{name}",outbound_id_array) solr_result = SolrService.instance.conn.query(query, :rows=>opts[:rows]) if opts[:response_format] == :solr return solr_result elsif opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr || self.load_from_solr return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result,{:load_from_solr=>true}) else return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result) end else ary = #{inbound_method_name}(opts) + #{outbound_method_name}(opts) return ary.uniq end end def #{name}_ids #{name}(:response_format => :id_array) end def #{name}_from_solr #{name}(:response_format => :load_from_solr) end def #{name}_query relationship_query("#{name}") end END end # relationships are tracked as a hash of structure # @example # ds.relationships # => {:self=>{:has_model=>["afmodel:SimpleThing"],:has_part=>["demo:20"]},:inbound=>{:is_part_of=>["demo:6"]} def relationships @class_relationships ||= Hash[:self => {}] #class_relationships end def register_subject(subject) if !relationships.has_key?(subject) relationships[subject] = {} end end def register_predicate(subject, predicate) register_subject(subject) if !relationships[subject].has_key?(predicate) relationships[subject][predicate] = [] end end #alias_method :register_target, :register_object # Creates a RELS-EXT datastream for insertion into a Fedora Object # @param [String] pid of the object that the RELS-EXT datastream belongs to # @param [Hash] relationships the relationships hash to transform into RELS-EXT RDF. @default the object's relationships hash # Note: This method is implemented on SemanticNode instead of RelsExtDatastream because SemanticNode contains the relationships array def relationships_to_rels_ext(pid, relationships=self.relationships) starter_xml = <<-EOL EOL xml = # Iterate through the hash of predicates, adding an element to the RELS-EXT for each "object" in the predicate's corresponding array. self.outbound_relationships.each do |predicate, targets_array| targets_array.each do |target| #puts ". #{predicate} #{target}" xml.root.elements["rdf:Description"].add_element(predicate_lookup(predicate), {"xmlns" => "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#", "rdf:resource"=>target}) end end xml.to_s end # If predicate is a symbol, looks up the predicate in the predicate_mappings # If predicate is not a Symbol, returns the predicate untouched # @raise UnregisteredPredicateError if the predicate is a symbol but is not found in the predicate_mappings def predicate_lookup(predicate,namespace="info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#") if predicate.class == Symbol if predicate_mappings[namespace].has_key?(predicate) return predicate_mappings[namespace][predicate] else raise ActiveFedora::UnregisteredPredicateError end end return predicate end def predicate_config @@predicate_config ||= YAML::load( if File.exist?(ActiveFedora.predicate_config) end def predicate_mappings predicate_config[:predicate_mapping] end def default_predicate_namespace predicate_config[:default_namespace] end def find_predicate(predicate) predicate_mappings.each do |namespace,predicates| if predicates.fetch(predicate,nil) return predicates[predicate], namespace end end raise ActiveFedora::UnregisteredPredicateError, "Unregistered predicate: #{predicate.inspect}" end end end class UnregisteredPredicateError < RuntimeError; end end