<% if @profiled_requests.empty? %>
<%= inline_svg('logo_variant.svg', class: 'placeholder-image') %>

There is nothing here yet!

Send some requests to your app for them to show up here

<% else %>

Profiled Requests

<%= form_with id: 'profiled-request-search-form', url: profiled_requests_url, method: :get do |form| %> <%= form.search_field :path, id: 'profiled-request-search', placeholder: 'Search Path...', class: 'search-field' %> <% end %> <%= link_to(destroy_all_profiled_requests_url, method: :delete, class: 'clear-action', data: { confirm: "This will delete all requests. Are you sure?" }) do %> <% end %>
<% @profiled_requests.each do |profiled_request| %> <% end %>
Path Method Status Media Type Duration
<%= profiled_request.request_name %> <%= profiled_request.request_method %> <%= profiled_request.response_status %> <%= profiled_request.response_media_type %> <%= profiled_request.duration %> ms <%= profiled_request.created_at %> <%= link_to(profiled_request_path(profiled_request.id), title: 'Show Details') do %> <%= inline_svg('show.svg', options = {}) %> <% end %> <%= profiled_request.flamegraph_icon %> <%= link_to(profiled_request_path(profiled_request.id), title: 'Delete Request', method: :delete) do %> <%= inline_svg('delete.svg') %> <% end %>
<%== pagy_nav(@pagy) %>
<% end %>