Development Version

Latest Completed Development Version: jldrill-0.5.2

For details on development versions, see below.

If you’ve been following development of JLDrill for a while, you can see that stable releases are few an far between. I’m hoping to change that in the near future, but sometimes I’m lazy about updating this site. However, I actually do make updates to the code fairly frequently (usually every week).

Usually the development version is quite stable (it’s the one I use every day). So if you want something more cutting edge, or you would like to get involved in doing development on JLDrill you can always get the latest code from the JLDrill Git Repository.

I used to host development builds on my webserver. However, I am no longer doing so. If you wish to view the development documentation, you will have to download the code from GitHub and build it yourself.

After you get the development trees you will need to install the following gems:

Once you have everything installed you will be able to build the gem using:

		rake gem

If you have all the debian deb-helper scripts installed, you can build everying with:

		rake update

Once you have done that, you should view the development documentation and TODO list for that version by looking at doc/index.html. It will also contain links to the user documentation for the specific version you build.

Development Versions

Development versions of JLDrill have a version number like 0.3.x where x is not 0. In Release versions, the number is 0. To understand development versions you have to understand my process a little bit.

I will give an example. Let’s say I released version 0.3.0. That is the “Release version” and you know it is because the last number is a 0. This is a stable release that I expect end users to be able to use. After I release this version, I will start to work on 0.3.1. This is a “Development version”. You know it’s development because the last number isn’t 0.

But while I’m working on it it isn’t completed yet. It might not even work properly. This is known as the “Current Development Version”. You can look at this web page to see what it is (see below). There is no reason to use a current development version unless you are modifying it.

When I am finished doing what I want to do for that development version, it will be complete. I will update this page to show what the “Latest Completed Development Version” is. I will also try to show what I’ve done to the version.

The Latest Completed Development Version is a bleeding edge version of JLDrill. I expect it to work. Some features might be incomplete and there might be bugs. But it should work. You can use it if you really need the new features, or if you want to join in on testing.

If you want to create a new release, please follow the New Release Procedures

Development Version History

Current Development Version: None Latest Completed Development Version: jldrill-0.5.2

Changes in jldrill-0.5.2

Changes in jldrill-0.5.1

Changes in jldrill-0.4.2

Changes in jldrill-0.4.1

Changes in jldrill-0.3.5

Changes in jldrill-0.3.4

Changes in jldrill-0.3.3

Changes in jldrill-0.3.2

Changes in jldrill-0.3.1

site info

© 2005-2011 Mike Charlton | Generated by webgen | Design by Andreas Viklund modified by Mike Charlton.