require 'securerandom' namespace :middleman do middleman_options = Array(fetch(:middleman_options, %w(--verbose))) archive_prefix = fetch :archive_prefix, 'archive' archive_name = format('', archive_prefix, SecureRandom.hex) build_dir = fetch :build_dir, 'build' source_dir = fetch :source_dir, 'source' keep_filesystem_permissions = fetch :keep_filesystem_permissions, false directory_permissions = fetch :directory_permissions, 2775 file_permissions = fetch :file_permissions, 0664 exclude_patterns = Array(fetch(:exclude_patterns)) tar_roles = fetch(:tar_roles, :all) desc "Archive files to #{archive_name}" file archive_name => source_dir do |t| run_locally do execute :middleman, 'build', *middleman_options build_dir,, working_directory: build_dir, exclude_patterns: exclude_patterns, keep_filesystem_permissions: keep_filesystem_permissions, directory_permissions: directory_permissions, file_permissions: file_permissions ) end end desc "Build #{archive_name} on localhost" task build: archive_name do run_locally do info "Archive \"#{archive_name}\" created." end end desc "Deploy #{archive_name} to release_path" task create_release: archive_name do |t| archive_file = t.prerequisites.first on release_roles tar_roles do |host| # Make sure the release directory exists info "==> release_path: #{release_path} is created on #{tar_roles} roles for host #{host} <==" execute :install, "-d -m #{directory_permissions}", release_path # Create a temporary file on the server tmp_file = capture('mktemp') # Upload the archive, extract it and finally remove the tmp_file upload!(archive_file, tmp_file) # umask = capture('umask') # debug "umask on remote system #{host} is #{umask}" execute :unzip, '-o', tmp_file, '-d', release_path execute :rm, '-f', tmp_file end end desc 'Cleaning up deploy' task :clean do |_t| FileUtils.rm_rf build_dir FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob(format('', archive_prefix, '*')) end after 'deploy:finished', 'middleman:clean' task :check task :set_current_revision end