require 'rdoc/rdoc' require 'rdoc/generator' ## # A TAGS file generator based on class RDoc::Generator::Tags ## # The version of the tags generator you are using VERSION = '1.0' RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self ## # Extra Tags options to be added to RDoc::Options module Options ## # Valid tag styles TAG_STYLES = [:vim] ## # Which tag style shall we output? attr_accessor :tag_style end ## # Adds tags-generator options to the RDoc::Options instance +options+ def self.setup_options options options.force_output = true options.op_dir = '.' options.extend Options options.tag_style = :vim op = options.option_parser op.separator nil op.separator 'tags generator options:' op.separator nil op.on('--tag-style=TAG_STYLE', Options::TAG_STYLES, 'Which type of TAGS file to output') do |value| options.tag_style = value end op.separator nil end ## # Creates a new tags generator def initialize options @options = options @dry_run = options.dry_run @tags = {} end ## # Generates a TAGS file from +top_levels+ def generate top_levels top_levels.each do |top_level| @tags[top_level.relative_name] = [top_level.relative_name, 0, 'F'] end RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each do |klass| kind = "class:#{klass.full_name}" address = unless RDoc::TopLevel === klass.parent then "/#{klass.type} \\(#{klass.parent.full_name}::\\)\\?#{}/" else "/#{klass.type} #{klass.full_name}/" end klass.in_files.each do |file| @tags[klass.full_name] = [file.relative_name, address, 'c'] @tags[] = [file.relative_name, address, 'c'] end klass.each_attribute do |attr| where = [ attr.file.relative_name, "/attr\\w\\*\\s\\*\\[:'\"]#{}/", 'f', kind ] @tags[] = where @tags["#{}="] = where end klass.each_constant do |constant| @tags[] = [ constant.file.relative_name, "/#{}\\s\\*=/", 'd', kind] end klass.each_method do |method| address = if method.singleton then # \w doesn't appear to work in [] with nomagic "/def \\[A-Za-z0-9_:]\\+.#{}/" else "/def #{}/" end @tags[] = [ method.file.relative_name, address, 'f', kind] end end write_tags unless @dry_run end ## # Writes the TAGS file def write_tags open 'TAGS', 'w' do |io| io.write <<-INFO !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT\t2 !_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t1 !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR\tEric Hodel\t/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME\trdoc-tags !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL\t !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION\t#{VERSION} INFO @tags.sort.each do |name, (file, address, *field)| io.write "#{name}\t#{file}\t#{address};\"\t#{field.join "\t"}\n" end end end end