require_relative 'ionoscloud_base' class Chef class Knife class IonoscloudS3keyCreate < Knife include Knife::IonoscloudBase banner 'knife ionoscloud s3key create (options)' option :user_id, short: '-u USER_ID', long: '--user USER_ID', description: 'The ID of the user' attr_reader :description, :required_options def initialize(args = []) super(args) @description = 'Creates a new S3 key for a particular user.' @required_options = [:user_id, :ionoscloud_username, :ionoscloud_password] end def run $stdout.sync = true validate_required_params(@required_options, config) print "#{ui.color('Creating S3key...', :magenta)}" user_management_api = s3_key, _, headers = user_management_api.um_users_s3keys_post_with_http_info(config[:user_id]) dot = ui.color('.', :magenta) api_client.wait_for { print dot; is_done? get_request_id headers } puts "\n" puts "#{ui.color('ID', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Secret Key', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Active', :cyan)}: #{}" puts 'done' end end end end