import { Node, nodePasteRule, mergeAttributes } from "@tiptap/core"; import { Plugin } from "prosemirror-state"; import { getDictionary } from "src/decidim/i18n"; import InputDialog from "src/decidim/editor/common/input_dialog"; const YOUTUBE_REGEX = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.|music\.)?(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)(.+)?$/; const YOUTUBE_REGEX_GLOBAL = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.|music\.)?(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)(.+)?$/g; const VIMEO_REGEX = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.|player\.)?(vimeo\.com)(.+)?$/; const VIMEO_REGEX_GLOBAL = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.|player\.)?(vimeo\.com)(.+)?$/g; const isValidYouTubeUrl = (url) => { return url.match(YOUTUBE_REGEX); } const isValidVimeoUrl = (url) => { return url.match(VIMEO_REGEX); }; const getEmbedUrlFromYouTubeUrl = (options) => { const embedUrl = ""; const { url } = options; // if is already an embed url, return it if (url.includes("/embed/")) { return url; } // if is a url, get the id after the / if (url.includes("")) { const id = url.split("/").pop(); if (!id) { return null; } return `${embedUrl}${id}`; } const videoIdRegex = /v=([-\w]+)/gm; const matches = videoIdRegex.exec(url); if (!matches || !matches[1]) { return null; } let outputUrl = `${embedUrl}${matches[1]}`; const params = { ccLoadPolicy: 1, modestbranding: 1 }; const urlParams = {}; Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => { const urlKey = key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (char) => `_${char.toLowerCase()}`); urlParams[urlKey] = params[key]; }); return `${outputUrl}?${new URLSearchParams(urlParams)}`; } const getEmbedUrlFromVimeoUrl = (options) => { const embedUrl = ""; const { url } = options; const cleanUrl = url.split("?").shift(); const id = cleanUrl.split("/").pop(); return `${embedUrl}${id}`; } const getEmbedUrlFromVideoUrl = (options) => { const { url } = options; if (isValidYouTubeUrl(url)) { return getEmbedUrlFromYouTubeUrl(options); } else if (isValidVimeoUrl(url)) { return getEmbedUrlFromVimeoUrl(options); } return url; } /** * Video embed extension for the Tiptap editor. * * Based on the original `@tiptap/extension-youtube` extension with support to * other embedding services than only YouTube. */ export default Node.create({ name: "videoEmbed", draggable: true, addOptions() { return { height: null, width: null, inline: false } }, inline() { return this.options.inline; }, group() { if (this.options.inline) { return "inline"; } return "block"; }, addAttributes() { return { src: { default: null, parseHTML: (element) => { const wrapper = element?.parentElement?.parentElement; const embedUrl = wrapper?.dataset?.videoEmbed; if (embedUrl && embedUrl.length > 0) { return embedUrl; } return element.src; } }, title: { default: null }, width: { default: this.options.width }, height: { default: this.options.height }, frameborder: { default: 0 }, allowfullscreen: { default: true } }; }, parseHTML() { return [{ tag: "div[data-video-embed] div iframe" }]; }, addCommands() { const i18n = getDictionary("editor.extensions.videoEmbed"); return { setVideo: (options) => ({ commands }) => { return commands.insertContent({ type:, attrs: options }); }, videoEmbedDialog: () => async ({ dispatch }) => { if (dispatch) { const videoDialog = new InputDialog(this.editor, { inputs: { src: { type: "text", label: i18n.urlLabel }, title: { type: "text", label: i18n.titleLabel } } }); let { src, title } = this.editor.getAttributes("videoEmbed"); const dialogState = await videoDialog.toggle({ src, title }); if (dialogState !== "save") { return false; } src = videoDialog.getValue("src"); title = videoDialog.getValue("title"); if (title && title.trim().length < 1) { title = null; } if (!src || src.length < 1) { this.editor.commands.focus(null, { scrollIntoView: false }); return false; } return this.editor.chain().setVideo({ src, title }).focus(null, { scrollIntoView: false }).run(); } return true; } } }, addPasteRules() { return [ nodePasteRule({ find: YOUTUBE_REGEX_GLOBAL, type: this.type, getAttributes: (match) => { return { src: match.input, title: "" }; } }), nodePasteRule({ find: VIMEO_REGEX_GLOBAL, type: this.type, getAttributes: (match) => { return { src: match.input, title: "" }; } }) ]; }, renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) { const { src } = HTMLAttributes; HTMLAttributes.src = getEmbedUrlFromVideoUrl({ url: src }); return [ "div", { "class": "editor-content-videoEmbed", "data-video-embed": src }, [ "div", {}, [ "iframe", mergeAttributes( { width: this.options.width, height: this.options.height }, HTMLAttributes ) ] ] ]; }, addProseMirrorPlugins() { const editor = this.editor; return [ new Plugin({ props: { handleDoubleClick() { if (!editor.isActive("videoEmbed")) { return false; } editor.chain().focus().videoEmbedDialog().run(); return true; } } }) ]; } })