# Buildium::ResidentCenterApi All URIs are relative to *https://api.buildium.com* | Method | HTTP request | Description | | ------ | ------------ | ----------- | | [**get_resident_center_users**](ResidentCenterApi.md#get_resident_center_users) | **GET** /v1/residentCenterUsers | Retrieve all resident center users | | [**get_retail_cash_user**](ResidentCenterApi.md#get_retail_cash_user) | **GET** /v1/retailcashusers/{userId}/{unitAgreementId} | Retrieve a retail cash user | | [**get_retail_cash_users**](ResidentCenterApi.md#get_retail_cash_users) | **GET** /v1/retailcashusers | Retrieve all retail cash users | | [**update_retail_cash_user**](ResidentCenterApi.md#update_retail_cash_user) | **PUT** /v1/retailcashusers/{userId}/{unitAgreementId} | Update a retail cash user | ## get_resident_center_users > > get_resident_center_users(opts) Retrieve all resident center users Retrieves all resident center users for both rentals and associations.

Required permission(s):

Communications > Resident Center Users - `View`
Rentals > Tenants - `View` is required to retrieve resident center users that are tenants.
Associations > Association owners and tenants - `View` is required to retrieve resident center users that are association owners. ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'buildium-ruby' # setup authorization Buildium.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: clientId config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = Buildium::ResidentCenterApi.new opts = { unitagreementids: [37], # Array | Filters results to any resident center user who is associated with the specified lease and/or association ownership account identifiers. userids: [37], # Array | Filters results to any resident center user with the specified tenant and/or association owner identifiers. usertypes: ['Tenant'], # Array | Filters results to any resident center user with the specified types. residentcenteruserstatuses: ['AccountExistsButNoEmailSent'], # Array | Filters results to any resident center user with the specified resident center user statuses. isautopayenabled: true, # Boolean | If true, filters results to any resident center users who have automatic payments scheduled for the future. If false, filters results to any resident center users who do not have automatic payments scheduled for the future. If not provided, will not filter results based on automatic payments. orderby: 'orderby_example', # String | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See Bulk Request Options for more information. offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. } begin # Retrieve all resident center users result = api_instance.get_resident_center_users(opts) p result rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->get_resident_center_users: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_resident_center_users_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > >, Integer, Hash)> get_resident_center_users_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Retrieve all resident center users data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_resident_center_users_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => > rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->get_resident_center_users_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **unitagreementids** | [**Array<Integer>**](Integer.md) | Filters results to any resident center user who is associated with the specified lease and/or association ownership account identifiers. | [optional] | | **userids** | [**Array<Integer>**](Integer.md) | Filters results to any resident center user with the specified tenant and/or association owner identifiers. | [optional] | | **usertypes** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | Filters results to any resident center user with the specified types. | [optional] | | **residentcenteruserstatuses** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | Filters results to any resident center user with the specified resident center user statuses. | [optional] | | **isautopayenabled** | **Boolean** | If true, filters results to any resident center users who have automatic payments scheduled for the future. If false, filters results to any resident center users who do not have automatic payments scheduled for the future. If not provided, will not filter results based on automatic payments. | [optional] | | **orderby** | **String** | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information. | [optional] | | **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] | | **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] | ### Return type [**Array<ResidentCenterUserMessage>**](ResidentCenterUserMessage.md) ### Authorization [clientId](../README.md#clientId), [clientSecret](../README.md#clientSecret) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_retail_cash_user > get_retail_cash_user(user_id, unit_agreement_id) Retrieve a retail cash user Retrieves a retail cash user.

Required permission(s):

Rentals > Tenants - `View` OR Associations > Association owners and tenants - `View` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'buildium-ruby' # setup authorization Buildium.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: clientId config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = Buildium::ResidentCenterApi.new user_id = 56 # Integer | unit_agreement_id = 56 # Integer | begin # Retrieve a retail cash user result = api_instance.get_retail_cash_user(user_id, unit_agreement_id) p result rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->get_retail_cash_user: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_retail_cash_user_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > , Integer, Hash)> get_retail_cash_user_with_http_info(user_id, unit_agreement_id) ```ruby begin # Retrieve a retail cash user data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_retail_cash_user_with_http_info(user_id, unit_agreement_id) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->get_retail_cash_user_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **user_id** | **Integer** | | | | **unit_agreement_id** | **Integer** | | | ### Return type [**RetailCashUserMessage**](RetailCashUserMessage.md) ### Authorization [clientId](../README.md#clientId), [clientSecret](../README.md#clientSecret) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_retail_cash_users > > get_retail_cash_users(opts) Retrieve all retail cash users Retrieves all retail cash users.

Required permission(s):

Rentals > Tenants - `View` OR Associations > Association owners and tenants - `View` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'buildium-ruby' # setup authorization Buildium.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: clientId config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = Buildium::ResidentCenterApi.new opts = { entityid: 56, # Integer | Filters results to any users associated with the specified entity id value. The value must be of the type specified in the `EntityType` field. entitytype: 'Rental', # String | Specifies the type of entity that the `EntityId` field refers to. This field is required if the `EntityId` field is provided. statuses: ['Active'], # Array | Filters results to any users whose lease is in one of the provided statuses. name: 'name_example', # String | Filters results to any users whose name *contains* the specified value. unitaddress: 'unitaddress_example', # String | Filters results to any users whose unit address *contains* the specified value. isaccountcreated: true, # Boolean | Filters results to any users whose retail cash account is created. orderby: 'orderby_example', # String | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See Bulk Request Options for more information. offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. } begin # Retrieve all retail cash users result = api_instance.get_retail_cash_users(opts) p result rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->get_retail_cash_users: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_retail_cash_users_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > >, Integer, Hash)> get_retail_cash_users_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Retrieve all retail cash users data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_retail_cash_users_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => > rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->get_retail_cash_users_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **entityid** | **Integer** | Filters results to any users associated with the specified entity id value. The value must be of the type specified in the `EntityType` field. | [optional] | | **entitytype** | **String** | Specifies the type of entity that the `EntityId` field refers to. This field is required if the `EntityId` field is provided. | [optional] | | **statuses** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | Filters results to any users whose lease is in one of the provided statuses. | [optional] | | **name** | **String** | Filters results to any users whose name *contains* the specified value. | [optional] | | **unitaddress** | **String** | Filters results to any users whose unit address *contains* the specified value. | [optional] | | **isaccountcreated** | **Boolean** | Filters results to any users whose retail cash account is created. | [optional] | | **orderby** | **String** | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information. | [optional] | | **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] | | **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] | ### Return type [**Array<RetailCashUserMessage>**](RetailCashUserMessage.md) ### Authorization [clientId](../README.md#clientId), [clientSecret](../README.md#clientSecret) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## update_retail_cash_user > update_retail_cash_user(user_id, unit_agreement_id, retail_cash_user_put_message) Update a retail cash user Updates a retail cash user.

Required permission(s):

Rentals > Tenants - `View` `Edit` OR Associations > Association owners and tenants - `View` `Edit` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'buildium-ruby' # setup authorization Buildium.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: clientId config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = Buildium::ResidentCenterApi.new user_id = 56 # Integer | unit_agreement_id = 56 # Integer | retail_cash_user_put_message = Buildium::RetailCashUserPutMessage.new({is_enabled: false}) # RetailCashUserPutMessage | begin # Update a retail cash user result = api_instance.update_retail_cash_user(user_id, unit_agreement_id, retail_cash_user_put_message) p result rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->update_retail_cash_user: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the update_retail_cash_user_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > , Integer, Hash)> update_retail_cash_user_with_http_info(user_id, unit_agreement_id, retail_cash_user_put_message) ```ruby begin # Update a retail cash user data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_retail_cash_user_with_http_info(user_id, unit_agreement_id, retail_cash_user_put_message) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => rescue Buildium::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling ResidentCenterApi->update_retail_cash_user_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **user_id** | **Integer** | | | | **unit_agreement_id** | **Integer** | | | | **retail_cash_user_put_message** | [**RetailCashUserPutMessage**](RetailCashUserPutMessage.md) | | | ### Return type [**RetailCashUserMessage**](RetailCashUserMessage.md) ### Authorization [clientId](../README.md#clientId), [clientSecret](../README.md#clientSecret) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json