module DeviseTokenAuth class OmniauthCallbacksController < DeviseTokenAuth::ApplicationController attr_reader :auth_params skip_before_filter :set_user_by_token skip_after_filter :update_auth_header # intermediary route for successful omniauth authentication. omniauth does # not support multiple models, so we must resort to this terrible hack. def redirect_callbacks # derive target redirect route from 'resource_class' param, which was set # before authentication. devise_mapping = request.env['omniauth.params']['resource_class'].underscore.to_sym redirect_route = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/#{Devise.mappings[devise_mapping].as_json["path"]}/#{params[:provider]}/callback" # preserve omniauth info for success route. ignore 'extra' in twitter # auth response to avoid CookieOverflow. session['dta.omniauth.auth'] = request.env['omniauth.auth'].except('extra') session['dta.omniauth.params'] = request.env['omniauth.params'] redirect_to redirect_route end def omniauth_success get_resource_from_auth_hash create_token_info set_token_on_resource create_auth_params if resource_class.devise_modules.include?(:confirmable) # don't send confirmation email!!! @resource.skip_confirmation! end sign_in(:user, @resource, store: false, bypass: false)! yield if block_given? render_data_or_redirect('deliverCredentials', @auth_params.as_json, @resource.as_json) end def omniauth_failure @error = params[:message] render_data_or_redirect('authFailure', {error: @error}) end protected # this will be determined differently depending on the action that calls # it. redirect_callbacks is called upon returning from successful omniauth # authentication, and the target params live in an omniauth-specific # request.env variable. this variable is then persisted thru the redirect # using our own dta.omniauth.params session var. the omniauth_success # method will access that session var and then destroy it immediately # after use. In the failure case, finally, the omniauth params # are added as query params in our monkey patch to OmniAuth in engine.rb def omniauth_params if !defined?(@_omniauth_params) if request.env['omniauth.params'] && request.env['omniauth.params'].any? @_omniauth_params = request.env['omniauth.params'] elsif session['dta.omniauth.params'] && session['dta.omniauth.params'].any? @_omniauth_params ||= session.delete('dta.omniauth.params') @_omniauth_params elsif params['omniauth_window_type'] @_omniauth_params = params.slice('omniauth_window_type', 'auth_origin_url', 'resource_class', 'origin') else @_omniauth_params = {} end end @_omniauth_params end # break out provider attribute assignment for easy method extension def assign_provider_attrs(user, auth_hash) user.assign_attributes({ nickname: auth_hash['info']['nickname'], name: auth_hash['info']['name'], image: auth_hash['info']['image'], email: auth_hash['info']['email'] }) end # derive allowed params from the standard devise parameter sanitizer def whitelisted_params whitelist = devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) whitelist.inject({}){|coll, key| param = omniauth_params[key.to_s] if param coll[key] = param end coll } end def resource_class(mapping = nil) if omniauth_params['resource_class'] omniauth_params['resource_class'].constantize elsif params['resource_class'] params['resource_class'].constantize else raise "No resource_class found" end end def resource_name resource_class end def omniauth_window_type omniauth_params['omniauth_window_type'] end def auth_origin_url omniauth_params['auth_origin_url'] || omniauth_params['origin'] end # in the success case, omniauth_window_type is in the omniauth_params. # in the failure case, it is in a query param. See monkey patch above def omniauth_window_type omniauth_params.nil? ? params['omniauth_window_type'] : omniauth_params['omniauth_window_type'] end # this sesison value is set by the redirect_callbacks method. its purpose # is to persist the omniauth auth hash value thru a redirect. the value # must be destroyed immediatly after it is accessed by omniauth_success def auth_hash @_auth_hash ||= session.delete('dta.omniauth.auth') @_auth_hash end # ensure that this controller responds to :devise_controller? conditionals. # this is used primarily for access to the parameter sanitizers. def assert_is_devise_resource! true end # necessary for access to devise_parameter_sanitizers def devise_mapping if omniauth_params Devise.mappings[omniauth_params['resource_class'].underscore.to_sym] else request.env['devise.mapping'] end end def set_random_password # set crazy password for new oauth users. this is only used to prevent # access via email sign-in. p = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false) @resource.password = p @resource.password_confirmation = p end def create_token_info # create token info @client_id = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false) @token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false) @expiry = ( + DeviseTokenAuth.token_lifespan).to_i @config = omniauth_params['config_name'] end def create_auth_params @auth_params = { auth_token: @token, client_id: @client_id, uid: @resource.uid, expiry: @expiry, config: @config } @auth_params.merge!(oauth_registration: true) if @oauth_registration @auth_params end def set_token_on_resource @resource.tokens[@client_id] = { token: BCrypt::Password.create(@token), expiry: @expiry } end def render_data(message, data) @data = data.merge({ message: message }) render :layout => nil, :template => "devise_token_auth/omniauth_external_window" end def render_data_or_redirect(message, data, user_data = {}) # We handle inAppBrowser and newWindow the same, but it is nice # to support values in case people need custom implementations for each case # (For example, nbrustein does not allow new users to be created if logging in with # an inAppBrowser) # # See app/views/devise_token_auth/omniauth_external_window.html.erb to understand # why we can handle these both the same. The view is setup to handle both cases # at the same time. if ['inAppBrowser', 'newWindow'].include?(omniauth_window_type) render_data(message, user_data.merge(data)) elsif auth_origin_url # default to same-window implementation, which forwards back to auth_origin_url # build and redirect to destination url redirect_to DeviseTokenAuth::Url.generate(auth_origin_url, data) else # there SHOULD always be an auth_origin_url, but if someone does something silly # like coming straight to this url or refreshing the page at the wrong time, there may not be one. # In that case, just render in plain text the error message if there is one or otherwise # a generic message. fallback_render data[:error] || 'An error occurred' end end def fallback_render(text) render inline: %Q| #{text} | end def get_resource_from_auth_hash # find or create user by provider and provider uid @resource = resource_class.where({ uid: auth_hash['uid'], provider: auth_hash['provider'] }).first_or_initialize if @resource.new_record? @oauth_registration = true set_random_password end # sync user info with provider, update/generate auth token assign_provider_attrs(@resource, auth_hash) # assign any additional (whitelisted) attributes extra_params = whitelisted_params @resource.assign_attributes(extra_params) if extra_params @resource end end end