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Capistrano plugins, recipes and templates.
sudo gem install capitate
Add capitate to your Capfile. Copy this somewhere near the top:
require 'capitate' require 'capitate/recipes' set :project_root, File.dirname(__FILE__)
The basics
Capitate has recipes for:
- Installing applications, via package manager or manually building with make.
- Common deployment setup and update_code tasks, such as symlinking in database.yml and more advanced recipes such as sphinx configuration.
- ERB templates for application configuration files, init scripts, monit configuration, etc.
- And more…
Beefing up your deploy
For an example deploy, see centos-sick.rb
You could copy this profile into config/deployment/ and add it to your Capfile:
load "config/deployment/centos-sick.rb"
Use recipes
For example, to script the install of a group of applications as root, use recipes:run:
Configure your Capfile to run it:
set :recipes_run, [ "ruby:centos:install", "memcached:centos:install" ] set :recipes_user, "root"
Then run:
cap recipes:run
This is just a basic example.
How to submit patches
Read the 8 steps for fixing other people’s code and for section 8b: Submit patch to Google Groups, use the Google Group above.
The trunk repository is http://svn.ducktyper.com/capitate/trunk
for anonymous access.
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
Comments are welcome. Send an email to Gabriel Handford via the forum
Gabriel Handford, 22nd February 2008
Theme extended from Paul Battley