require 'rails/generators/base' module Milia module Generators # ************************************************************* class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base desc "Full installation of milia with devise" source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) class_option :use_airbrake, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Use this option to add airbrake exception handling capabilities' class_option :skip_recaptcha, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Use this option to skip adding recaptcha for sign ups' class_option :skip_invite_member, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Use this option to skip adding invite_member capabilities' class_option :skip_env_email_setup, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Use this option to skip adding smtp email info to config/environments/*' class_option :org_email, :type => :string, :default => "", :desc => 'define the organizational email from address' class_option :skip_devise_generators, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'skip execution of devise generators (if this has already been done previously)' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def check_requirements() gem_find_or_fail( %w(devise) ) end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize_template_variables() @skip_recaptcha = options.skip_recaptcha @skip_invite_member = options.skip_invite_member @use_airbrake = options.use_airbrake end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # the run('bundle install') didn't work; don't know why # replaced it with the "run_bundle" method below # ------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_initial_stuff copy_file 'devise_permitted_parameters.rb', 'config/initializers/devise_permitted_parameters.rb' template 'initializer.rb', 'config/initializers/milia.rb' unless options.skip_recaptcha gem 'recaptcha', :require => "recaptcha/rails" end if options.use_airbrake gem 'airbrake' end gem 'activerecord-session_store', github: 'rails/activerecord-session_store' run_bundle end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_devise unless options.skip_devise_generators generate "devise:install" generate "devise", "user" end gsub_file "app/models/user.rb", /,\s*$/, ", :confirmable," migrate_user_file = find_or_fail("db/migrate/[0-9]*_devise_create_users.rb") uncomment_lines( migrate_user_file, /confirm/ ) inject_into_file migrate_user_file, after: "# t.datetime :locked_at\n" do snippet_db_migrate_user end gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', /config.mailer_sender = '.+'/, "config.mailer_sender = '#{options.org_email}'" end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_milia unless false # future skip block?? inject_into_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", after: "protect_from_forgery with: :exception\n" do snippet_app_ctlr_header end route snippet_routes_root_path generate "controller", "home index" generate "active_record:session_migration" generate "model", "tenant tenant:references name:string:index" generate "migration", "CreateTenantsUsersJoinTable tenants users" inject_into_class "app/controllers/home_controller.rb", HomeController do snippet_home_ctlr_header end join_file = find_or_fail("db/migrate/[0-9]*_create_tenants_users_join_table.rb") uncomment_lines join_file, ":tenant_id, :user_id" gsub_file "config/routes.rb", "devise_for :users" do snippet_routes_devise end inject_into_file "app/models/user.rb", after: ":recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable\n" do snippet_model_user_determines_account end gsub_file "app/models/tenant.rb", /belongs_to \:tenant/, ' ' inject_into_class "app/models/tenant.rb", Tenant do snippet_model_tenant_determines_tenant end end # skip block? end def setup_milia_member unless options.skip_invite_member generate "resource", "member tenant:references user:references first_name:string last_name:string" inject_into_file "app/models/tenant.rb", after: "acts_as_universal_and_determines_tenant\n" do snippet_add_assoc_to_tenant end uncomment_lines "app/models/tenant.rb", "create_org_admin" inject_into_file "app/models/user.rb", after: "acts_as_universal_and_determines_account\n" do snippet_add_member_assoc_to_user end gsub_file "app/models/member.rb", /belongs_to \:tenant/, ' ' inject_into_file "app/models/member.rb", after: "belongs_to :user\n" do snippet_fill_out_member end inject_into_class "app/controllers/members_controller.rb", MembersController do snippet_fill_member_ctlr end directory File.expand_path('../../../../app/views/members', __FILE__), "app/views/members" directory File.expand_path('../../../../app/views/devise/registrations', __FILE__), "app/views/devise/registrations" end # skip any member expansion end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_environments unless options.skip_env_email_setup environment nil, env: :development do snippet_env_dev end # do dev environment environment nil, env: :production do snippet_env_prod end # do production environment environment nil, env: :test do snippet_env_test end # do test environment environment do snippet_config_application end # do config_application end end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def wrapup() alert_color = :red say("-------------------------------------------------------------------------", alert_color) say("- milia installation complete", alert_color) say("- please edit your email, domain, password in config/environments/*", alert_color) say("- please edit devise config/initializers/devise.rb", alert_color) say("- please run migrations: $ rake db:migrate", alert_color) say("-------------------------------------------------------------------------", alert_color) end # ------------------------------------------------------------- private # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def find_or_fail( filename ) user_file = Dir.glob(filename).first if user_file.blank? say_status("error", "file: '#{filename}' not found", :red) raise Thor::Error, "************ terminating generator due to file error! *************" end return user_file end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ************************************************************* # ****** SNIPPET SECTION ************************************ # ************************************************************* def snippet_db_migrate_user <<-'RUBY1' # milia member_invitable t.boolean :skip_confirm_change_password, :default => false t.references :tenant RUBY1 end def snippet_routes_root_path <<-'RUBY2' root :to => "home#index" RUBY2 end def snippet_app_ctlr_header <<-'RUBY3' before_action :authenticate_tenant! ## milia defines a default max_tenants, invalid_tenant exception handling ## but you can override these if you wish to handle directly rescue_from ::Milia::Control::MaxTenantExceeded, :with => :max_tenants rescue_from ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess, :with => :invalid_tenant RUBY3 end def snippet_home_ctlr_header <<-'RUBY4' skip_before_action :authenticate_tenant!, :only => [ :index ] RUBY4 end def snippet_routes_devise <<-'RUBY5' # *MUST* come *BEFORE* devise's definitions (below) as :user do match '/user/confirmation' => 'milia/confirmations#update', :via => :put, :as => :update_user_confirmation end devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "milia/registrations", :confirmations => "milia/confirmations", :sessions => "milia/sessions", :passwords => "milia/passwords", } RUBY5 end def snippet_model_user_determines_account <<-'RUBY6' acts_as_universal_and_determines_account RUBY6 end def snippet_model_tenant_determines_tenant <<-'RUBY7' acts_as_universal_and_determines_tenant def self.create_new_tenant(tenant_params, user_params, coupon_params) tenant = => tenant_params[:name]) if new_signups_not_permitted?(coupon_params) raise ::Milia::Control::MaxTenantExceeded, "Sorry, new accounts not permitted at this time" else # create the tenant end return tenant end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # new_signups_not_permitted? -- returns true if no further signups allowed # args: params from user input; might contain a special 'coupon' code # used to determine whether or not to allow another signup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.new_signups_not_permitted?(params) return false end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # tenant_signup -- setup a new tenant in the system # CALLBACK from devise RegistrationsController (milia override) # AFTER user creation and current_tenant established # args: # user -- new user obj # tenant -- new tenant obj # other -- any other parameter string from initial request # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.tenant_signup(user, tenant, other = nil) # StartupJob.queue_startup( tenant, user, other ) # any special seeding required for a new organizational tenant # # Member.create_org_admin(user) # end RUBY7 end def snippet_add_member_assoc_to_user <<-'RUBY10' has_one :member, :dependent => :destroy RUBY10 end def snippet_fill_out_member <<-'RUBY11' acts_as_tenant DEFAULT_ADMIN = { first_name: "Admin", last_name: "Please edit me" } def self.create_new_member(user, params) # add any other initialization for a new member return user.create_member( params ) end def self.create_org_admin(user) new_member = create_new_member(user, DEFAULT_ADMIN) unless new_member.errors.empty? raise ArgumentError, new_member.errors.full_messages.uniq.join(", ") end return new_member end RUBY11 end def snippet_fill_member_ctlr <<-'RUBY12' # uncomment to ensure common layout for forms # layout "sign", :only => [:new, :edit, :create] def new() @member = @user = end def create() @user = user_params ) # ok to create user, member if @user.save_and_invite_member() && @user.create_member( member_params ) flash[:notice] = "New member added and invitation email sent to #{}." redirect_to root_path else flash[:error] = "errors occurred!" @member = member_params ) # only used if need to revisit form render :new end end private def member_params() params.require(:member).permit(:first_name, :last_name) end def user_params() params.require(:user).permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation) end RUBY12 end def snippet_add_assoc_to_tenant <<-'RUBY13' has_many :members, dependent: :destroy RUBY13 end def snippet_env_dev <<-RUBY20 # devise says to define default url config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' } # set up for email sending even in dev mode # Don't care if the mailer can't send config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => "", :port => "587", :authentication => :plain, :user_name => \"#{options.org_email}\", :password => ENV["SMTP_ENTRY"], :enable_starttls_auto => true } RUBY20 end def snippet_env_prod <<-'RUBY21' # devise says to define default url config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => '', :protocol => 'https' } ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => '', :port => '587', :authentication => :plain, :user_name => ENV['SENDGRID_USERNAME'], :password => ENV['SENDGRID_PASSWORD'], :domain => '' } RUBY21 end def snippet_env_test <<-'RUBY22' # devise says to define default url config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "" } RUBY22 end def snippet_config_application <<-'RUBY23' # uncomment to ensure a common layout for devise forms # config.to_prepare do # Devise # Devise::SessionsController.layout "sign" # Devise::RegistrationsController.layout "sign" # Devise::ConfirmationsController.layout "sign" # Devise::PasswordsController.layout "sign" # end # Devise RUBY23 end # ************************************************************* protected def bundle_command(command) say_status :run, "bundle #{command}" # We are going to shell out rather than invoking # because `rails new` loads the Thor gem and on the other hand bundler uses # its own vendored Thor, which could be a different version. Running both # things in the same process is a recipe for a night with paracetamol. # # We use backticks and #print here instead of vanilla #system because it # is easier to silence stdout in the existing test suite this way. The # end-user gets the bundler commands called anyway, so no big deal. # # We unset temporary bundler variables to load proper bundler and Gemfile. # # Thanks to James Tucker for the Gem tricks involved in this call. _bundle_command = Gem.bin_path('bundler', 'bundle') require 'bundler' Bundler.with_clean_env do print `"#{Gem.ruby}" "#{_bundle_command}" #{command}` end end def run_bundle bundle_command('install') unless options[:skip_gemfile] || options[:skip_bundle] || options[:pretend] end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def gem_find_or_fail( list ) need_fail = false alert_color = :red list.each do |gem_name| gem_msg = `bundle list #{gem_name}` if /Could not find gem/i =~ gem_msg say_status( "error", "gemfile not found: #{gem_name} is required", alert_color ) need_fail = true end # unless missing end # each constant to be checked if need_fail say("-------------------------------------------------------------------------", alert_color) say("- add required gems to Gemfile; then run bundle install", alert_color) say("- then retry rails g milia:install", alert_color) say("-------------------------------------------------------------------------", alert_color) raise Thor::Error, "************ terminating generator due to missing requirements! *************" end # need to fail end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- def file_find_or_fail( filename ) user_file = Dir.glob(filename).first if user_file.blank? alert_color = :red say("-------------------------------------------------------------------------", alert_color) say_status("error", "file: '#{filename}' not found", alert_color) say("- first run $ rails g milia:install", alert_color) say("- then retry $ rails g web_app_theme:milia", alert_color) say("-------------------------------------------------------------------------", alert_color) raise Thor::Error, "************ terminating generator due to file error! *************" end return user_file end # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- end # class InstallGen # ************************************************************* end # module Gen end # module Milia