window.Lookbook = window.Lookbook || {}; window.Lookbook.initEmbeds = initEmbeds; const embedUrlPrefix = "embed"; const whiteListedAttributes = [ "preview", "scenario", "panels", "actions", "param-*", ]; function initEmbeds(root = document) { if (typeof window.iFrameResize !== "function") { console.error( "Lookbook embeds require the 'iframe-resizer' library to be available. Skipping embed instantiation." ); return; } if (typeof root === "string") { root = document.querySelector(root); } if (!root) { return console.error( "Could not initialize Lookbook embeds. Root node not found." ); } const embeds = Array.from(root.querySelectorAll("lookbook-embed")); embeds.forEach((embed) => { const attrs = Array.from(embed.attributes); const wrapper = createWrapper(); const iframe = createIframe(attrs); wrapper.appendChild(iframe); embed.replaceWith(wrapper); }); window.iFrameResize({ checkOrigin: false }, "[data-lookbook-embed-iframe]"); } function createWrapper() { const wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.setAttribute("data-lookbook-embed", ""); wrapper.classList.add("lookbook-embed"); return wrapper; } function createIframe(attrs) { const src = buildSrc(attrs); const id = attrValue(attrs, "id"); const styles = attrValue(attrs, "style"); const classes = attrValue(attrs, "class", "") .split(" ") .map((c) => c.trim()) .filter((c) => c.length); const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = src; if (id) = id; iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", 0); iframe.setAttribute("data-lookbook-embed-iframe", ""); if (classes.length) iframe.classList.add(...classes); if (styles) = styles; = "100%"; = "height 0.3s"; return iframe; } function buildSrc(attrs) { const appPath = attrValue(attrs, "app") || guessBasePath(); const props = {}; permittedAttrs(attrs).forEach(({ name, value }) => { name = name.replace("-", "_").toLowerCase(); props[name] = value; }); return encodeURI( [appPath, embedUrlPrefix].join("/") + `?props=${JSON.stringify(props)}` ); } function attrValue(attrs, name, fallback = null) { const attr = attrs.find((attr) => === name); return attr ? attr.value : fallback; } function permittedAttrs(attrs) { return attrs.filter((attr) => { return whiteListedAttributes.find((key) => { const name =; return ( key === name || (key.includes("*") && name.startsWith(key.replace("*", ""))) ); }); }); } function guessBasePath() { const script = document.currentScript || document.querySelector('script[src*="lookbook.js"]'); const scriptSrc = script.src; if (scriptSrc && scriptSrc.includes("lookbook-assets")) { return scriptSrc.replace("lookbook-assets/js/lookbook.js", "lookbook"); } return `//${}/lookbook`; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => initEmbeds());