Module RubyRunReport__
In: lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_report__.rb


Public Instance methods

Add an item to performance summary RSS channel


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_report__.rb, line 37
37:   def add_perf_summary_rss_item(req_count)
38:     return unless $rubyrun_host_with_port # Server started but no request yet
39:     # First, Throughput Summary
40:     $rubyrun_throughput.shift if $rubyrun_throughput.length == $rubyrun_report_shift_age
41:     index = $rubyrun_throughput.length
42:     $rubyrun_throughput[index] = [, req_count.to_f/$rubyrun_report_timer*60]
43:     bar_content = ''
44:     label_content = ''
45:     max = ($rubyrun_throughput.max {|a,b| a[1] <=> b[1]})[1]
46:     max = 1 if max == 0 # Avoid divided by zero below
47:     $rubyrun_throughput.reverse!
48:     $rubyrun_report_shift_age.times { |i|
49:       if $rubyrun_throughput[i]
50:         bar_content += sprintf(THROUGHPUT_BAR_TABLE, sprintf('%0.0f',$rubyrun_throughput[i][1]), ($rubyrun_throughput[i][1]*250/max).to_i)
51:         label_content += sprintf(THROUGHPUT_LABEL_TABLE, $rubyrun_throughput[i][0].strftime("%H:%M %b&nbsp;%d"))        
52:       else
53:         bar_content += sprintf(THROUGHPUT_BAR_TABLE, '', 0)
54:         label_content += sprintf(THROUGHPUT_LABEL_TABLE, '')                
55:       end
56:     }
57:     $rubyrun_throughput.reverse!    
58:     html_content = THROUGHPUT_HTML.sub(/%THROUGHPUT_BAR_TABLE%/, bar_content)
59:     html_content.sub!(/%THROUGHPUT_LABEL_TABLE%/, label_content)
60:     html_content.sub!(/%APPS_NAME%/,'/').last)
61:     html_content.sub!(/%TIMESTAMP%/,"%H:%M:%S %m/%d/%Y"))  
62:     # Second, Top Slowest Requests
63:     results = sort_performance_metrics
64:     table_content = ''
65:     10.times { |i|
66:       break unless results[i]
67:       table_content += sprintf(TOP_SLOWEST_REQUESTS_TABLE, results[i][0],
68:                               (150*results[i][1][0]/results[0][1][0]).round, results[i][1][0])
69:     }
70:     (html_content << TOP_SLOWEST_REQUESTS_HTML).sub!(/%TOP_SLOWEST_REQUESTS_TABLE%/,table_content)
71:     # Third, Request Performance Breakdown
72:     odd = true
73:     table_content = ''      
74:     results.each { |metrics|
75:       table_content += sprintf("#{odd ? REQ_PERF_BREAKDOWN_TABLE_ODD : REQ_PERF_BREAKDOWN_TABLE_EVEN}", metrics[0], metrics[1][6], metrics[1][0], metrics[1][1], (metrics[1][1]/metrics[1][0]*100).round, metrics[1][2], (metrics[1][2]/metrics[1][0]*100).round, metrics[1][3], (metrics[1][3]/metrics[1][0]*100).round, metrics[1][5], (metrics[1][5]/metrics[1][0]*100).round, metrics[1][4])
76:       odd = odd ? false : true
77:     }
78:     (html_content << REQ_PERF_BREAKDOWN_HTML).sub!(/%REQ_PERF_BREAKDOWN_TABLE%/,table_content);
79:     $rubyrun_perf_summary_rss.add_item(RubyRunRSS::RUBYRUN_RSS_PERF_SUMMARY_ITEM_TITLE,
80:                                        RubyRunRSS::RUBYRUN_RSS_PERF_SUMMARY_ITEM_DESCRIPTION, html_content)
81:   end

Add entries to transaction log CSV file metrics structure metrics[0] Thread ID metrics[1] Timestamp of the request metrics[2] URL metrics[3] Controller name metrics[4] Action name metrics[5] Response time metrics[6] Action time metrics[7] Database IO time metrics[8] View time metrics[9] Uncaptured time metrics[10] Dispatch wait time CSV format is URL, thread ID, timestamp, response time, action time,

  database io time, view time, dispatch wait time, uncaptured time


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_report__.rb, line 28
28:   def add_txn_log_csv_item(buffer)
29:     return if buffer.length == 0
30:     $ "\n----- Transaction Log at #{} -----"
31:     buffer.each { |metrics|
32:       $ "#{metrics[2]},#{metrics[0]},#{metrics[1].strftime("%H:%M:%S")}.#{("%.3f" % metrics[1].to_f).split('.')[1]} #{metrics[1].strftime("%m/%d/%y")},#{sprintf("%0.3f", metrics[5])},#{sprintf("%0.3f", metrics[6])},#{sprintf("%0.3f", metrics[7])},#{sprintf("%0.3f", metrics[8])},#{sprintf("%0.3f", metrics[10])},#{sprintf("%0.3f", metrics[9])}"
33:     }
34:   end

Create the CSV files


     # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_report__.rb, line 104
104:   def create_csv_files
105:     $rubyrun_txn_log_reporter ="#{@rubyrun_report_folder}/#{File.basename($0, ".*")}_#{$$.to_s}_txn_log.csv", shift_age = 10, shift_size = 4096000)   
106:     $ "#\n# Format: [URL],[thread ID],[timestamp],[response time],[action time],[database IO time],[view time],[dispatch delay time],[uncaptured time]\n#"
107:   end

Create the folder for keeping RSS XML file and HTML files Create the RSS channel


     # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_report__.rb, line 85
 85:   def create_rss_channels
 86:     rss_folder = $rubyrun_config['RSS_PATH'] ? $rubyrun_config['RSS_PATH'] \
 87:                  : "#{}/public/#{RubyRunRSS::RUBYRUN_RSS_FOLDER}"
 88:     begin
 89:       Dir.mkdir(rss_folder) unless File.exist?(rss_folder)
 90:     rescue Exception
 91:       rss_folder = @rubyrun_report_folder
 92:     end    
 93:     $rubyrun_perf_summary_rss = \
 94:                                 RubyRunRSS::RUBYRUN_RSS_PERF_SUMMARY_CHANNEL_TITLE,
 95:                                 RubyRunRSS::RUBYRUN_RSS_PERF_SUMMARY_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION,
 96:                                 rss_folder,
 97:                                 RubyRunRSS::RUBYRUN_RSS_PERF_SUMMARY_CHANNEL_FILENAME,
 98:                                 RubyRunRSS::RUBYRUN_RSS_PERF_SUMMARY_CHANNEL_ITEM_FILENAME \
 99:                                 unless $rubyrun_perf_summary_rss
100:     $rubyrun_throughput =
101:   end
