#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'flapjack/data/contact' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/data/semaphore' module Flapjack module Data class Migration ENTITY_DATA_MIGRATION = 'entity_data_migration' # copied from jsonapi/contact_methods.rb, could extract both into separate file def self.obtain_semaphore(resource, options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] semaphore = nil strikes = 0 begin semaphore = Flapjack::Data::Semaphore.new(resource, :redis => redis, :expiry => 60) rescue Flapjack::Data::Semaphore::ResourceLocked strikes += 1 if strikes < 5 sleep 2 retry end sempahore = nil end semaphore end def self.migrate_entity_check_data_if_required(options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] logger = options[:logger] semaphore = obtain_semaphore(ENTITY_DATA_MIGRATION, :redis => redis) if semaphore.nil? unless logger.nil? logger.fatal "Could not obtain lock for data migration. Ensure that " + "no other flapjack processes are running that might be executing " + "migrations, check logs for any exceptions, manually delete the " + "'#{ENTITY_DATA_MIGRATION}' key from your Flapjack Redis " + "database and try running Flapjack again." end exit end if redis.exists('all_checks') semaphore.release return end logger.warn "Upgrading Flapjack's entity/check Redis indexes..." unless logger.nil? check_names = redis.keys('check:*').map {|c| c.sub(/^check:/, '') } | Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.find_current_names(:redis => redis) unless check_names.empty? timestamp = Time.now.to_i check_names.each do |ecn| redis.zadd("all_checks", timestamp, ecn) entity_name, check = ecn.split(':', 2) redis.zadd("all_checks:#{entity_name}", timestamp, check) # not deleting the check hashes, they store useful data end end logger.warn "Checks indexed." unless logger.nil? entity_name_keys = redis.keys("entity_id:*") unless entity_name_keys.empty? ids = redis.mget(*entity_name_keys) entity_name_keys.each do |enk| enk =~ /^entity_id:(.+)$/; entity_name = $1; entity_id = ids.shift redis.hset('all_entity_names_by_id', entity_id, entity_name) redis.hset('all_entity_ids_by_name', entity_name, entity_id) redis.del(enk) redis.del("entity:#{entity_id}") end end logger.warn "Entities indexed." unless logger.nil? semaphore.release logger.warn "Indexing complete." unless logger.nil? end def self.refresh_archive_index(options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] archive_keys = redis.keys('events_archive:*') if archive_keys.empty? redis.del('known_events_archive_keys') return end grouped_keys = archive_keys.group_by do |ak| (redis.llen(ak) > 0) ? 'add' : 'remove' end {'remove' => :srem, 'add' => :sadd}.each_pair do |k, cmd| next unless grouped_keys.has_key?(k) && !grouped_keys[k].empty? redis.send(cmd, 'known_events_archive_keys', grouped_keys[k]) end end def self.purge_expired_archive_index(options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] return unless redis.exists('known_events_archive_keys') redis.smembers('known_events_archive_keys').each do |ak| redis.srem('known_events_archive_keys', ak) unless redis.exists(ak) end end def self.correct_notification_rule_contact_linkages(options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] logger = options[:logger] if redis.exists('corrected_notification_rule_contact_linkages') return end invalid_notification_rule_keys = redis.keys("notification_rule:*").select {|k| contact_id = redis.hget(k, 'contact_id') contact_id.nil? || contact_id.empty? }.collect {|nrk| nrk.sub(/^notification_rule:/, '') } unless invalid_notification_rule_keys.empty? Flapjack::Data::Contact.all(:redis => redis).each do |contact| correctable = contact.notification_rule_ids & invalid_notification_rule_keys next if correctable.empty? correctable.each {|ck| redis.hset("notification_rule:#{ck}", 'contact_id', contact.id) } logger.warn "Set contact #{contact.id} for rules #{correctable.join(', ')}" unless logger.nil? end end redis.set('corrected_notification_rule_contact_linkages', 'true') end end end end