module Wazuh module Api module Endpoints module Syscheck # # Get syscheck files # Returns the syscheck files of an agent. # # @param [String] agent_id # @option options [offset] :offset # First element to return in the collection. # @option options [limit] :limit # Maximum number of elements to return. # @option options [sort] :sort # Sorts the collection by a field or fields (separated by comma). Use +/- at the beginning to list in ascending or descending order. # @option options [search] :search # Looks for elements with the specified string. # @option options [file] :file # Filters file by filename. # @option options [type] :type # Selects type of file. Allowed values: file, registry # @option options [summary] :summary # Returns a summary grouping by filename. Allowed values: yes, no # @option options [select] :select # List of selected fields separated by commas. # @option options [md5] :md5 # Returns the files with the specified md5 hash. # @option options [sha1] :sha1 # Returns the files with the specified sha1 hash. # @option options [sha256] :sha256 # Returns the files with the specified sha256 hash. # @option options [hash] :hash # Returns the files with the specified hash (md5, sha1 or sha256). # @see def syscheck_files(agent_id, options = {}) data = get "/syscheck/#{agent_id}", options data.items end # Clears the syscheck database for the specified agent. # # @param [String] agent_id # ID to agent # @see def clear_syscheck_database(agent_id) delete "/syscheck/#{agent_id}" end # Return the timestamp of the last syscheck scan. # # @param [String] agent_id # ID to agent # @see def last_syscheck_scan(agent_id) get "/syscheck/#{agent_id}/last_scan" end # Runs syscheck and rootcheck on all agents (Wazuh launches both processes simultaneously). # # @see def run_syscheck_all_agents put '/syscheck' end # Runs syscheck and rootcheck on an agent (Wazuh launches both processes simultaneously). # # @param [String] agent_id # ID to agent # @see def run_syscheck(agent_id) put "/syscheck/#{agent_id}" end end end end end