require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe HTTParty::Request do before do @request =, '', format: :xml) end describe "::NON_RAILS_QUERY_STRING_NORMALIZER" do let(:normalizer) { HTTParty::Request::NON_RAILS_QUERY_STRING_NORMALIZER } it "doesn't modify strings" do query_string = normalizer["foo=bar&foo=baz"] expect(CGI.unescape(query_string)).to eq("foo=bar&foo=baz") end context "when the query is an array" do it "doesn't include brackets" do query_string = normalizer[{page: 1, foo: %w(bar baz)}] expect(CGI.unescape(query_string)).to eq("foo=bar&foo=baz&page=1") end it "URI encodes array values" do query_string = normalizer[{people: ["Otis Redding", "Bob Marley", "Tim & Jon"], page: 1, xyzzy: 3}] expect(query_string).to eq("page=1&people=Otis%20Redding&people=Bob%20Marley&people=Tim%20%26%20Jon&xyzzy=3") end end context "when the query is a hash" do it "correctly handles nil values" do query_string = normalizer[{page: 1, per_page: nil}] expect(query_string).to eq("page=1&per_page") end end end describe "::JSON_API_QUERY_STRING_NORMALIZER" do let(:normalizer) { HTTParty::Request::JSON_API_QUERY_STRING_NORMALIZER } it "doesn't modify strings" do query_string = normalizer["foo=bar&foo=baz"] expect(CGI.unescape(query_string)).to eq("foo=bar&foo=baz") end context "when the query is an array" do it "doesn't include brackets" do query_string = normalizer[{page: 1, foo: %w(bar baz)}] expect(CGI.unescape(query_string)).to eq("foo=bar,baz&page=1") end it "URI encodes array values" do query_string = normalizer[{people: ["Otis Redding", "Bob Marley", "Tim & Jon"], page: 1, xyzzy: 3}] expect(query_string).to eq("page=1&people=Otis%20Redding,Bob%20Marley,Tim%20%26%20Jon&xyzzy=3") end end context "when the query is a hash" do it "correctly handles nil values" do query_string = normalizer[{page: 1, per_page: nil}] expect(query_string).to eq('page=1&per_page') end end end describe "initialization" do it "sets parser to HTTParty::Parser" do request =, '') expect(request.parser).to eq(HTTParty::Parser) end it "sets parser to the optional parser" do my_parser = lambda {} request =, '', parser: my_parser) expect(request.parser).to eq(my_parser) end it "sets connection_adapter to HTTParty::ConnectionAdapter" do request =, '') expect(request.connection_adapter).to eq(HTTParty::ConnectionAdapter) end it "sets connection_adapter to the optional connection_adapter" do my_adapter = lambda {} request =, '', connection_adapter: my_adapter) expect(request.connection_adapter).to eq(my_adapter) end context "when using a query string" do context "and it has an empty array" do it "sets correct query string" do request =, '', query: { fake_array: [] }) expect(request.uri).to eq(URI.parse("[]=")) end end context "when sending an array with only one element" do it "sets correct query" do request =, '', query: { fake_array: [1] }) expect(request.uri).to eq(URI.parse("[]=1")) end end end context "when basic authentication credentials provided in uri" do context "when basic auth options wasn't set explicitly" do it "sets basic auth from uri" do request =, '') expect(request.options[:basic_auth]).to eq({username: 'user1', password: 'pass1'}) end end context "when basic auth options was set explicitly" do it "uses basic auth from url anyway" do basic_auth = {username: 'user2', password: 'pass2'} request =, '', basic_auth: basic_auth) expect(request.options[:basic_auth]).to eq({username: 'user1', password: 'pass1'}) end end end end describe "#format" do context "request yet to be made" do it "returns format option" do request = 'get', '/', format: :xml expect(request.format).to eq(:xml) end it "returns nil format" do request = 'get', '/' expect(request.format).to be_nil end end context "request has been made" do it "returns format option" do request = 'get', '/', format: :xml request.last_response = double expect(request.format).to eq(:xml) end it "returns the content-type from the last response when the option is not set" do request = 'get', '/' response = double expect(response).to receive(:[]).with('content-type').and_return('text/json') request.last_response = response expect(request.format).to eq(:json) end end end context "options" do it "should use basic auth when configured" do @request.options[:basic_auth] = {username: 'foobar', password: 'secret'} @request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(@request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request)['authorization']).not_to be_nil end context 'digest_auth' do before do response_sequence = [ { status: ['401', 'Unauthorized' ], headers: { www_authenticate: 'Digest realm="Log Viewer", qop="auth", nonce="2CA0EC6B0E126C4800E56BA0C0003D3C", opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41", stale=false', set_cookie: 'custom-cookie=1234567' } }, { status: ['200', 'OK'] } ] stub_request(:get, '').to_return(response_sequence) end it 'should not send credentials more than once' do response_sequence = [ { status: ['401', 'Unauthorized' ], headers: { www_authenticate: 'Digest realm="Log Viewer", qop="auth", nonce="2CA0EC6B0E126C4800E56BA0C0003D3C", opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41", stale=false', set_cookie: 'custom-cookie=1234567' } }, { status: ['401', 'Unauthorized' ], headers: { www_authenticate: 'Digest realm="Log Viewer", qop="auth", nonce="2CA0EC6B0E126C4800E56BA0C0003D3C", opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41", stale=false', set_cookie: 'custom-cookie=1234567' } }, { status: ['404', 'Not found'] } ] stub_request(:get, '').to_return(response_sequence) @request.options[:digest_auth] = {username: 'foobar', password: 'secret'} response = @request.perform { |v| } expect(response.code).to eq(401) raw_request = @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request) expect(raw_request['Authorization']).not_to be_nil end it 'should not be used when configured and the response is 200' do stub_request(:get, '').to_return(status: 200) @request.options[:digest_auth] = {username: 'foobar', password: 'secret'} response = @request.perform { |v| } expect(response.code).to eq(200) raw_request = @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request) expect(raw_request['Authorization']).to be_nil end it "should be used when configured and the response is 401" do @request.options[:digest_auth] = {username: 'foobar', password: 'secret'} response = @request.perform { |v| } expect(response.code).to eq(200) raw_request = @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request) expect(raw_request['Authorization']).not_to be_nil end it 'should maintain cookies returned from a 401 response' do @request.options[:digest_auth] = {username: 'foobar', password: 'secret'} response = @request.perform {|v|} expect(response.code).to eq(200) raw_request = @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request) expect(raw_request.get_fields('cookie')).to eql ["custom-cookie=1234567"] end it 'should merge cookies from request and a 401 response' do @request.options[:digest_auth] = {username: 'foobar', password: 'secret'} @request.options[:headers] = {'cookie' => 'request-cookie=test'} response = @request.perform {|v|} expect(response.code).to eq(200) raw_request = @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request) expect(raw_request.get_fields('cookie')).to eql ['request-cookie=test', 'custom-cookie=1234567'] end end it 'should use body_stream when configured' do stream ='foo') request =, '', body_stream: stream) request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request).body_stream).to eq(stream) end it 'should normalize base uri when specified as request option' do stub_request(:get, '').to_return(body: 'Bar') response = HTTParty.get('/resource', { base_uri: '' }) expect(response.code).to eq(200) end end describe "#uri" do context "redirects" do it "returns correct path when the server sets the location header to a filename" do @request.last_uri = URI.parse("") @request.path = URI.parse("bar?foo=bar") @request.redirect = true expect(@request.uri).to eq(URI.parse("")) end context "location header is an absolute path" do it "returns correct path when location has leading slash" do @request.last_uri = URI.parse("") @request.path = URI.parse("/bar?foo=bar") @request.redirect = true expect(@request.uri).to eq(URI.parse("")) end it "returns the correct path when location has no leading slash" do @request.last_uri = URI.parse("") @request.path = URI.parse("bar/") @request.redirect = true expect(@request.uri).to eq(URI.parse("")) end end it "returns correct path when the server sets the location header to a full uri" do @request.last_uri = URI.parse("") @request.path = URI.parse("") @request.redirect = true expect(@request.uri).to eq(URI.parse("")) end it "returns correct path when the server sets the location header to a network-path reference" do @request.last_uri = URI.parse("") @request.path = URI.parse("//") @request.redirect = true expect(@request.uri).to eq(URI.parse("")) end end context "query strings" do it "does not add an empty query string when default_params are blank" do @request.options[:default_params] = {} expect(@request.uri.query).to be_nil end it "respects the query string normalization proc" do empty_proc = lambda {|qs| "I"} @request.options[:query_string_normalizer] = empty_proc @request.options[:query] = {foo: :bar} expect(CGI.unescape(@request.uri.query)).to eq("I") end it "does not append an ampersand when queries are embedded in paths" do @request.path = "/path?a=1" @request.options[:query] = {} expect(@request.uri.query).to eq("a=1") end it "does not duplicate query string parameters when uri is called twice" do @request.options[:query] = {foo: :bar} @request.uri expect(@request.uri.query).to eq("foo=bar") end context "when representing an array" do it "returns a Rails style query string" do @request.options[:query] = {foo: %w(bar baz)} expect(CGI.unescape(@request.uri.query)).to eq("foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz") end end end end describe "#setup_raw_request" do context "when query_string_normalizer is set" do it "sets the body to the return value of the proc" do @request.options[:query_string_normalizer] = HTTParty::Request::NON_RAILS_QUERY_STRING_NORMALIZER @request.options[:body] = {page: 1, foo: %w(bar baz)} @request.send(:setup_raw_request) body = @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request).body expect(CGI.unescape(body)).to eq("foo=bar&foo=baz&page=1") end end context "when mulipart" do subject(:headers) do @request.send(:setup_raw_request) headers = @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request).each_header.to_a Hash[*headers.flatten] # Ruby 2.0 doesn't have Array#to_h end context "when body contains file" do it "sets header Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" do @request.options[:body] = {file:, 'r')} expect(headers['content-type']).to match(%r{^multipart/form-data; boundary=---}) end context "and header Content-Type is provided" do it "overwrites the header to: multipart/form-data; boundary=" do @request.options[:body] = {file:, 'r')} @request.options[:headers] = {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} expect(headers['content-type']).to match(%r{^multipart/form-data; boundary=---}) end end end context 'when mulipart option is provided' do it "sets header Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" do @request.options[:body] = { text: 'something' } @request.options[:multipart] = true expect(headers['content-type']).to match(%r{^multipart/form-data; boundary=---}) end end end end describe 'http' do it "should get a connection from the connection_adapter" do http ='') adapter = double('adapter') request =, '', connection_adapter: adapter) expect(adapter).to receive(:call).with(request.uri, request.options).and_return(http) expect(request.send(:http)).to be http end end describe '#format_from_mimetype' do it 'should handle text/xml' do ["text/xml", "text/xml; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:xml) end end it 'should handle application/xml' do ["application/xml", "application/xml; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:xml) end end it 'should handle text/json' do ["text/json", "text/json; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:json) end end it 'should handle application/vnd.api+json' do ["application/vnd.api+json", "application/vnd.api+json; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:json) end end it 'should handle application/hal+json' do ["application/hal+json", "application/hal+json; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:json) end end it 'should handle application/json' do ["application/json", "application/json; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:json) end end it 'should handle text/csv' do ["text/csv", "text/csv; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:csv) end end it 'should handle application/csv' do ["application/csv", "application/csv; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:csv) end end it 'should handle text/comma-separated-values' do ["text/comma-separated-values", "text/comma-separated-values; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:csv) end end it 'should handle text/javascript' do ["text/javascript", "text/javascript; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:plain) end end it 'should handle application/javascript' do ["application/javascript", "application/javascript; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct)).to eq(:plain) end end it "returns nil for an unrecognized mimetype" do expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, "application/atom+xml")).to be_nil end it "returns nil when using a default parser" do @request.options[:parser] = lambda {} expect(@request.send(:format_from_mimetype, "text/json")).to be_nil end end describe 'parsing responses' do it 'should handle xml automatically' do xml = '1234Foo Bar!' @request.options[:format] = :xml expect(@request.send(:parse_response, xml)).to eq({'books' => {'book' => {'id' => '1234', 'name' => 'Foo Bar!'}}}) end it 'should handle utf-8 bom in xml' do xml = "\xEF\xBB\xBF1234Foo Bar!" @request.options[:format] = :xml expect(@request.send(:parse_response, xml)).to eq({'books' => {'book' => {'id' => '1234', 'name' => 'Foo Bar!'}}}) end it 'should handle csv automatically' do csv = ['"id","Name"', '"1234","Foo Bar!"'].join("\n") @request.options[:format] = :csv expect(@request.send(:parse_response, csv)).to eq([%w(id Name), ["1234", "Foo Bar!"]]) end it 'should handle json automatically' do json = '{"books": {"book": {"name": "Foo Bar!", "id": "1234"}}}' @request.options[:format] = :json expect(@request.send(:parse_response, json)).to eq({'books' => {'book' => {'id' => '1234', 'name' => 'Foo Bar!'}}}) end it 'should handle utf-8 bom in json' do json = "\xEF\xBB\xBF{\"books\": {\"book\": {\"name\": \"Foo Bar!\", \"id\": \"1234\"}}}" @request.options[:format] = :json expect(@request.send(:parse_response, json)).to eq({'books' => {'book' => {'id' => '1234', 'name' => 'Foo Bar!'}}}) end it "should include any HTTP headers in the returned response" do @request.options[:format] = :html response = stub_response "Content" response.initialize_http_header("key" => "value") expect(@request.perform.headers).to eq({ "key" => ["value"] }) end if "".respond_to?(:encoding) context 'when body has ascii-8bit encoding' do let(:response) { stub_response "Content".force_encoding('ascii-8bit') } it "processes charset in content type properly" do response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = utf-8") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-8")) end it "processes charset in content type properly if it has a different case" do response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;CHARSET = utf-8") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-8")) end it "processes quoted charset in content type properly" do response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = \"utf-8\"") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-8")) end context 'when stubed body is frozen' do let(:response) do stub_response "Content".force_encoding('ascii-8bit').freeze end it 'processes frozen body correctly' do response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = utf-8") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-8")) end end end it "should process response with a nil body" do response = stub_response nil response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/html;charset=UTF-8") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body).to be_nil end context 'when assume_utf16_is_big_endian is true' do before { @request.options[:assume_utf16_is_big_endian] = true } it "should process utf-16 charset with little endian bom correctly" do response = stub_response "\xFF\xFEC\x00o\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00n\x00t\x00" response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = utf-16") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-16LE")) end it 'processes stubbed frozen body correctly' do response = stub_response "\xFF\xFEC\x00o\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00n\x00t\x00".freeze response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = utf-16") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-16LE")) end end it "should process utf-16 charset with big endian bom correctly" do @request.options[:assume_utf16_is_big_endian] = false response = stub_response "\xFE\xFF\x00C\x00o\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00n\x00t" response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = utf-16") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-16BE")) end it "should assume utf-16 little endian if options has been chosen" do @request.options[:assume_utf16_is_big_endian] = false response = stub_response "C\x00o\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00n\x00t\x00" response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = utf-16") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq(Encoding.find("UTF-16LE")) end it "should perform no encoding if the charset is not available" do response = stub_response "Content" response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain;charset = utf-lols") resp = @request.perform # This encoding does not exist, thus the string should not be encodd with it expect(resp.body).to eq("Content") expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq("Content".encoding) end it "should perform no encoding if the content type is specified but no charset is specified" do response = stub_response "Content" response.initialize_http_header("Content-Type" => "text/plain") resp = @request.perform expect(resp.body).to eq("Content") expect(resp.body.encoding).to eq("Content".encoding) end end describe 'with non-200 responses' do context "3xx responses" do it 'returns a valid object for 304 not modified' do stub_response '', 304 resp = @request.perform expect(resp.code).to eq(304) expect(resp.body).to eq('') expect(resp).to be_nil end it "redirects if a 300 contains a location header" do redirect = stub_response '', 300 redirect['location'] = '' ok = stub_response('bar', 200) allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(redirect, ok) response = @request.perform expect(response.request.base_uri.to_s).to eq("") expect(response.request.path.to_s).to eq("") expect(response.request.uri.request_uri).to eq("/foo") expect(response.request.uri.to_s).to eq("") expect(response.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "calls block given to perform with each redirect" do @request =, '', format: :xml) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( status: [300, 'REDIRECT'], headers: { location: '' } ) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(body: 'bar') body = "" @request.perform { |chunk| body += chunk } expect(body.length).to eq(27) end it "redirects if a 300 contains a relative location header" do redirect = stub_response '', 300 redirect['location'] = '/foo/bar' ok = stub_response('bar', 200) allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(redirect, ok) response = @request.perform expect(response.request.base_uri.to_s).to eq("") expect(response.request.path.to_s).to eq("/foo/bar") expect(response.request.uri.request_uri).to eq("/foo/bar") expect(response.request.uri.to_s).to eq("") expect(response.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "handles multiple redirects and relative location headers on different hosts" do @request =, '', format: :xml) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( status: [300, 'REDIRECT'], headers: { location: "" } ) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( status: [300, 'REDIRECT'], headers: { location: '/v3' } ) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(body: 'bar') response = @request.perform expect(response.request.base_uri.to_s).to eq("") expect(response.request.path.to_s).to eq("/v3") expect(response.request.uri.request_uri).to eq("/v3") expect(response.request.uri.to_s).to eq("") expect(response.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "raises an error if redirect has duplicate location header" do @request =, '', format: :xml) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( status: [300, 'REDIRECT'], headers: { location: ['', ''] } ) expect {@request.perform}.to raise_error(HTTParty::DuplicateLocationHeader) end it "returns the HTTParty::Response when the 300 does not contain a location header" do stub_response '', 300 expect(HTTParty::Response).to be === @request.perform end it "redirects including port" do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( status: [301, 'Moved Permanently'], headers: { location: '' } ) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200) request =, '') response = request.perform expect(response.request.base_uri.to_s).to eq("") end end it 'should return a valid object for 4xx response' do stub_response 'yes', 401 resp = @request.perform expect(resp.code).to eq(401) expect(resp.body).to eq("yes") expect(resp['foo']['bar']).to eq("yes") end it 'should return a valid object for 5xx response' do stub_response 'error', 500 resp = @request.perform expect(resp.code).to eq(500) expect(resp.body).to eq("error") expect(resp['foo']['bar']).to eq("error") end it "parses response lazily so codes can be checked prior" do stub_response 'not xml', 500 @request.options[:format] = :xml expect { response = @request.perform expect(response.code).to eq(500) expect(response.body).to eq('not xml') }.not_to raise_error end end end it "should not attempt to parse empty responses" do [204, 304].each do |code| stub_response "", code @request.options[:format] = :xml expect(@request.perform).to be_nil end end it "should not fail for missing mime type" do stub_response "Content for you" @request.options[:format] = :html expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq('Content for you') end [300, 301, 302, 305].each do |code| describe "a request that #{code} redirects" do before(:each) do @redirect = stub_response("", code) @redirect['location'] = '/foo' @ok = stub_response('bar', 200) end describe "once" do before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect, @ok) end it "should be handled by GET transparently" do expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by POST transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Post expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by DELETE transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by MOVE transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Move expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by COPY transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Copy expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by PATCH transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Patch expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by PUT transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Put expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by HEAD transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Head expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by OPTIONS transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Options expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by MKCOL transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Mkcol expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by LOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Lock expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by UNLOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Unlock expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should keep track of cookies between redirects" do @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=bar; name=value; HTTPOnly' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=bar/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/name=value/) end it 'should update cookies with redirects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie' => 'foo=bar;'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=tar/) end it 'should keep cookies between redirects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie' => 'keep=me'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/keep=me/) end it "should handle multiple Set-Cookie headers between redirects" do @redirect.add_field 'set-cookie', 'foo=bar; name=value; HTTPOnly' @redirect.add_field 'set-cookie', 'one=1; two=2; HTTPOnly' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=bar/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/name=value/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/one=1/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/two=2/) end it 'should make resulting request a get request if it not already' do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Get) end it 'should not make resulting request a get request if options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] is true' do @request.options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] = true @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Delete) end it 'should log the redirection' do logger_double = double expect(logger_double).to receive(:info).twice @request.options[:logger] = logger_double @request.perform end end describe "infinitely" do before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect) end it "should raise an exception" do expect { @request.perform }.to raise_error(HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep) end end end end describe "a request that 303 redirects" do before(:each) do @redirect = stub_response("", 303) @redirect['location'] = '/foo' @ok = stub_response('bar', 200) end describe "once" do before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect, @ok) end it "should be handled by GET transparently" do expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by POST transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Post expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by DELETE transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by MOVE transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Move expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by COPY transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Copy expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by PATCH transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Patch expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by PUT transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Put expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by HEAD transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Head expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by OPTIONS transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Options expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by MKCOL transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Mkcol expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by LOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Lock expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by UNLOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Unlock expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should keep track of cookies between redirects" do @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=bar; name=value; HTTPOnly' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=bar/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/name=value/) end it 'should update cookies with redirects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie' => 'foo=bar;'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=tar/) end it 'should keep cookies between redirects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie' => 'keep=me'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/keep=me/) end it "should handle multiple Set-Cookie headers between redirects" do @redirect.add_field 'set-cookie', 'foo=bar; name=value; HTTPOnly' @redirect.add_field 'set-cookie', 'one=1; two=2; HTTPOnly' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=bar/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/name=value/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/one=1/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/two=2/) end it 'should make resulting request a get request if it not already' do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Get) end it 'should make resulting request a get request if options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] is false' do @request.options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] = false @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Get) end it 'should make resulting request a get request if options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] is true but options[:resend_on_redirect] is false' do @request.options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] = true @request.options[:resend_on_redirect] = false @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Get) end it 'should not make resulting request a get request if options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] and options[:resend_on_redirect] is true' do @request.options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] = true @request.options[:resend_on_redirect] = true @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Delete) end it 'should log the redirection' do logger_double = double expect(logger_double).to receive(:info).twice @request.options[:logger] = logger_double @request.perform end end describe "infinitely" do before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect) end it "should raise an exception" do expect { @request.perform }.to raise_error(HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep) end end end describe "a request that returns 304" do before(:each) do @redirect = stub_response("", 304) @redirect['location'] = '/foo' end before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect) end it "should report 304 with a GET request" do expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a POST request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Post expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a DELETE request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a MOVE request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Move expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a COPY request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Copy expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a PATCH request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Patch expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a PUT request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Put expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a HEAD request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Head expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a OPTIONS request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Options expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should report 304 with a MKCOL request" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Mkcol expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should be handled by LOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Lock expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it "should be handled by UNLOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Unlock expect(@request.perform.code).to eq(304) end it 'should not log the redirection' do logger_double = double expect(logger_double).to receive(:info).once @request.options[:logger] = logger_double @request.perform end end [307, 308].each do |code| describe "a request that #{code} redirects" do before(:each) do @redirect = stub_response("", code) @redirect['location'] = '/foo' @ok = stub_response('bar', 200) end describe "once" do before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect, @ok) end it "should be handled by GET transparently" do expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by POST transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Post expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by DELETE transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by MOVE transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Move expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by COPY transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Copy expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by PATCH transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Patch expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by PUT transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Put expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by HEAD transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Head expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by OPTIONS transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Options expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by MKCOL transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Mkcol expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by LOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Lock expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should be handled by UNLOCK transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Unlock expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) end it "should keep track of cookies between redirects" do @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=bar; name=value; HTTPOnly' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=bar/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/name=value/) end it 'should update cookies with redirects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie' => 'foo=bar;'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=tar/) end it 'should keep cookies between redirects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie' => 'keep=me'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/keep=me/) end it "should handle multiple Set-Cookie headers between redirects" do @redirect.add_field 'set-cookie', 'foo=bar; name=value; HTTPOnly' @redirect.add_field 'set-cookie', 'one=1; two=2; HTTPOnly' @request.perform expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/foo=bar/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/name=value/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/one=1/) expect(@request.options[:headers]['Cookie']).to match(/two=2/) end it 'should maintain method in resulting request' do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Delete) end it 'should maintain method in resulting request if options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] is false' do @request.options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] = false @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Delete) end it 'should maintain method in resulting request if options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] is true' do @request.options[:maintain_method_across_redirects] = true @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete expect(@request.perform.parsed_response).to eq({"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}}) expect(@request.http_method).to eq(Net::HTTP::Delete) end it 'should log the redirection' do logger_double = double expect(logger_double).to receive(:info).twice @request.options[:logger] = logger_double @request.perform end end describe "infinitely" do before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect) end it "should raise an exception" do expect { @request.perform }.to raise_error(HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep) end end end end describe "#send_authorization_header?" do context "basic_auth" do before do @credentials = { username: "username", password: "password" } @authorization = "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" @request.options[:basic_auth] = @credentials @redirect = stub_response("", 302) @ok = stub_response('bar', 200) end before(:each) do allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@redirect, @ok) end it "should not send Authorization header when redirecting to a different host" do @redirect['location'] = '' @request.perform @request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(@request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request)['authorization']).to be_nil end it "should send Authorization header when redirecting to a relative path" do @redirect['location'] = '/v3' @request.perform @request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(@request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request)['authorization']).to eq(@authorization) end it "should send Authorization header when redirecting to the same host" do @redirect['location'] = '' @request.perform @request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(@request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request)['authorization']).to eq(@authorization) end it "should send Authorization header when redirecting to a different port on the same host" do @redirect['location'] = '' @request.perform @request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(@request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request)['authorization']).to eq(@authorization) end end end context "with POST http method" do it "should raise argument error if query is not a hash" do expect {, '', format: :xml, query: 'astring').perform }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "argument validation" do it "should raise argument error if basic_auth and digest_auth are both present" do expect {, '', basic_auth: {}, digest_auth: {}).perform }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "only one authentication method, :basic_auth or :digest_auth may be used at a time") end it "should raise argument error if basic_auth is not a hash" do expect {, '', basic_auth: %w(foo bar)).perform }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, ":basic_auth must be a hash") end it "should raise argument error if digest_auth is not a hash" do expect {, '', digest_auth: %w(foo bar)).perform }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, ":digest_auth must be a hash") end it "should raise argument error if headers is not a hash" do expect {, '', headers: %w(foo bar)).perform }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, ":headers must be a hash") end it "should raise argument error if options method is not http accepted method" do expect {'SuperPost', '').perform }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "only get, post, patch, put, delete, head, and options methods are supported") end it "should raise argument error if http method is post and query is not hash" do expect {, '', query: "message: hello").perform }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, ":query must be hash if using HTTP Post") end it "should raise RedirectionTooDeep error if limit is negative" do expect {, '', limit: -1).perform }.to raise_error(HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep, 'HTTP redirects too deep') end end context 'with Accept-Encoding header' do it 'should disable content decoding if present' do request =, '', headers:{'Accept-Encoding' => 'custom'}) request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request).decode_content).to eq(false) end it 'should disable content decoding if present and lowercase' do request =, '', headers:{'accept-encoding' => 'custom'}) request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request).decode_content).to eq(false) end it 'should disable content decoding if present' do request =, '') request.send(:setup_raw_request) expect(request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request).decode_content).to eq(true) end end end