require 'spec_helper' require 'support/helpers/dsl_spec_helper' require 'taketo/dsl' include Taketo describe "DSL" do extend DSLSpec include DSLSpec shared_examples "a scoped construct" do |name, parents, with_block| parents = Array(parents) parents.each do |parent_scope_name| parent_scope = scopes[parent_scope_name] it { should be_appropriate_construct(name, :foo).with_block(with_block).under(parent_scope) } end scopes.except(*parents).each do |inappropriate_scope| it { should_not be_appropriate_construct(name, :foo).with_block(with_block).under(inappropriate_scope) } end end shared_examples "a scope" do |scope_name, parent_scope_names| it_behaves_like "a scoped construct", scope_name, Array(parent_scope_names), true Array(parent_scope_names).each do |parent_scope_name| parent_scope = scopes[parent_scope_name] it { should enclose_scope(scope_name).under(parent_scope) } it "creates a #{scope_name} and set it as current scope object" do # it "creates project and set it as current scope object" dsl(parent_scope, factory.create(parent_scope_name)) do |c| # dsl([:config], factory.create(:config)) do |c| stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, scope_name, :bar) # stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, :project, :bar) c.send(scope_name, :bar) do # c.project(:bar) do expect(c.current_scope_object).not_to be_nil # expect(c.current_scope_object).not_to be_nil expect(c.current_scope_object).to eq(factory.send(scope_name)) # expect(c.current_scope_object).to eq(factory.project) end # end end # end end # end it "does not leak #{scope_name} as current scope object" do # it "does not leak project as current scope object" dsl(parent_scope, factory.create(parent_scope_name)) do |c| # dsl([:config], factory.create(:config)) do |c| stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, scope_name, :bar) # stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, :project, :bar) c.send(scope_name, :bar) do # c.project(:bar) do expect(c.current_scope_object).to eq(factory.send(scope_name)) # expect(c.current_scope_object).to eq(factory.project) end # end expect(c.current_scope_object).not_to eq(factory.send(scope_name)) # expect(c.current_scope_object).not_to eq(factory.project) end # end end # end it "adds a #{scope_name} to the #{parent_scope_name}'s #{scope_name}s collection" do # it "adds a project to the config's projects collection" do dsl(parent_scope, factory.create(parent_scope_name)) do |c| # dsl([:config], factory.create(:config)) do |c| stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, scope_name, :bar) # stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, :project, :bar) c.current_scope_object.should_receive("append_#{scope_name}"). # c.current_scope_object.should_receive(:append_project). with(factory.send(scope_name)) # with(factory.project) c.send(scope_name, :bar) {} # c.project(:bar) {} end # end end # end it "sets #{scope_name}'s parent to the #{parent_scope_name} scope object" do # it "sets project's parent to the config scope object" do dsl(parent_scope, factory.create(parent_scope_name)) do |c| # dsl([:config], factory.create(:config)) do |c| stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, scope_name, :bar) # stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, :project, :bar) factory.send(scope_name).should_receive(:parent=).with(c.current_scope_object) # factory.project.should_receive(:parent=).with(c.current_scope_object) c.send(scope_name, :bar) {} # c.project(:bar) {} end # end end # end end shared_examples "a scoped method" do |attribute_name, parent_scope_names, parent_scope_method, example_value| it_behaves_like "a scoped construct", attribute_name, parent_scope_names, false Array(parent_scope_names).each do |parent_scope_name| it "calls #{parent_scope_method} on current #{parent_scope_name}" do # it "calls default_location= on current server" do dsl(scopes[parent_scope_name], factory.create(parent_scope_name, :foo)) do |c| # dsl([:config, :project, :environment, :server], factory.create(:server, :foo)) do |c| factory.send(parent_scope_name).should_receive(parent_scope_method).with(example_value) # factory.server.should_receive(:default_location=).with('/var/app/') c.send(attribute_name, example_value) # c.location "/var/app" end # end end end end describe "#default_destination" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :default_destination, :config, :default_destination=, "foo:bar:baz" end describe "#default_server_config" do it_behaves_like "a scoped construct", :default_server_config, [:config, :project, :environment] it "stores a block" do dsl(scopes[:config], factory.create(:config)) do |c| cfg = proc { any_method_call_here } factory.config.should_receive(:default_server_config=).with(cfg) c.default_server_config(&cfg) end end end describe "#shared_server_config" do it_behaves_like "a scoped construct", :shared_server_config, :config it "stores a block" do dsl(scopes[:config], factory.create(:config)) do |c| cfg = proc { any_method_call_here } c.shared_server_config(:foo, &cfg) expect(c.shared_server_configs[:foo]).to eq(cfg) end end end describe "#include_shared_server_config" do it "executes the block on dsl object in server scope for given shared config names" do dsl(scopes[:server], factory.create(:server)) do |c| c.stub(:shared_server_configs => { :foo => proc { call_from_foo }, :bar => proc { call_from_bar } }) c.should_receive(:call_from_foo) c.should_receive(:call_from_bar) c.include_shared_server_config(:foo, :bar) end end context "when the argument is hash where shared config names are keys" do context "when hash values are arrays" do it "includes config corresponding to hash key and passes exploded arguments" do dsl(scopes[:server], factory.create(:server)) do |c| c.stub(:shared_server_configs => { :foo => proc { |a, b| any_method_call_here(a, b) } }) c.should_receive(:any_method_call_here).with(321, 322) c.include_shared_server_config(:foo => [321, 322]) end end end context "when hash values are single values" do it "includes config corresponding to hash key and passes the argument" do dsl(scopes[:server], factory.create(:server)) do |c| c.stub(:shared_server_configs => { :foo => proc { |qux| any_method_call_here(qux) } }) c.should_receive(:any_method_call_here).with(321) c.include_shared_server_config(:foo => 321) end end end end context "whne there are symbol arguments (names of shared configs) and a hash" do it "includes config corresponding to symbol arguments and hash keys" do dsl(scopes[:server], factory.create(:server)) do |c| c.stub(:shared_server_configs => { :foo => proc { call_from_foo }, :bar => proc { |qux| call_from_bar(qux) } }) c.should_receive(:call_from_foo) c.should_receive(:call_from_bar).with(123) c.include_shared_server_config(:foo, :bar => 123) end end end it "raises ConfigError if non-existent config included" do dsl(scopes[:server], factory.create(:server)) do |c| expect { c.include_shared_server_config(:foo) }.to raise_error(Taketo::DSL::ConfigError, "Shared server config 'foo' is not defined!") end end end describe "#project" do it_behaves_like "a scope", :project, :config end describe "#environment" do it_behaves_like "a scope", :environment, :project end describe "#server" do it_behaves_like "a scope", :server, [:environment, :config, :project] it "evaluates default_server_config" do dsl(scopes[:environment], factory.create(:environment, :foo)) do |c| stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, :server, :bar) default_server_config = proc { some_setup } factory.server.stub(:default_server_config => default_server_config) c.should_receive(:some_setup) c.server(:bar) do end end end it "has name optional" do dsl(scopes[:environment], factory.create(:environment, :foo)) do |c| stub_find_or_create_scope_object(c, :server, :default) c.server do expect( eq(:default) end end end describe "#host" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :host, :server, :host=, "" end describe "#port" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :port, :server, :port=, 4096 end describe "#user" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :user, :server, :username=, "deployer" end describe "#location" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :location, :server, :default_location=, "/var/app/" end describe "#env" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :env, :server, :env, { :FOO => "bar" } end describe "#global_alias" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :global_alias, :server, :global_alias=, "foobared" end describe "#identity_file" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :identity_file, :server, :identity_file=, "/home/gor/.ssh/qqq" end describe "#default_command" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :default_command, :server, :default_command=, :tmux end describe "#command" do it_behaves_like "a scope", :command, :server describe "#execute" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :execute, :command, :command=, "rails c" end describe "#desc" do it_behaves_like "a scoped method", :desc, :command, :description=, "Run rails console" end end end describe "#current_scope_object" do it "is config initially" do dsl do |c| expect(c.current_scope_object).to eq(factory.config) end end it "corresponds to current scope" do dsl(:project, factory.create_project(:foo)) do |c| expect(c.current_scope_object).to eq(factory.project) end dsl(:server, factory.create_server(:foo)) do |c| expect(c.current_scope_object).to eq(factory.server) end end end describe "#configure" do it "reads config from file if filename passed" do File.stub(:read => "the config") dsl = dsl.should_receive(:instance_eval) do |config, *args| expect(config).to eq("the config") end dsl.configure("path/to/config") end it "is configured from block unless filename specified" do dsl = config = proc { } dsl.should_receive(:instance_eval).with(&config) dsl.configure &config end it "raises an error if neither config filename nor block passed" do expect do raise_error ArgumentError, /(config|block)/ end it "raises meaningful error if config parse failed" end def stub_find_or_create_scope_object(scope_object, scope, name) scope_object.current_scope_object.should_receive(:find).and_yield.and_return(factory.create(scope, name)) factory.should_receive(:create).with(scope, name) end end