module Simp::BeakerHelpers::SimpRakeHelpers::BuildProjectHelpers # Scaffolds _just_ enough of a super-release project to run `bundle exec rake # -T` using this repository's source code as the simp-rake-helper source # # @param [Host, Array, String, Symbol] hosts Beaker host/hosts/role # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Beaker options Hash for `#on` ({}) # def scaffold_build_project(hosts, test_dir, opts = {}) copy_host_files_into_build_user_homedir(hosts, opts) skeleton_dir = "#{build_user_host_files}/spec/acceptance/files/build/project_skeleton/" on(hosts, %(mkdir "#{test_dir}"; chown build_user:build_user "#{test_dir}"), opts) on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "cp -aT '#{skeleton_dir}' '#{test_dir}'"), opts) gemfile = <<-GEMFILE.gsub(%r{^ {6}}, '') gem_sources = ENV.fetch('GEM_SERVERS','').split(/[, ]+/) gem_sources.each { |gem_source| source gem_source } gem 'simp-rake-helpers', :path => '#{build_user_host_files}' gem 'simp-build-helpers', ENV.fetch('SIMP_BUILD_HELPERS_VERSION', '>= 0.1.0') GEMFILE create_remote_file(hosts, "#{test_dir}/Gemfile", gemfile, opts) on(hosts, "chown build_user:build_user #{test_dir}/Gemfile", opts) on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; rvm use default; bundle --local || bundle"), opts) end # Returns the distribution directory path appropriate for a given SUT # # @example The distribution directory format looks like: # # `build/distributions/CentOS/6/x86_64 # # @param [Host, String, Symbol] host Beaker host # @param [String] proj_dir Absolute path to the parent project directory # If this is set, the returned path will be absolute as well. # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Beaker options Hash for `#on` ({}) # @return [String] distribution directory matching the SUT's properties # def distribution_dir(host, proj_dir, opts = {}) opts ||= {} @distribution_dirs ||= {} return @distribution_dirs[host.to_s] if @distribution_dirs.key?(host.to_s) result = on(host, %(#{run_cmd} 'facter --yaml'), opts.merge(silent: true)) facts_string = result.stdout.lines[1..-1].join facts = YAML.load(facts_string) # This logic should work regardless of the version of facter name = facts['operatingsystem'] || facts['os']['name'] maj_rel = facts['operatingsystemmajrelease'] || facts.fetch('os', {}).fetch('release', {})['major'] || facts['operatingsystemrelease'].split('.').first architecture = facts['architecture'] dir = "#{proj_dir}/build/distributions/#{name}/#{maj_rel}/#{architecture}" @distribution_dirs[host.to_s] = dir end # Scans a host path for the 'SIMP Development' GPG key and returns its Key ID # # @param [Host, String, Symbol] host Beaker host # @param [String] key_dir Absolute path to GPG key dir # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Beaker options Hash for `#on` ({}) # @return [String] GPG dev signing Key ID # def dev_signing_key_id(host, key_dir, opts = {}) # NOTE: This search uses a substring match on 'SIMP Development'. res = on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "gpg --with-colons --fingerprint --homedir='#{key_dir}' 'SIMP Development'"), opts) pub_lines = { |x| x.start_with?('pub') } raise "No 'SIMP Development' GPG keys found in '#{key_dir}'" if pub_lines.empty? pub_lines.first.split(':')[4].downcase end # Returns true when a gpg-agent daemon using the specified GPG home directory # (aka key directory) is running. # # @param [Host, String, Symbol] host Beaker host # @param [String] gpg_homedir Absolute path to GPG home dir def gpg_agent_running?(host, gpg_homedir) # This check is being used in tests to verify no gpg-agent for gpg_homedir # is running. On slow VMs, the gpg-agent can take some time to shutdown. # So wait up to 20 seconds for gpg-agent to shutdown before finalizing # gpg-agent status to be reported. retries = 20 agent_exists = true while (agent_exists || (retries > 0)) result = on(host, "pgrep -c -f 'gpg-agent.*homedir.*#{gpg_homedir}'", :accept_all_exit_codes => true) agent_exists = (result.stdout.strip != '0') break unless agent_exists sleep 1 retries -= 1 end agent_exists end end