# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Author:: Fletcher Nichol () # # Copyright (C) 2015, Fletcher Nichol # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "json" module Kitchen module Provisioner module Chef # Internal object to manage common sandbox preparation for # Chef-related provisioners. # # @author Fletcher Nichol # @api private class CommonSandbox include Logging # Constructs a new object, taking config, a sandbox path, and an # instance. # # @param config [Hash] configuration hash # @param sandbox_path [String] path to local sandbox directory # @param instance [Instance] an instance def initialize(config, sandbox_path, instance) @config = config @sandbox_path = sandbox_path @instance = instance end # Populate the sandbox. def populate prepare_json prepare_cache prepare_cookbooks prepare(:data) prepare(:data_bags) prepare(:environments) prepare(:nodes) prepare(:roles) prepare(:clients) prepare( :secret, type: :file, dest_name: "encrypted_data_bag_secret", key_name: :encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path ) end private # @return [Hash] configuration hash # @api private attr_reader :config # @return [Instance] an instance # @api private attr_reader :instance # @return [String] path to local sandbox directory # @api private attr_reader :sandbox_path # Generates a list of all files in the cookbooks directory in the # sandbox path. # # @return [Array] an array of absolute paths to files # @api private def all_files_in_cookbooks Dir.glob(File.join(tmpbooks_dir, "**/*"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH) .select { |fn| File.file?(fn) && ! %w{. ..}.include?(fn) } end # @return [String] an absolute path to a Policyfile, relative to the # kitchen root # @api private def policyfile basename = config[:policyfile_path] || config[:policyfile] || "Policyfile.rb" File.join(config[:kitchen_root], basename) end # @return [String] an absolute path to a Berksfile, relative to the # kitchen root # @api private def berksfile File.join(config[:kitchen_root], "Berksfile") end # @return [String] an absolute path to a Cheffile, relative to the # kitchen root # @api private def cheffile File.join(config[:kitchen_root], "Cheffile") end # @return [String] an absolute path to a cookbooks/ directory, relative # to the kitchen root # @api private def cookbooks_dir File.join(config[:kitchen_root], "cookbooks") end # Copies a cookbooks/ directory into the sandbox path. # # @api private def cp_cookbooks info("Preparing cookbooks from project directory") debug("Using cookbooks from #{cookbooks_dir}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmpbooks_dir) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(cookbooks_dir, "."), tmpbooks_dir) cp_site_cookbooks if File.directory?(site_cookbooks_dir) cp_this_cookbook if File.exist?(metadata_rb) end # Copies a site-cookbooks/ directory into the sandbox path. # # @api private def cp_site_cookbooks info("Preparing site-cookbooks from project directory") debug("Using cookbooks from #{site_cookbooks_dir}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmpsitebooks_dir) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(site_cookbooks_dir, "."), tmpsitebooks_dir) end # Copies the current project, assumed to be a Chef cookbook into the # sandbox path. # # @api private def cp_this_cookbook info("Preparing current project directory as a cookbook") debug("Using metadata.rb from #{metadata_rb}") cb_name = MetadataChopper.extract(metadata_rb).first || raise(UserError, "The metadata.rb does not define the 'name' key." \ " Please add: `name ''` to metadata.rb and retry") cb_path = File.join(tmpbooks_dir, cb_name) glob = Dir.glob("#{config[:kitchen_root]}/**") FileUtils.mkdir_p(cb_path) FileUtils.cp_r(glob, cb_path) end # Removes all non-cookbook files in the sandbox path. # # @api private def filter_only_cookbook_files info("Removing non-cookbook files before transfer") FileUtils.rm(all_files_in_cookbooks - only_cookbook_files) Dir.glob(File.join(tmpbooks_dir, "**/"), File::FNM_PATHNAME) .reverse_each { |fn| FileUtils.rmdir(fn) if Dir.entries(fn).size == 2 } end # @return [Logger] the instance's logger or Test Kitchen's common # logger otherwise # @api private def logger instance ? instance.logger : Kitchen.logger end # Creates a minimal, no-op cookbook in the sandbox path. # # @api private def make_fake_cookbook info("Berksfile, Cheffile, cookbooks/, or metadata.rb not found " \ "so Chef will run with effectively no cookbooks. Is this intended?") name = File.basename(config[:kitchen_root]) fake_cb = File.join(tmpbooks_dir, name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(fake_cb) File.open(File.join(fake_cb, "metadata.rb"), "wb") do |file| file.write(%{name "#{name}"\n}) end end # @return [String] an absolute path to a metadata.rb, relative to the # kitchen root # @api private def metadata_rb File.join(config[:kitchen_root], "metadata.rb") end # Generates a list of all typical cookbook files needed in a Chef run, # located in the cookbooks directory in the sandbox path. # # @return [Array] an array of absolute paths to files # @api private def only_cookbook_files glob = File.join(tmpbooks_dir, "*", "{#{config[:cookbook_files_glob]}}") Dir.glob(glob, File::FNM_DOTMATCH) .select { |fn| File.file?(fn) && ! %w{. ..}.include?(fn) } end # Prepares a generic Chef component source directory or file for # inclusion in the sandbox path. These components might includes nodes, # roles, etc. # # @param component [Symbol,String] a component name such as `:node` # @param opts [Hash] optional configuration # @option opts [Symbol] :type whether the component is a directory or # file (default: `:directory`) # @option opts [Symbol] :key_name the key name in the config hash from # which to pull the source path (default: `"#{component}_path"`) # @option opts [String] :dest_name the destination file or directory # basename in the sandbox path (default: `component.to_s`) # @api private def prepare(component, opts = {}) opts = { type: :directory }.merge(opts) key_name = opts.fetch(:key_name, "#{component}_path") src = config[key_name.to_sym] return if src.nil? info("Preparing #{component}") debug("Using #{component} from #{src}") dest = File.join(sandbox_path, opts.fetch(:dest_name, component.to_s)) case opts[:type] when :directory FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest) FileUtils.cp_r(Dir.glob("#{src}/*"), dest) when :file FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) FileUtils.cp_r(src, dest) end end # Prepares a cache directory for inclusion in the sandbox path. # # @api private def prepare_cache FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(sandbox_path, "cache")) end # Prepares Chef cookbooks for inclusion in the sandbox path. # # @api private # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def prepare_cookbooks if File.exist?(policyfile) resolve_with_policyfile elsif File.exist?(berksfile) resolve_with_berkshelf elsif File.exist?(cheffile) resolve_with_librarian cp_site_cookbooks if File.directory?(site_cookbooks_dir) elsif File.directory?(cookbooks_dir) cp_cookbooks elsif File.exist?(metadata_rb) cp_this_cookbook else make_fake_cookbook end filter_only_cookbook_files end # Prepares a Chef JSON file, sometimes called a dna.json or # first-boot.json, for inclusion in the sandbox path. # # @api private def prepare_json dna = if File.exist?(policyfile) update_dna_for_policyfile else config[:attributes].merge(run_list: config[:run_list]) end info("Preparing dna.json") debug("Creating dna.json from #{dna.inspect}") File.open(File.join(sandbox_path, "dna.json"), "wb") do |file| file.write(dna.to_json) end end def update_dna_for_policyfile if !config[:run_list].nil? && !config[:run_list].empty? warn("You must set your run_list in your policyfile instead of "\ "kitchen config. The run_list in your config will be ignored.") warn("Ignored run_list: #{config[:run_list].inspect}") end policy = Chef::Policyfile.new(policyfile, sandbox_path, logger: logger, always_update: config[:always_update_cookbooks]) Kitchen.mutex.synchronize do policy.compile end policy_name = JSON.parse(IO.read(policy.lockfile))["name"] policy_group = "local" config[:attributes].merge(policy_name: policy_name, policy_group: policy_group) end # Performs a Policyfile cookbook resolution inside a common mutex. # # @api private def resolve_with_policyfile Kitchen.mutex.synchronize do Chef::Policyfile.new(policyfile, sandbox_path, logger: logger, always_update: config[:always_update_cookbooks]).resolve end end # Performs a Berkshelf cookbook resolution inside a common mutex. # # @api private def resolve_with_berkshelf Kitchen.mutex.synchronize do Chef::Berkshelf.new(berksfile, tmpbooks_dir, logger: logger, always_update: config[:always_update_cookbooks]).resolve end end # Performs a Librarin-Chef cookbook resolution inside a common mutex. # # @api private def resolve_with_librarian Kitchen.mutex.synchronize do Chef::Librarian.new(cheffile, tmpbooks_dir, logger: logger).resolve end end # @return [String] an absolute path to a site-cookbooks/ directory, # relative to the kitchen root # @api private def site_cookbooks_dir File.join(config[:kitchen_root], "site-cookbooks") end # @return [String] an absolute path to a cookbooks/ directory in the # sandbox path # @api private def tmpbooks_dir File.join(sandbox_path, "cookbooks") end # @return [String] an absolute path to a site cookbooks directory in the # sandbox path # @api private def tmpsitebooks_dir File.join(sandbox_path, "cookbooks") end end end end end