v0.8.3 - fix remap method to use the scan api properly. v0.8.2 - fix scan api to work with more recent versions of elasticsearch ruby. v0.8.1 - loosen support for elasticsearch-ruby versions to support more versions of elasticsearch v0.8.0 - Make Elasticity::Strategies::AliasIndex the default - Use mapping instead of mappings, we wanna be consistent to ES not to elasticsearch-ruby - Better automatic index name and document type v0.7.1 - add more response info to raised exceptions from reindexing v0.6.5 - update search and multi search interfaces to allow passing of general search definition arguments found in https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-ruby/blob/bdf5e145e5acc21726dddcd34492debbbddde568/elasticsearch-api/lib/elasticsearch/api/actions/search.rb#L125-L162 v0.6.4 - update suggestions to pull from the proper key v0.6.3 - add next_page and previous_page to be compatible with will_paginate interface v0.6.2 - update multi search `[]` method to raise an exception with key name to make it easier to debug failed queries within a multi search hash. v0.6.0 - Change documents to be able to define indexes with multiple doc types. A Document class can define subclasses which are of different doc_types and all live in the same index's mappings. - updated search queries to pass either a list of document types or a single document type. - Update documents to generate a default document_type from the class name so that Documents always have a document type. You'll still usually want to manually define the document type, but it's no longer necessary. v0.5.2 - Add aggregations to multi_search v0.5.1 - Add ability to reindex individual attributes of a document using the bulk_update API. v0.5.0 - Refactor of multisearch and search facade - add Search::Results proxy object so pagination and meta data methods can be standardize across all responses - Searches no longer return a simple array, they now return the Search::Results object which proxies array and is enumerable. v0.4.5 - Fix issue with hash strings and pagination v0.4.4 - Added support for surfacing document _score on query results.