define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/NestedSorting", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/keys", "dojo/query", "dojo/string", "../_Plugin", "../../EnhancedGrid" ], function(declare, array, connect, lang, html, evt, win, keys, query, string, _Plugin, EnhancedGrid){ var NestedSorting = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.NestedSorting", _Plugin, { // summary: // Provides nested sorting feature // // description: // A flexible way to control multiple column sorting, including // // 1. Set default sorting order // 2. Disable sorting for certain columns // 3. Set sorting order dynamically with JS API // // example: // | // name: String // Plugin name name: "nestedSorting", _currMainSort: 'none',//'none'|'asc'|'desc' _currRegionIdx: -1, _a11yText: { 'dojoxGridDescending' : '▾', 'dojoxGridAscending' : '▴', 'dojoxGridAscendingTip' : '۸', 'dojoxGridDescendingTip': '۷', 'dojoxGridUnsortedTip' : 'x' //'✖' }, constructor: function(){ this._sortDef = []; this._sortData = {}; this._headerNodes = {}; //column index that are hidden, un-sortable or indirect selection etc. this._excludedColIdx = []; this.nls = this.grid._nls; this.grid.setSortInfo = function(){}; this.grid.setSortIndex = lang.hitch(this, '_setGridSortIndex'); this.grid.getSortIndex = function(){}; this.grid.getSortProps = lang.hitch(this, 'getSortProps'); if(this.grid.sortFields){ this._setGridSortIndex(this.grid.sortFields, null, true); } this.connect(this.grid.views, 'render', '_initSort');//including column resize this.initCookieHandler(); this.subscribe("dojox/grid/rearrange/move/" +, lang.hitch(this, '_onColumnDnD')); }, onStartUp: function(){ //overwrite base Grid functions this.inherited(arguments); this.connect(this.grid, 'onHeaderCellClick', '_onHeaderCellClick'); this.connect(this.grid, 'onHeaderCellMouseOver', '_onHeaderCellMouseOver'); this.connect(this.grid, 'onHeaderCellMouseOut', '_onHeaderCellMouseOut'); }, _onColumnDnD: function(type, mapping){ // summary: // Update nested sorting after column moved if(type !== 'col'){return;} var m = mapping, obj = {}, d = this._sortData, p; var cr = this._getCurrentRegion(); this._blurRegion(cr); var idx = this._getRegionHeader(cr).getAttribute('idx'); for(p in m){ if(d[p]){ obj[m[p]] = d[p]; delete d[p]; } if(p === idx){ idx = m[p]; } } for(p in obj){ d[p] = obj[p]; } var c = this._headerNodes[idx]; this._currRegionIdx = array.indexOf(this._getRegions(), c.firstChild); this._initSort(false); }, _setGridSortIndex: function(inIndex, inAsc, noRefresh){ if(lang.isArray(inIndex)){ var i, d, cell; for(i = 0; i < inIndex.length; i++){ d = inIndex[i]; cell = this.grid.getCellByField(d.attribute); if(!cell){ console.warn('Invalid sorting option, column ', d.attribute, ' not found.'); return; } if(cell['nosort'] || !this.grid.canSort(cell.index, cell.field)){ console.warn('Invalid sorting option, column ', d.attribute, ' is unsortable.'); return; } } this.clearSort(); array.forEach(inIndex, function(d, i){ cell = this.grid.getCellByField(d.attribute); this.setSortData(cell.index, 'index', i); this.setSortData(cell.index, 'order', d.descending ? 'desc': 'asc'); }, this); }else if(!isNaN(inIndex)){ if(inAsc === undefined){ return; }//header click from base DataGrid this.setSortData(inIndex, 'order', inAsc ? 'asc' : 'desc'); }else{ return; } this._updateSortDef(); if(!noRefresh){ this.grid.sort(); } }, getSortProps: function(){ // summary: // Overwritten, see DataGrid.getSortProps() return this._sortDef.length ? this._sortDef : null; }, _initSort: function(postSort){ // summary: // Initiate sorting var g = this.grid, n = g.domNode, len = this._sortDef.length; html.toggleClass(n, 'dojoxGridSorted', !!len); html.toggleClass(n, 'dojoxGridSingleSorted', len === 1); html.toggleClass(n, 'dojoxGridNestSorted', len > 1); if(len > 0){ this._currMainSort = this._sortDef[0].descending ? 'desc' : 'asc'; } var idx, excluded = this._excludedCoIdx = [];//reset it //cache column index of hidden, un-sortable or indirect selection this._headerNodes = query("th", g.viewsHeaderNode).forEach(function(n){ idx = parseInt(n.getAttribute('idx'), 10); if(, 'display') === 'none' || g.layout.cells[idx]['nosort'] || (g.canSort && !g.canSort(idx, g.layout.cells[idx]['field']))){ excluded.push(idx); } }); this._headerNodes.forEach(this._initHeaderNode, this); this._initFocus(); if(postSort){ this._focusHeader(); } }, _initHeaderNode: function(node){ // summary: // Initiate sort for each header cell node html.toggleClass(node, 'dojoxGridSortNoWrap', true); var sortNode = query('.dojoxGridSortNode', node)[0]; if(sortNode){ html.toggleClass(sortNode, 'dojoxGridSortNoWrap', true); } if(array.indexOf(this._excludedCoIdx, node.getAttribute('idx')) >= 0){ html.addClass(node, 'dojoxGridNoSort'); return; } if(!query('.dojoxGridSortBtn', node).length){ //clear any previous connects this._connects = array.filter(this._connects, function(conn){ if(conn._sort){ connect.disconnect(conn); return false; } return true; }); var n = html.create('a', { className: 'dojoxGridSortBtn dojoxGridSortBtnNested', title: string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.nestedSort, this.nls.ascending]), innerHTML: '1' }, node.firstChild, 'last'); n.onmousedown = evt.stop; n = html.create('a', { className: 'dojoxGridSortBtn dojoxGridSortBtnSingle', title: string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.singleSort, this.nls.ascending]) }, node.firstChild, 'last'); n.onmousedown = evt.stop; }else{ //deal with small height grid which doesn't re-render the grid after refresh var a1 = query('.dojoxGridSortBtnSingle', node)[0]; var a2 = query('.dojoxGridSortBtnNested', node)[0]; a1.className = 'dojoxGridSortBtn dojoxGridSortBtnSingle'; a2.className = 'dojoxGridSortBtn dojoxGridSortBtnNested'; a2.innerHTML = '1'; html.removeClass(node, 'dojoxGridCellShowIndex'); html.removeClass(node.firstChild, 'dojoxGridSortNodeSorted'); html.removeClass(node.firstChild, 'dojoxGridSortNodeAsc'); html.removeClass(node.firstChild, 'dojoxGridSortNodeDesc'); html.removeClass(node.firstChild, 'dojoxGridSortNodeMain'); html.removeClass(node.firstChild, 'dojoxGridSortNodeSub'); } this._updateHeaderNodeUI(node); }, _onHeaderCellClick: function(e){ // summary: // See dojox.grid.enhanced._Events._onHeaderCellClick() this._focusRegion(; if(html.hasClass(, 'dojoxGridSortBtn')){ this._onSortBtnClick(e); evt.stop(e); this._focusRegion(this._getCurrentRegion()); } }, _onHeaderCellMouseOver: function(e){ // summary: // See dojox.grid._Events._onHeaderCellMouseOver() // When user mouseover other columns than sorted column in a single sorted grid, // We need to show 1 in the sorted column if(!e.cell){return; } if(this._sortDef.length > 1){ return; } if(this._sortData[e.cellIndex] && this._sortData[e.cellIndex].index === 0){ return; } var p; for(p in this._sortData){ if(this._sortData[p] && this._sortData[p].index === 0){ html.addClass(this._headerNodes[p], 'dojoxGridCellShowIndex'); break; } } if(!html.hasClass(win.body(), 'dijit_a11y')){ return; } //a11y support var i = e.cell.index, node = e.cellNode; var singleSortBtn = query('.dojoxGridSortBtnSingle', node)[0]; var nestedSortBtn = query('.dojoxGridSortBtnNested', node)[0]; var sortMode = 'none'; if(html.hasClass(this.grid.domNode, 'dojoxGridSingleSorted')){ sortMode = 'single'; }else if(html.hasClass(this.grid.domNode, 'dojoxGridNestSorted')){ sortMode = 'nested'; } var nestedIndex = nestedSortBtn.getAttribute('orderIndex'); if(nestedIndex === null || nestedIndex === undefined){ nestedSortBtn.setAttribute('orderIndex', nestedSortBtn.innerHTML); nestedIndex = nestedSortBtn.innerHTML; } if(this.isAsc(i)){ nestedSortBtn.innerHTML = nestedIndex + this._a11yText.dojoxGridDescending; }else if(this.isDesc(i)){ nestedSortBtn.innerHTML = nestedIndex + this._a11yText.dojoxGridUnsortedTip; }else{ nestedSortBtn.innerHTML = nestedIndex + this._a11yText.dojoxGridAscending; } if(this._currMainSort === 'none'){ singleSortBtn.innerHTML = this._a11yText.dojoxGridAscending; }else if(this._currMainSort === 'asc'){ singleSortBtn.innerHTML = this._a11yText.dojoxGridDescending; }else if(this._currMainSort === 'desc'){ singleSortBtn.innerHTML = this._a11yText.dojoxGridUnsortedTip; } }, _onHeaderCellMouseOut: function(e){ // summary: // See dojox.grid.enhanced._Events._onHeaderCellMouseOut() var p; for(p in this._sortData){ if(this._sortData[p] && this._sortData[p].index === 0){ html.removeClass(this._headerNodes[p], 'dojoxGridCellShowIndex'); break; } } }, _onSortBtnClick: function(e){ // summary: // If the click target is single sort button, do single sort. // Else if the click target is nested sort button, do nest sort. // Otherwise return. var cellIdx = e.cell.index; if(html.hasClass(, 'dojoxGridSortBtnSingle')){ this._prepareSingleSort(cellIdx); }else if(html.hasClass(, 'dojoxGridSortBtnNested')){ this._prepareNestedSort(cellIdx); }else{ return; } evt.stop(e); this._doSort(cellIdx); }, _doSort: function(cellIdx){ if(!this._sortData[cellIdx] || !this._sortData[cellIdx].order){ this.setSortData(cellIdx, 'order', 'asc'); //no sorting data }else if(this.isAsc(cellIdx)){ this.setSortData(cellIdx, 'order', 'desc'); //change to 'desc' }else if(this.isDesc(cellIdx)){ this.removeSortData(cellIdx); //remove from sorting sequence } this._updateSortDef(); this.grid.sort(); this._initSort(true); }, setSortData: function(cellIdx, attr, value){ // summary: // Set sorting data for a column. var sd = this._sortData[cellIdx]; if(!sd){ sd = this._sortData[cellIdx] = {}; } sd[attr] = value; }, removeSortData: function(cellIdx){ var d = this._sortData, i = d[cellIdx].index, p; delete d[cellIdx]; for(p in d){ if(d[p].index > i){ d[p].index--; } } }, _prepareSingleSort: function(cellIdx){ // summary: // Prepare the single sort, also called main sort, this will clear any existing sorting and just sort the grid by current column. var d = this._sortData, p; for(p in d){ delete d[p]; } this.setSortData(cellIdx, 'index', 0); this.setSortData(cellIdx, 'order', this._currMainSort === 'none' ? null : this._currMainSort); if(!this._sortData[cellIdx] || !this._sortData[cellIdx].order){ this._currMainSort = 'asc'; }else if(this.isAsc(cellIdx)){ this._currMainSort = 'desc'; }else if(this.isDesc(cellIdx)){ this._currMainSort = 'none'; } }, _prepareNestedSort: function(cellIdx){ // summary: // Prepare the nested sorting, this will order the column on existing sorting result. var i = this._sortData[cellIdx] ? this._sortData[cellIdx].index : null; if(i === 0 || !!i){ return; } this.setSortData(cellIdx, 'index', this._sortDef.length); }, _updateSortDef: function(){ this._sortDef.length = 0; var d = this._sortData, p; for(p in d){ this._sortDef[d[p].index] = { attribute: this.grid.layout.cells[p].field, descending: d[p].order === 'desc' }; } }, _updateHeaderNodeUI: function(node){ // summary: // Update the column header UI based on current sorting state. // Show indicator of the sorting order of the column, no order no indicator var cell = this._getCellByNode(node); var cellIdx = cell.index; var data = this._sortData[cellIdx]; var sortNode = query('.dojoxGridSortNode', node)[0]; var singleSortBtn = query('.dojoxGridSortBtnSingle', node)[0]; var nestedSortBtn = query('.dojoxGridSortBtnNested', node)[0]; html.toggleClass(singleSortBtn, 'dojoxGridSortBtnAsc', this._currMainSort === 'asc'); html.toggleClass(singleSortBtn, 'dojoxGridSortBtnDesc', this._currMainSort === 'desc'); if(this._currMainSort === 'asc'){ singleSortBtn.title = string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.singleSort, this.nls.descending]); }else if(this._currMainSort === 'desc'){ singleSortBtn.title = string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.singleSort, this.nls.unsorted]); }else{ singleSortBtn.title = string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.singleSort, this.nls.ascending]); } var _this = this; function setWaiState(){ var columnInfo = 'Column ' + (cell.index + 1) + ' ' + cell.field; var orderState = 'none'; var orderAction = 'ascending'; if(data){ orderState = data.order === 'asc' ? 'ascending' : 'descending'; orderAction = data.order === 'asc' ? 'descending' : 'none'; } var a11ySingleLabel = columnInfo + ' - is sorted by ' + orderState; var a11yNestedLabel = columnInfo + ' - is nested sorted by ' + orderState; var a11ySingleLabelHover = columnInfo + ' - choose to sort by ' + orderAction; var a11yNestedLabelHover = columnInfo + ' - choose to nested sort by ' + orderAction; singleSortBtn.setAttribute("aria-label", a11ySingleLabel); nestedSortBtn.setAttribute("aria-label", a11yNestedLabel); var handles = [ _this.connect(singleSortBtn, "onmouseover", function(){ singleSortBtn.setAttribute("aria-label", a11ySingleLabelHover); }), _this.connect(singleSortBtn, "onmouseout", function(){ singleSortBtn.setAttribute("aria-label", a11ySingleLabel); }), _this.connect(nestedSortBtn, "onmouseover", function(){ nestedSortBtn.setAttribute("aria-label", a11yNestedLabelHover); }), _this.connect(nestedSortBtn, "onmouseout", function(){ nestedSortBtn.setAttribute("aria-label", a11yNestedLabel); }) ]; array.forEach(handles, function(handle){ handle._sort = true; }); } setWaiState(); var a11y = html.hasClass(win.body(), "dijit_a11y"); if(!data){ nestedSortBtn.innerHTML = this._sortDef.length + 1; nestedSortBtn.title = string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.nestedSort, this.nls.ascending]); if(a11y){sortNode.innerHTML = this._a11yText.dojoxGridUnsortedTip;} return; } if(data.index || (data.index === 0 && this._sortDef.length > 1)){ nestedSortBtn.innerHTML = data.index + 1; } html.addClass(sortNode, 'dojoxGridSortNodeSorted'); if(this.isAsc(cellIdx)){ html.addClass(sortNode, 'dojoxGridSortNodeAsc'); nestedSortBtn.title = string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.nestedSort, this.nls.descending]); if(a11y){sortNode.innerHTML = this._a11yText.dojoxGridAscendingTip;} }else if(this.isDesc(cellIdx)){ html.addClass(sortNode, 'dojoxGridSortNodeDesc'); nestedSortBtn.title = string.substitute(this.nls.sortingState, [this.nls.nestedSort, this.nls.unsorted]); if(a11y){sortNode.innerHTML = this._a11yText.dojoxGridDescendingTip;} } html.addClass(sortNode, (data.index === 0 ? 'dojoxGridSortNodeMain' : 'dojoxGridSortNodeSub')); }, isAsc: function(cellIndex){ return this._sortData[cellIndex].order === 'asc'; }, isDesc: function(cellIndex){ return this._sortData[cellIndex].order === 'desc'; }, _getCellByNode: function(node){ var i; for(i = 0; i < this._headerNodes.length; i++){ if(this._headerNodes[i] === node){ return this.grid.layout.cells[i]; } } return null; }, clearSort: function(){ this._sortData = {}; this._sortDef.length = 0; }, //persistence initCookieHandler: function(){ if(this.grid.addCookieHandler){ this.grid.addCookieHandler({ name: "sortOrder", onLoad: lang.hitch(this, '_loadNestedSortingProps'), onSave: lang.hitch(this, '_saveNestedSortingProps') }); } }, _loadNestedSortingProps: function(sortInfo, grid){ this._setGridSortIndex(sortInfo); }, _saveNestedSortingProps: function(grid){ return this.getSortProps(); }, //focus & keyboard _initFocus: function(){ var f = this.focus = this.grid.focus; this._focusRegions = this._getRegions(); if(!this._headerArea){ var area = this._headerArea = f.getArea('header'); area.onFocus = f.focusHeader = lang.hitch(this, '_focusHeader'); area.onBlur = f.blurHeader = f._blurHeader = lang.hitch(this, '_blurHeader'); area.onMove = lang.hitch(this, '_onMove'); area.onKeyDown = lang.hitch(this, '_onKeyDown'); area._regions = []; area.getRegions = null; this.connect(this.grid, 'onBlur', '_blurHeader'); } }, _focusHeader: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see _FocusManager.focusHeader() // delayed: Boolean // If called from "this.focus._delayedHeaderFocus()" if(this._currRegionIdx === -1){ this._onMove(0, 1, null); }else{ this._focusRegion(this._getCurrentRegion()); } try{ evt.stop(e); }catch(e){} return true; }, _blurHeader: function(e){ this._blurRegion(this._getCurrentRegion()); return true; }, _onMove: function(rowStep, colStep, e){ var curr = this._currRegionIdx || 0, regions = this._focusRegions; var region = regions[curr + colStep]; if(!region){ return; }else if(, 'display') === 'none' ||, 'visibility') === 'hidden'){ //if the region is invisible, keep finding next this._onMove(rowStep, colStep + (colStep > 0 ? 1 : -1), e); return; } this._focusRegion(region); //keep grid body scrolled by header var view = this._getRegionView(region); view.scrollboxNode.scrollLeft = view.headerNode.scrollLeft; }, _onKeyDown: function(e, isBubble){ if(isBubble){ switch(e.keyCode){ case keys.ENTER: case keys.SPACE: if(html.hasClass(, 'dojoxGridSortBtnSingle') || html.hasClass(, 'dojoxGridSortBtnNested')){ this._onSortBtnClick(e); } } } }, _getRegionView: function(region){ var header = region; while(header && !html.hasClass(header, 'dojoxGridHeader')){ header = header.parentNode; } if(header){ return array.filter(this.grid.views.views, function(view){ return view.headerNode === header; })[0] || null; } return null; }, _getRegions: function(){ var regions = [], cells = this.grid.layout.cells; this._headerNodes.forEach(function(n, i){ if(, 'display') === 'none'){return;} if(cells[i]['isRowSelector']){ regions.push(n); return; } query('.dojoxGridSortNode,.dojoxGridSortBtnNested,.dojoxGridSortBtnSingle', n).forEach(function(node){ node.setAttribute('tabindex', 0); regions.push(node); }); },this); return regions; }, _focusRegion: function(region){ // summary: // Focus the given region if(!region){return;} var currRegion = this._getCurrentRegion(); if(currRegion && region !== currRegion){ this._blurRegion(currRegion); } var header = this._getRegionHeader(region); html.addClass(header, 'dojoxGridCellSortFocus'); if(html.hasClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortNode')){ html.addClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortNodeFocus'); }else if(html.hasClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortBtn')){ html.addClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortBtnFocus'); } region.focus(); this.focus.currentArea('header'); this._currRegionIdx = array.indexOf(this._focusRegions, region); }, _blurRegion: function(region){ if(!region){return;} var header = this._getRegionHeader(region); html.removeClass(header, 'dojoxGridCellSortFocus'); if(html.hasClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortNode')){ html.removeClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortNodeFocus'); }else if(html.hasClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortBtn')){ html.removeClass(region, 'dojoxGridSortBtnFocus'); } region.blur(); }, _getCurrentRegion: function(){ return this._focusRegions ? this._focusRegions[this._currRegionIdx] : null; }, _getRegionHeader: function(region){ while(region && !html.hasClass(region, 'dojoxGridCell')){ region = region.parentNode; } return region; }, destroy: function(){ this._sortDef = this._sortData = null; this._headerNodes = this._focusRegions = null; this.inherited(arguments); } }); EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(NestedSorting); return NestedSorting; });