KManager.action :bootstrap do action do application_name = 'klue-langcraft' # Ruby Gem Bootstrap director = KDirector::Dsls::RubyGemDsl .init(k_builder, on_exist: :skip, # %i[skip write compare] on_action: :queue # %i[queue execute] ) .data( ruby_version: '3.0', application: application_name, application_description: 'Domain Specific Language Crafting', application_lib_path: application_name.to_s, # need a specialized handlebars helper to turn this into a path, e.g ps-common => ps/common application_lib_namespace: 'Klue::Langcraft', namespaces: ['Klue', 'Langcraft'], author: 'David Cruwys', author_email: '', initial_semver: '0.0.1', main_story: 'As a DSL designer, I want to testing out Domain Specific Language designs for different usecases, so that I can develop DSLs quickly and effectively', copyright_date: '2024', website: '' ) .github( active: false, repo_name: application_name, organization: 'appydave' ) do create_repository # delete_repository # list_repositories open_repository # run_command('git init') end .blueprint( active: false, name: :bin_hook, description: 'initialize repository', on_exist: :write) do cd(:app) run_template_script('bin/runonce/', dom: dom) add('.githooks/commit-msg').run_command('chmod +x .githooks/commit-msg') add('.githooks/pre-commit').run_command('chmod +x .githooks/pre-commit') add('.gitignore') run_command('git config core.hooksPath .githooks') # enable sharable githooks (developer needs to turn this on before editing rep) run_command("git add .; git commit -m 'chore: #{self.options.description.downcase}'; git push") run_command("gh repo edit -d \"#{dom[:application_description]}\"") end .package_json( active: false, name: :package_json, description: 'Set up the package.json file for semantic versioning' ) do self .add('package.json', dom: dom) .play_actions self .add_script('release', 'semantic-release') .sort .development .npm_add_group('semver-ruby') run_command("git add .; git commit -m 'chore: #{self.options.description.downcase}'; git push") end .blueprint( active: false, name: :opinionated, description: 'opinionated GEM files', on_exist: :write) do cd(:app) add('bin/setup') add('bin/console') applet_path = { |ns| ns.downcase }.join('/') add("lib/#{applet_path}.rb" , template_file: 'lib/applet_name.rb' , dom: dom) add("lib/#{applet_path}/version.rb" , template_file: 'lib/applet_name/version.rb' , dom: dom) add('spec/spec_helper.rb') add("spec/#{applet_path}_spec.rb" , template_file: 'spec/applet_name_spec.rb', dom: dom) add("#{typed_dom.application}.gemspec" , template_file: 'applet_name.gemspec', dom: dom) add('Gemfile', dom: dom) add('Guardfile', dom: dom) add('Rakefile', dom: dom) add('.rspec', dom: dom) add('.rubocop.yml', dom: dom) add('', dom: dom) add('', dom: dom) add('LICENSE.txt', dom: dom) run_command("rubocop -a") run_command("git add .; git commit -m 'chore: #{self.options.description.downcase}'; git push") end .blueprint( active: false, name: :ci_cd, description: 'github actions (CI/CD)', on_exist: :write) do cd(:app) # run_command("gh secret set SLACK_WEBHOOK --body \"$SLACK_REPO_WEBHOOK\"") run_command("gh secret set GEM_HOST_API_KEY --body \"$GEM_HOST_API_KEY\"") add('.github/workflows/main.yml') add('.releaserc.json') run_command("git add .; git commit -m 'chore: #{self.options.description.downcase}'; git push") end director.play_actions # director.builder.logit end end KManager.opts.app_name = 'klue-langcraft' KManager.opts.sleep = 2 KManager.opts.reboot_on_kill = 0 KManager.opts.reboot_sleep = 4 KManager.opts.exception_style = :short = true = true = 'FINISHED :)'