module Kontena::Cli::Apps module DockerHelper # @param [Hash] services # @param [Boolean] force_build # @param [Boolean] no_cache def process_docker_images(services, force_build = false, no_cache = false) if services.none?{|name, service| service['build']} puts "Not found any service with build option" return end services.each do |name, service| if service['build'] && (!image_exist?(service['image']) || force_build) dockerfile = service['dockerfile'] || 'Dockerfile' abort("'#{service['image']}' is not valid Docker image name") unless validate_image_name(service['image']) abort("'#{service['build']}' does not have #{dockerfile}") unless dockerfile_exist?(service['build'], dockerfile) if service['hooks'] && service['hooks']['pre_build'] puts "Running pre_build hook".colorize(:cyan) run_pre_build_hook(service['hooks']['pre_build']) end puts "Building image #{service['image'].colorize(:cyan)}" build_docker_image(service['image'], service['build'], dockerfile, no_cache) puts "Pushing image #{service['image'].colorize(:cyan)} to registry" push_docker_image(service['image']) end end end # @param [String] name # @return [Boolean] def validate_image_name(name) !(/^[\w.\/\-:]+:?+[\w+.]+$/ =~ name).nil? end # @param [String] name # @param [String] path # @param [String] dockerfile # @param [Boolean] no_cache # @return [Integer] def build_docker_image(name, path, dockerfile, no_cache=false) cmd = ["docker build -t #{name}"] cmd << "-f #{File.join(File.expand_path(path), dockerfile)}" if dockerfile != "Dockerfile" cmd << "--no-cache" if no_cache cmd << path ret = system(cmd.join(' ')) abort("Failed to build image #{name.colorize(:cyan)}") unless ret ret end # @param [String] image # @return [Integer] def push_docker_image(image) ret = system("docker push #{image}") abort("Failed to push image #{image.colorize(:cyan)}") unless ret ret end # @param [String] image # @return [Boolean] def image_exist?(image) `docker history #{image} 2>&1` ; $?.success? end # @param [String] path # @param [String] dockerfile # @return [Boolean] def dockerfile_exist?(path, dockerfile) file = File.join(File.expand_path(path), dockerfile) File.exist?(file) end # @param [Hash] hook def run_pre_build_hook(hook) hook.each do |h| ret = system(h['cmd']) abort("Failed to run pre_build hook: #{h['name']}!".colorize(:red)) unless ret end end end end