require_relative 'constants' class Collapser attr_accessor :options, :state def initialize( collapsed_level: nil, collapsible_types: COLLAPSIBLE_TYPES, options: {}, state: ) @collapsed_level = collapsed_level @collapsible_types = collapsible_types.dup @options = options.dup @state = state.dup # do not dup end def collapse_per_options?(fcb, options: @options) criteria = options["#{fcb.type}#{fcb.level}_collapse".to_sym] return false if criteria.nil? criteria end def collapse_per_state?(fcb, default: false, state: @state) return false if state.nil? criteria = state[] return default if criteria.nil? !!criteria end def collapse_per_token?(fcb) fcb.token == COLLAPSIBLE_TOKEN_COLLAPSE end def collapsible_per_options?(fcb, options: @options) criteria = options["#{fcb.type}#{fcb.level}_collapsible".to_sym] return false if criteria.nil? criteria end def collapsible_per_type?(fcb, collapsible_types: @collapsible_types) @collapsible_types.nil? || @collapsible_types.include?(fcb.type) end def collapse?(fcb, initialize: false) if initialize (collapse_per_options?(fcb) || collapse_per_token?(fcb)) && !expand_per_token?(fcb) else collapse_per_state?(fcb, default: false) end end def collapsible?(fcb) collapsible_per_options?(fcb) end def expand_per_token?(fcb) fcb.token == COLLAPSIBLE_TOKEN_EXPAND end def hide?(fcb, collapsed_level: @collapsed_level, collapsible_types: @collapsible_types, initialize: true) fcb.collapsible = collapsible?(fcb) if collapsed_level.nil? # is not collapsing fcb.collapse = collapse?(fcb, initialize: initialize) collapsed_level = fcb.level if fcb.collapse fcb.hide = false elsif fcb.level.nil? fcb.hide = true elsif fcb.level > collapsed_level # Currently collapsed; evaluate for the current block fcb.collapse = collapse?(fcb, initialize: initialize) collapsed_level = fcb.level if fcb.collapse fcb.hide = true # block is at a deeper level thus hidden else # Currently expanded; evaluate for the current block if fcb.collapsible fcb.collapse = collapse?(fcb, initialize: initialize) collapsed_level = fcb.collapse ? fcb.level : nil fcb.hide = false elsif collapsible_per_type?(fcb) fcb.collapsible = false fcb.collapse = false fcb.hide = false else fcb.hide = true end end @state[] = fcb.level if fcb.collapse collapsed_level end # Reject rows that should be hidden based on the hierarchy def reject(fcbs, initialize: true, &block) analyze(fcbs, initialize: initialize, reject: true, &block) end # Reject rows that should be hidden based on the hierarchy def analyze(fcbs, initialize: true, reject: false, &block) fcbs.reject do |fcb| @collapsed_level = hide?(fcb, initialize: initialize) fcb, @collapsed_level if block reject && fcb.hide end end end return if $PROGRAM_NAME != __FILE__ require 'minitest/autorun' require_relative 'ww' # Updated FCB struct with an id for testing FCB =, :type, :level, :token, :collapse, :collapsible, :hide) OPTIONS = { divider4_collapse: false, divider4_collapsible: true, heading1_collapse: false, heading1_collapsible: false, heading2_collapse: true, heading2_collapsible: true, heading3_collapse: false, heading3_collapsible: true }.freeze STATE = {}.freeze class CollapserTest < Minitest::Test def setup @collapser = COLLAPSIBLE_TYPES.dup, options: OPTIONS.dup, state: STATE).dup end def test_analyze # Define test scenarios as arrays of FCB objects and expected filtered results # :id, :type, :level, :token ff_h1a = ['h1a', 'heading', 1, ''] ff_h1b = ['h1b', 'heading', 1, ''] ff_h2a = ['h2a', 'heading', 2, ''] ff_h2b = ['h2b', 'heading', 2, ''] ff_t1 = ['t1', 'text', nil, ''] ff_t2 = ['t2', 'text', nil, ''] ff_t3 = ['t3', 'text', nil, ''] ff_t4 = ['t4', 'text', nil, ''] ff_h1a_collapse = ['h1a', 'heading', 1, COLLAPSIBLE_TOKEN_COLLAPSE] ff_h1a_expand = ['h1a', 'heading', 1, COLLAPSIBLE_TOKEN_EXPAND] ff_h1b_expand = ['h1b', 'heading', 1, COLLAPSIBLE_TOKEN_EXPAND] # :collapse, :collapsible, :hide cc_init = [false, false, false] cc_collapse = [true, false, false] cc_collapse_collapsible = [true, true, false] cc_collapsible = [false, true, false] cc_collapsible_hide = [false, true, true] cc_hide = [false, false, true] cc_undefined_hide = [nil, nil, false] fc_h1a__init =*ff_h1a, *cc_init) fc_h1b__init =*ff_h1b, *cc_init) fc_h2a__init =*ff_h2a, *cc_init) fc_h2b__init =*ff_h2b, *cc_init) fc_t1__init =*ff_t1, *cc_init) fc_t2__init =*ff_t2, *cc_init) fc_t3__init =*ff_t3, *cc_init) fc_t4__init =*ff_t4, *cc_init) fc_h1a__collapse =*ff_h1a, *cc_collapse) fc_h1a__collapse_collapsible =*ff_h1a, *cc_collapse_collapsible) fc_h2a__collapse_collapsible =*ff_h2a, *cc_collapse_collapsible) fc_h1a__collapsible =*ff_h1a, *cc_collapsible) fc_h2a__collapsible =*ff_h2a, *cc_collapsible) fc_h1a__collapsible_hide =*ff_h1a, *cc_collapsible_hide) fc_t1__hide =*ff_t1, *cc_hide) fc_t2__hide =*ff_t2, *cc_hide) fc_h2a__hide =*ff_h2a, *cc_hide) analyze_cases = { with_token: [ { name: 'collapse', fcbs: [*ff_h1a_collapse, *cc_init)], expected: [*ff_h1a_collapse, *cc_collapse)] }, { name: 'expand', fcbs: [*ff_h1a_expand, *cc_init)], expected: [*ff_h1a_expand, *cc_init)] }, { name: 'collapse, against options', fcbs: [*ff_h1a_collapse, *cc_init)], options: { heading1_collapse: false }, expected: [*ff_h1a_collapse, *cc_collapse)] }, { name: 'expand, against options', fcbs: [*ff_h1a_expand, *cc_init)], options: { heading1_collapse: true }, expected: [*ff_h1a_expand, *cc_init)] }, ], with_no_state: [ { name: ' ', fcbs: [*ff_h1a_expand, *cc_init), fc_t1__init, fc_h2a__init, fc_t2__init,*ff_h1b_expand, *cc_init), fc_t3__init, fc_h2b__init, fc_t4__init], options: { heading2_collapse: true }, expected: [*ff_h1a_expand, *cc_init), fc_t1__init,*ff_h2a, *cc_collapse),*ff_h1b_expand, *cc_init), fc_t3__init,*ff_h2b, *cc_collapse)] }, { name: 'not collapsible', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init], options: {}, expected: [fc_h1a__init] }, { name: 'collapse, not collapsible', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init], options: { heading1_collapse: true }, expected: [fc_h1a__collapse] }, { name: 'collapsible, not collapsed', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init], options: { heading1_collapsible: true }, expected: [fc_h1a__collapsible] }, { name: 'collapsible, not collapsed, with a dependent', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init, fc_t1__init], options: { heading1_collapsible: true }, expected: [fc_h1a__init, fc_t1__init] }, { name: 'collapsible, collapsed', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init], options: { heading1_collapse: true, heading1_collapsible: true }, expected: [fc_h1a__collapse_collapsible] }, { name: 'collapsible, collapsed, with a dependent', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init, fc_t1__init], options: { heading1_collapse: true, heading1_collapsible: true }, expected: [fc_h1a__collapse_collapsible, fc_t1__hide] }, { name: 'collapsible, collapsed, with a dependent and lower levels', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init, fc_t1__init, fc_h2a__init], options: { heading1_collapse: true, heading1_collapsible: true }, expected: [fc_h1a__collapse_collapsible, fc_t1__hide, fc_h2a__hide] }, { name: 'collapsible, collapsed, with a dependent and higher levels', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init, fc_h2a__init, fc_t1__init], options: { heading2_collapse: true, heading2_collapsible: true }, expected: [fc_h1a__init, fc_h2a__collapse_collapsible, fc_t1__hide] }, ], with_empty_state: [ { name: 'expanded remains expanded', fcbs: [fc_h1a__init], options: { heading1_collapsible: true }, initialize: false, expected: [fc_h1a__collapsible] }, ], with_collapsed_state: [ { name: 'collapsed remains collapsed', fcbs: [fc_h1a__collapse_collapsible], options: { heading1_collapsible: true }, state: { "h1a" => 1 }, initialize: false, expected: [fc_h1a__collapse_collapsible] }, ] } analyze_cases.each do |name, test_cases| test_cases.each_with_index do |test_case, index| @collapser = test_case[:collapsed_level], collapsible_types: test_case[:collapsible_types] || COLLAPSIBLE_TYPES, options: (test_case[:options] || OPTIONS).dup, state: (test_case[:state] || STATE).dup) analysis = @collapser.analyze( test_case[:fcbs], initialize: test_case[:initialize].nil? ? true : test_case[:initialize] ) assert_equal test_case[:expected], analysis, "Failed on test case #{index + 1} #{name} #{test_case[:name]}" end end end end