require "virtualbox" require "colored" require "pp" module Snap module VBox class SnapShot #{{{ class << self def tree @@tree end Snap =, :time_stamp, :description, :uuid, :current) def init @@current = nil @@tree = nil end def parse_tree(vmname) init vm = ::VirtualBox::VM.find( vmname ) @@current = vm.current_snapshot return unless @@current @@tree = _parse(vm.root_snapshot) end # [TODO] need refactoring def time_elapse(time) _sec = 1 _min = _sec * 60 _hour = _min * 60 _day = _hour * 24 sec = time.to_i min = sec / _min hour = sec / _hour day = sec / _day case when day > 0 then "#{day} day#{day == 1 ? '' : 's'}" when hour > 0 then "#{hour} hour#{hour == 1 ? '' : 's'}" when min > 0 then "#{min} minute#{min == 1 ? '' : 's'}" when sec > 0 then "#{sec} second#{sec == 1 ? '' : 's'}" end end def _parse(s) tree = [ , s.time_stamp, s.description, s.uuid, s.uuid == @@current.uuid) ] s.children.each do |c| tree.concat [_parse(c)] end tree end def format(guide, s) time = time_elapse( - s.time_stamp) snapinfo = "#{} [ #{time} ]" snapinfo = snapinfo.yellow if s.current result = "#{guide} #{snapinfo}" result << " #{s.description}" unless s.description.empty? result << "\n" end def lastname if tree tree.flatten.sort_by(&:time_stamp) else nil end end def next_available_snapname if lastname.nil? "0" else n = lastname.succ n = n.succ while VBox::SnapShot.include? n n end end def include?(name) return false unless tree name end def show(t=tree, guide="") result = "" t.each_with_index do |v, idx| case v when Array tmp = guide.dup.chop.chop.sub("`", " ") << " " tmp << "#{t.size == idx + 1 ? '`' : '|'}" << "--" result << show(v, tmp) else result << format(guide, v) end end result end end end #}}} end class Snap < Vagrant::Command::Base def help puts <<-EOS Usage: vagrant snap [options...] subcommands are.. vagrant snap list vagrant snap back vagrant snap go [boxname] vagrant snap take [TARGET] [-n SNAP_NAME] [-d DESC]" vagrant snap delete [boxname]" EOS end def execute# {{{ @main_args, @sub_command, @sub_args = split_main_and_subcommand(@argv) # p [@main_args, @sub_command, @sub_args] # sub_list = %w(list go back take delete test) sub_list = %w(list go back take delete) unless @sub_command help exit end if sub_list.include? @sub_command send(@sub_command) else ui.warn "unkown command '#{@sub_command}'" help exit end end# }}} private # def env # @_env ||= # end def ui# {{{ @ui ||="vagrant") end# }}} def safe_with_target_vms(target, &blk)# {{{ with_target_vms(target) do |vm| unless vm.created?"not created yet: #{}") next end puts "[#{}]" end end# }}} def target_vmname# {{{ target = @sub_args.empty? ? nil : @sub_args.last.to_s end# }}} def exe(cmd)# {{{ puts "# exe: #{cmd}" if @exe_verbose system cmd end# }}} def list# {{{ # options = {} # opts = { |opts| opts.banner = "vagrant snap list" } # argv = parse_options(opts) # # p argv safe_with_target_vms(target_vmname) do |vm| VBox::SnapShot.parse_tree( vm.uuid ) puts VBox::SnapShot.tree ? : "no snapshot" end end# }}} def go # {{{ options = {} opts = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: vagrant snapt go [boxname]" end snapshot, target = *@sub_args unless snapshot puts return end safe_with_target_vms(target) do |vm| VBox::SnapShot.parse_tree( vm.uuid ) if VBox::SnapShot.include?( snapshot ) exe "VBoxManage controlvm '#{vm.uuid}' poweroff" exe "VBoxManage snapshot '#{vm.uuid}' restore '#{snapshot}'" exe "VBoxManage startvm '#{vm.uuid}' --type headless" else ui.warn "'#{snapshot}' is not exist" end end end# }}} def back# {{{ safe_with_target_vms(target_vmname) do |vm| exe "VBoxManage controlvm '#{vm.uuid}' poweroff" exe "VBoxManage snapshot '#{vm.uuid}' restorecurrent" exe "VBoxManage startvm '#{vm.uuid}' --type headless" end end# }}} def take# {{{ options = {} opts = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: vagrant snap take [TARGET] [-n SNAP_NAME] [-d DESC]" opts.on("-n", "--name STR", "Name of snapshot" ){ |v| options[:name] = v } opts.on("-d", "--desc STR", "Description of snapshot"){ |v| options[:desc] = v } end begin argv = parse_options(opts) rescue OptionParser::MissingArgument raise ::Vagrant::Errors::CLIInvalidOptions, :help => end return if !argv @main_args, @sub_command, @sub_args = split_main_and_subcommand(argv) # p @sub_args # return # snapshot, target = *@sub_args safe_with_target_vms(target_vmname) do |vm| VBox::SnapShot.parse_tree( vm.uuid ) if options[:name] and VBox::SnapShot.include? options[:name] ui.warn "'#{options[:name]}' is already exist" next end snapshot = options[:name] ? options[:name] : VBox::SnapShot.next_available_snapname cmd = "VBoxManage snapshot '#{vm.uuid}' take '#{snapshot}' --pause" if options[:desc] cmd << " --description '#{options[:desc]}'" end exe cmd end end# }}} def delete# {{{ options = {} opts = do |opts| opts.banner = "vagrant snap delete [boxname]" end snapshot, target = *@sub_args unless snapshot puts return end snapshot, target = *@sub_args safe_with_target_vms(target) do |vm| VBox::SnapShot.parse_tree( vm.uuid ) if VBox::SnapShot.include?( snapshot ) exe "VBoxManage snapshot '#{vm.uuid}' delete '#{snapshot}'" else ui.warn "'#{snapshot}' is not exist" end end end# }}} end end Vagrant.commands.register(:snap) { ::Snap::Snap }