include('scrollPane.js'); uki.view.list = {}; /** * List View * Progressevly renders list data. Support selection and drag&drop. * Renders rows with plain html. * * @author voloko * @name uki.view.List * @class * @extends uki.view.Base * @implements uki.view.Focusable */ uki.view.declare('uki.view.List', uki.view.Base, uki.view.Focusable, function(Base, Focusable) { this._throttle = 42; // do not try to render more often than every 42ms this._visibleRectExt = 300; // extend visible rect by 300 px overflow this._defaultBackground = 'theme(list)'; this._setup = function() {; uki.extend(this, { _rowHeight: 30, _render: new uki.view.list.Render(), _data: [], _lastClickIndex: -1, _selectedIndexes: [] }); }; /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#defaultBackground */ this.defaultBackground = function() { return uki.theme.background('list', this._rowHeight); }; /** * @type uki.view.list.Render * @function * @name uki.view.List#render */ /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#packSize */ /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#visibleRectExt */ /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#throttle */ /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#lastClickIndex */ /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#multiselect */ uki.addProps(this, ['render', 'packSize', 'visibleRectExt', 'throttle', 'lastClickIndex', 'multiselect']); /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#rowHeight */ this.rowHeight = uki.newProp('_rowHeight', function(val) { this._rowHeight = val; this.minSize(new Size(this.minSize().width, this._rowHeight * this._data.length)); if (this._background) this._background.detach(); this._background = null; if (this.background()) this.background().attachTo(this); this._contentChanged(); }); /** * @example['row1', 'row2', ...]) * @function * @name uki.view.List#data */ = function(d) { if (d === undefined) return this._data; this.clearSelection(); this._data = d; this._packs[0].itemFrom = this._packs[0].itemTo = this._packs[1].itemFrom = this._packs[1].itemTo = 0; this.minSize(new Size(this.minSize().width, this._rowHeight * this._data.length)); this.trigger('selection', {source: this}); this._contentChanged(); return this; }; /** * Forces list content update * @function * @name uki.view.List#relayout */ this.relayout = function() { this._packs[0].itemFrom = this._packs[0].itemTo = this._packs[1].itemFrom = this._packs[1].itemTo = 0; this.layout(); }; this.contentsSize = function() { return new Size(this.rect().width, this._rowHeight * this._data.length); }; /** * used in search. should be fast * @function * @param {Number} position * @param {String} data * @name uki.view.List#addRow */ this.addRow = function(position, data) { this._data.splice(position, 0, data); var item = this._itemAt(position); var container = doc.createElement('div'); container.innerHTML = this._rowTemplate.render({ height: this._rowHeight, text: this._render.render(this._data[position], this._rowRect(position), position) }); if (item) { item.parentNode.insertBefore(container.firstChild, item); } else { this._dom.childNodes[0].appendChild(container.firstChild); } if (position <= this._packs[0].itemTo) { this._packs[0].itemTo++; this._packs[1].itemFrom++; this._packs[1].itemTo++; this._packs[1] = this._packs[1].itemFrom*this._rowHeight + 'px'; } else { this._packs[1].itemTo++; } // offset selection var selectionPosition = uki.binarySearch(position, this.selectedIndexes()); for (var i = selectionPosition; i < this._selectedIndexes.length; i++) { this._selectedIndexes[i]++; }; // needed for scrollbar this.minSize(new Size(this.minSize().width, this._rowHeight * this._data.length)); this._contentChanged(); return this; }; /** * @function * @param {Number} position * @name uki.view.List#removeRow */ this.removeRow = function(position) { this._data.splice(position, 1);; return this; }; /** * Forces one particular row to be redrawn * @function * @param {Number} position * @name uki.view.List#removeRow */ this.redrawRow = function(position) { var item = this._itemAt(position); if (item) item.innerHTML = this._render.render(this._data[position], this._rowRect(position), position); return this; }; /** * Read/write current selected index for selectable lists * @function * @param {Number} position * @name uki.view.List#selectedIndex */ this.selectedIndex = function(position) { if (position === undefined) return this._selectedIndexes.length ? this._selectedIndexes[0] : -1; this.selectedIndexes([position]); this._scrollToPosition(position); return this; }; /** * Read/write all selected indexes for multiselectable lists * @function * @param {Array.} position * @name uki.view.List#selectedIndex */ this.selectedIndexes = function(indexes) { if (indexes === undefined) return this._selectedIndexes; this.clearSelection(true); this._selectedIndexes = indexes; for (var i=0; i < this._selectedIndexes.length; i++) { this._setSelected(this._selectedIndexes[i], true); }; this.trigger('selection', {source: this}); return this; }; /** * Read contents of selected row * @function * @name uki.view.List#selectedRow */ this.selectedRow = function() { return this._data[this.selectedIndex()]; }; /** * Read contents of all selected rows * @function * @name uki.view.List#selectedRows */ this.selectedRows = function() { return, function(index) { return this._data[index]; }, this) }; /** * @function * @name uki.view.List#clearSelection */ this.clearSelection = function(skipClickIndex) { for (var i=0; i < this._selectedIndexes.length; i++) { this._setSelected(this._selectedIndexes[i], false); }; this._selectedIndexes = []; if (!skipClickIndex) this._lastClickIndex = -1; }; /** * @function * @param {Number} index * @name uki.view.List#isSelected */ this.isSelected = function(index) { var found = uki.binarySearch(index, this._selectedIndexes); return this._selectedIndexes[found] == index; }; this.layout = function() { this._layoutDom(this._rect); this._needsLayout = false; // send visibleRect with layout this.trigger('layout', { rect: this._rect, source: this, visibleRect: this._visibleRect }); this._firstLayout = false; }; function range (from, to) { var result = new Array(to - from); for (var idx = 0; from <= to; from++, idx++) { result[idx] = from; }; return result; } function removeRange (array, from, to) { var p = uki.binarySearch(from, array), initialP = p; while (array[p] <= to) p++; if (p > initialP) array.splice(initialP, p - initialP); } this._rowRect = function(p) { return new Rect(0, p*this._rowHeight, this.rect().width, this._rowHeight); }; this._toggleSelection = function(p) { var indexes = [].concat(this._selectedIndexes); var addTo = uki.binarySearch(p, indexes); if (indexes[addTo] == p) { indexes.splice(addTo, 1); } else { indexes.splice(addTo, 0, p); } this.selectedIndexes(indexes); }; var updatingScroll = false; this._scrollableParentScroll = function() { if (updatingScroll) return; if (this._throttle) { if (this._throttleStarted) return; this._throttleStarted = true; setTimeout(uki.proxy(function() { this._throttleStarted = false; this.layout(); }, this), this._throttle); } else { this.layout(); } }; this._contentChanged = function() { this._needsLayout = true; uki.after(uki.proxy(this._relayoutParent, this)); }; this._relayoutParent = function() { this.parent().childResized(this); if (!this._scrollableParent) return; var c = this; while ( c && c != this._scrollableParent) { c._needsLayout = true; c = c.parent(); } c.layout(); }; this.keyPressEvent = function() { var useKeyPress = root.opera || (/mozilla/i.test( ua ) && !(/(compatible|webkit)/i).test( ua )); return useKeyPress ? 'keypress' : 'keydown'; }; this._bindSelectionEvents = function() { this.bind('mousedown', this._mousedown); this.bind('mouseup', this._mouseup); this.bind(this.keyPressEvent(), this._keypress); }; this._mouseup = function(e) { if (!this._multiselect) return; var o = uki.dom.offset(this._dom), y = e.pageY - o.y, p = y / this._rowHeight << 0; if (this._selectionInProcess && this._lastClickIndex == p && this.isSelected(p)) this.selectedIndexes([p]); this._selectionInProcess = false; }; this._mousedown = function(e) { var o = uki.dom.offset(this._dom), y = e.pageY - o.y, p = y / this._rowHeight << 0, indexes = this._selectedIndexes; if (this._multiselect) { this._selectionInProcess = false; if (e.shiftKey && indexes.length > 0) { if (this.isSelected(p)) { indexes = [].concat(indexes); removeRange(indexes, Math.min(p+1, this._lastClickIndex), Math.max(p-1, this._lastClickIndex)); this.selectedIndexes(indexes); } else { this.selectedIndexes(range( Math.min(p, indexes[0]), Math.max(p, indexes[indexes.length - 1]) )); } } else if (e.metaKey) { this._toggleSelection(p); } else { if (!this.isSelected(p)) { this.selectedIndexes([p]); } else { this._selectionInProcess = true; } } } else { this.selectedIndexes([p]); } this._lastClickIndex = p; }; this._keypress = function(e) { var indexes = this._selectedIndexes, nextIndex = -1; if (e.which == 38 || e.keyCode == 38) { // UP nextIndex = Math.max(0, this._lastClickIndex - 1); e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.which == 40 || e.keyCode == 40) { // DOWN nextIndex = Math.min(this._data.length-1, this._lastClickIndex + 1); e.preventDefault(); } else if (this._multiselect && (e.which == 97 || e.which == 65) && e.metaKey) { e.preventDefault(); this.selectedIndexes(range(0, this._data.length -1)); } if (nextIndex > -1 && nextIndex != this._lastClickIndex) { if (e.shiftKey && this._multiselect) { if (this.isSelected(nextIndex)) { this._toggleSelection(this._lastClickIndex); } else { this._toggleSelection(nextIndex); } this._scrollToPosition(nextIndex); } else { this.selectedIndex(nextIndex); } this._lastClickIndex = nextIndex; } }; this._createDom = function() { this._dom = uki.createElement('div', this.defaultCss + 'overflow:hidden'); this._initClassName(); var packDom = uki.createElement('div', 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0px;width:100%;overflow:hidden'); this._packs = [ { dom: packDom, itemTo: 0, itemFrom: 0 }, { dom: packDom.cloneNode(false), itemTo: 0, itemFrom: 0 } ]; this._dom.appendChild(this._packs[0].dom); this._dom.appendChild(this._packs[1].dom); this._initFocusable(); this._bindSelectionEvents(); }; this._setSelected = function(position, state) { var item = this._itemAt(position); if (item) this._render.setSelected(item, this._data[position], state, this.hasFocus()); }; this._scrollToPosition = function(position) { if (!this._visibleRect) return; var maxY, minY; maxY = (position+1)*this._rowHeight; minY = position*this._rowHeight; updatingScroll = true; if (maxY >= this._visibleRect.maxY()) { this._scrollableParent.scroll(0, maxY - this._visibleRect.maxY()); } else if (minY < this._visibleRect.y) { this._scrollableParent.scroll(0, minY - this._visibleRect.y); } updatingScroll = false; this.layout(); }; this._itemAt = function(position) { if (position < this._packs[1].itemTo && position >= this._packs[1].itemFrom) { return this._packs[1].dom.childNodes[position - this._packs[1].itemFrom]; } else if (position < this._packs[0].itemTo && position >= this._packs[0].itemFrom) { return this._packs[0].dom.childNodes[position - this._packs[0].itemFrom]; } return null; }; this._rowTemplate = new uki.theme.Template('
') this._renderPack = function(pack, itemFrom, itemTo) { var html = [], position; for (i=itemFrom; i < itemTo; i++) { html[html.length] = this._rowTemplate.render({ height: this._rowHeight, text: this._render.render(this._data[i], this._rowRect(i), i) }); }; pack.dom.innerHTML = html.join(''); pack.itemFrom = itemFrom; pack.itemTo = itemTo; = itemFrom*this._rowHeight + 'px'; this._restorePackSelection(pack, itemFrom, itemTo); }; // xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxxxxx | xxx // yyyyy | yyyyy | yyyy | yyyyyyy this._restorePackSelection = function(pack) { var indexes = this._selectedIndexes; if ( (indexes[0] <= pack.itemFrom && indexes[indexes.length - 1] >= pack.itemFrom) || // left index (indexes[0] <= pack.itemTo && indexes[indexes.length - 1] >= pack.itemTo) || // right index (indexes[0] >= pack.itemFrom && indexes[indexes.length - 1] <= pack.itemTo) // within ) { var currentSelection = uki.binarySearch(pack.itemFrom, indexes); currentSelection = Math.max(currentSelection, 0); while(indexes[currentSelection] !== null && indexes[currentSelection] < pack.itemTo) { var position = indexes[currentSelection] - pack.itemFrom; this._render.setSelected(pack.dom.childNodes[position], this._data[position], true, this.hasFocus()); currentSelection++; } } }; this._swapPacks = function() { var tmp = this._packs[0]; this._packs[0] = this._packs[1]; this._packs[1] = tmp; }; this._layoutDom = function(rect) { if (!this._scrollableParent) { this._scrollableParent = uki.view.scrollableParent(this); this._scrollableParent.bind('scroll', uki.proxy(this._scrollableParentScroll, this)); } var totalHeight = this._rowHeight * this._data.length, scrollableParent = this._scrollableParent; this._visibleRect = uki.view.visibleRect(this, scrollableParent); if (this._focusTarget) = this._visibleRect.y + 'px'; var prefferedPackSize = CEIL((this._visibleRect.height + this._visibleRectExt*2) / this._rowHeight), minVisibleY = MAX(0, this._visibleRect.y - this._visibleRectExt), maxVisibleY = MIN(totalHeight, this._visibleRect.maxY() + this._visibleRectExt), minRenderedY = this._packs[0].itemFrom * this._rowHeight, maxRenderedY = this._packs[1].itemTo * this._rowHeight, itemFrom, itemTo, startAt, updated = true;, rect); if ( maxVisibleY <= minRenderedY || minVisibleY >= maxRenderedY || // both packs below/above visible area (maxVisibleY > maxRenderedY && this._packs[1].itemFrom * this._rowHeight > this._visibleRect.y && this._packs[1].itemTo > this._packs[1].itemFrom) || // need to render below, and pack 2 is not enough to cover (minVisibleY < minRenderedY && this._packs[0].itemTo * this._rowHeight < this._visibleRect.maxY()) // need to render above, and pack 1 is not enough to cover the area // || prefferedPackSize is not enough to cover the area above/below, can this actually happen? ) { // this happens a) on first render b) on scroll jumps c) on container resize // render both packs, move them to be at the center of visible area // startAt = minVisibleY + (maxVisibleY - minVisibleY - prefferedPackSize*this._rowHeight*2) / 2; startAt = minVisibleY - this._visibleRectExt / 2; itemFrom = MAX(0, Math.round(startAt / this._rowHeight)); itemTo = MIN(this._data.length, itemFrom + prefferedPackSize); this._renderPack(this._packs[0], itemFrom, itemTo); this._renderPack(this._packs[1], itemTo, itemTo); // this._renderPack(this._packs[1], itemTo, MIN(this._data.length, itemTo + prefferedPackSize)); } else if (maxVisibleY > maxRenderedY && this._packs[1].itemTo > this._packs[1].itemFrom) { // we need to render below current area // this happens on normal scroll down // re-render bottom, swap itemFrom = this._packs[1].itemTo; itemTo = MIN(this._data.length, this._packs[1].itemTo + prefferedPackSize); this._renderPack(this._packs[0], itemFrom, itemTo); this._swapPacks(); } else if (maxVisibleY > maxRenderedY) { // we need to render below current area itemFrom = this._packs[0].itemTo; itemTo = MIN(this._data.length, this._packs[1].itemTo + prefferedPackSize); this._renderPack(this._packs[1], itemFrom, itemTo); } else if (minVisibleY < minRenderedY) { // we need to render above current area // this happens on normal scroll up // re-render top, swap itemFrom = MAX(this._packs[0].itemFrom - prefferedPackSize, 0); itemTo = this._packs[0].itemFrom; this._renderPack(this._packs[1], itemFrom, itemTo); this._swapPacks(); } else { updated = false; } if (updated && /MSIE 6|7/.test(ua)) this.dom().className += ''; }; this._bindToDom = function(name) { return, name) ||, name); }; this._focus = function(e) {, e); if (this._selectedIndexes.length == 0 && this._data.length > 0) { this.selectedIndexes([0]); } else { this.selectedIndexes(this.selectedIndexes()); } }; this._blur = function(e) {, e); this.selectedIndexes(this.selectedIndexes()); }; }); /** @function @name uki.Collection#data */ /** @function @name uki.Collection#selectedIndex */ /** @function @name uki.Collection#selectedIndexes */ /** @function @name uki.Collection#selectedRow */ /** @function @name uki.Collection#selectedRows */ /** @function @name uki.Collection#lastClickIndex */ uki.Collection.addAttrs(['data', 'selectedIndex', 'selectedIndexes', 'selectedRow', 'selectedRows', 'lastClickIndex']); /** * Scrollable List View * Puts a list into a scroll pane * * @author voloko * @name uki.view.ScrollableList * @class * @extends uki.view.ScrollPane */ uki.view.declare('uki.view.ScrollableList', uki.view.ScrollPane, function(Base) { this._createDom = function() {; this._list = uki({ view: 'List', rect: this.rect().clone().normalize(), anchors: 'left top right bottom' })[0]; this.appendChild(this._list); }; uki.each('data rowHeight render packSize visibleRectExt throttle focusable selectedIndex selectedIndexes selectedRow selectedRows multiselect draggable textSelectable'.split(' '), function(i, name) { uki.delegateProp(this, name, '_list'); }, this); }); include('list/render.js');