module Pageflow module UploadableFile extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ReusableFile included do alias_attribute :file_name, :attachment_on_s3_file_name alias_attribute :content_type, :attachment_on_s3_content_type alias_attribute :file_size, :attachment_on_s3_file_size has_attached_file(:attachment_on_s3, Pageflow.config.paperclip_s3_default_options .merge( default_url: lambda do |attachment| attachment.instance.attachment_default_url end, styles: lambda do |attachment| attachment.instance.attachment_styles(attachment) end )) validates_attachment_presence :attachment_on_s3 validates_attachment_file_name :attachment_on_s3, matches: %r{^[^\/\\]+\.[\w]{3,4}$} do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :attachment_on_s3 state_machine initial: 'uploading' do extend StateMachineJob::Macro state 'uploading' state 'uploaded' state 'uploading_failed' event :file_uploaded do transition 'uploading' => 'uploaded' end event :process end end # see def file_name attachment_on_s3_file_name end def attachment attachment_on_s3 end def attachment=(value) self.attachment_on_s3 = value end def direct_upload_config end # Overwritten if a file type wants to merge its attachments default_url into # Pageflow.config.paperclip_s3_default_options. # (See Pageflow::ImageFile for example) def attachment_default_url '' end # Overwritten if a file type wants to add additional styles to # Pageflow.config.paperclip_s3_default_options. # (See Pageflow::ImageFile for example) def attachment_styles(_attachment) {} end # ReusableFile-overrides: def attachments_for_export [attachment] end def url if attachment.present? attachment.url end end def basename File.basename(attachment.original_filename, '.*') end def extension File.extname(attachment.original_filename).sub(/\A\./, '') end def can_upload? uploading? end def retryable? false end def ready? attachment.present? end def failed? uploading_failed? end def publish! file_uploaded! end module ClassMethods def processing_state_machine(&block) state_machine do extend StateMachineJob::Macro after_transition(any => 'uploaded', &:process!) instance_eval(&block) end end end end end