module RokuBuilder # Controls all interaction with other classes class Controller ### Validation Codes ### # Valid Options VALID = 0 # Too many commands given EXTRA_COMMANDS = 1 # No commands given NO_COMMANDS = 2 # Too many source options given EXTRA_SOURCES = 3 # No source options given NO_SOURCE = 4 # Incorrect use of current option BAD_CURRENT = 5 # No deeplink options supplied for deeplink BAD_DEEPLINK = 6 # Incorrect use of the in option BAD_IN_FILE = 7 ### Device Codes ### # The default device is offline switched to a secondary device CHANGED_DEVICE = -1 # Device is online GOOD_DEVICE = 0 # User defined device was not online BAD_DEVICE = 1 # No configured devices were online NO_DEVICES = 2 ### Run Codes ### # Config has deplicated options DEPRICATED_CONFIG = -1 # Valid config SUCCESS = 0 # Tring to overwrite existing config file CONFIG_OVERWRITE = 1 # Missing config file MISSING_CONFIG = 2 # Invalid config file INVALID_CONFIG = 3 # Missing manifest file MISSING_MANIFEST = 4 # Unknow device given UNKNOWN_DEVICE = 5 # Unknown project given UNKNOWN_PROJECT = 6 # Unknown stage given UNKNOWN_STAGE = 7 # Failed to sideload app FAILED_SIDELOAD = 8 # Failed to sign app FAILED_SIGNING = 9 # Failed to deeplink to app FAILED_DEEPLINKING = 10 # Failed to send navigation command FAILED_NAVIGATING = 11 # Failed to capture screen FAILED_SCREENCAPTURE = 12 # Run the builder # @param options [Hash] The options hash def logger = logger.formatter = proc {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "[%s #%s] %5s: %s\n\r" % [datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%4N"), $$, severity, msg] } if options[:debug] logger.level = Logger::DEBUG elsif options[:verbose] logger.level = Logger::INFO else logger.level = Logger::WARN end options_code = self.validate_options(options: options, logger: logger) self.handle_error_codes(options: options, options_code: options_code, logger: logger) handle_code = self.handle_options(options: options, logger: logger) self.handle_error_codes(options: options, handle_code: handle_code, logger: logger) end protected # Validates the commands # @param options [Hash] The options hash # @return [Integer] Status code for command validation # @param logger [Logger] system logger def self.validate_options(options:, logger:) commands = options.keys & self.commands return EXTRA_COMMANDS if commands.count > 1 return NO_COMMANDS if commands.count < 1 sources = options.keys & self.sources return EXTRA_SOURCES if sources.count > 1 if (options.keys & self.source_commands).count == 1 return NO_SOURCE unless sources.count == 1 end if sources.include?(:current) return BAD_CURRENT unless options[:build] or options[:sideload] end if options[:in] return BAD_IN_FILE unless options[:sideload] end if options[:deeplink] return BAD_DEEPLINK if !options[:deeplink_options] or options[:deeplink_options].chomp == "" end return VALID end # Run commands # @param options [Hash] The options hash # @return [Integer] Return code for options handeling # @param logger [Logger] system logger def self.handle_options(options:, logger:) if options[:configure] return configure(options: options, logger: logger) end code, config, configs = self.load_config(options: options, logger: logger) return code if code != SUCCESS # Check devices device_code, configs = self.check_devices(options: options, config: config, configs: configs, logger: logger) self.handle_error_codes(options: options, device_code: device_code, logger: logger) command = (self.commands & options.keys).first case command when :validate # Do Nothing # when :sideload ### Sideload App ### loader =**configs[:device_config]) success = loader.sideload(**configs[:sideload_config]) return FAILED_SIDELOAD unless success when :package ### Package App ### keyer =**configs[:device_config]) loader =**configs[:device_config]) packager =**configs[:device_config]) inspector =**configs[:device_config]) logger.warn "Packaging working directory" if options[:working] # Sideload # build_version = loader.sideload(**configs[:sideload_config]) return FAILED_SIGNING unless build_version # Key # success = keyer.rekey(**configs[:key]) "Key did not change" unless success # Package # options[:build_version] = build_version configs = self.update_configs(configs: configs, options: options) success = packager.package(**configs[:package_config]) "Signing Successful: #{configs[:package_config][:out_file]}" if success return FAILED_SIGNING unless success # Inspect # if options[:inspect] info = inspector.inspect(configs[:inspect_config]) logger.unknown "App Name: #{info[:app_name]}" logger.unknown "Dev ID: #{info[:dev_id]}" logger.unknown "Creation Date: #{info[:creation_date]}" logger.unknown " #{info[:dev_zip]}" end when :build ### Build ### loader =**configs[:device_config]) build_version = ManifestManager.build_version(**configs[:manifest_config]) options[:build_version] = build_version configs = self.update_configs(configs: configs, options: options) outfile =**configs[:build_config]) "Build: #{outfile}" when :update ### Update ### old_version = ManifestManager.build_version(**configs[:manifest_config]) new_version = ManifestManager.update_build(**configs[:manifest_config]) "Update build version from:\n#{old_version}\nto:\n#{new_version}" when :deeplink ### Deeplink ### linker =**configs[:device_config]) success =**configs[:deeplink_config]) return FAILED_DEEPLINKING unless success when :delete loader =**configs[:device_config]) loader.unload() when :monitor monitor =**configs[:device_config]) monitor.monitor(**configs[:monitor_config]) when :navigate navigator =**configs[:device_config]) success = navigator.nav(**configs[:navigate_config]) return FAILED_NAVIGATING unless success when :screen navigator =**configs[:device_config]) success = navigator.screen(**configs[:screen_config]) return FAILED_NAVIGATING unless success when :screens navigator =**configs[:device_config]) navigator.screens when :text navigator =**configs[:device_config]) navigator.type(**configs[:text_config]) when :test tester =**configs[:device_config]) tester.run_tests(**configs[:test_config]) when :screencapture inspector =**configs[:device_config]) success = inspector.screencapture(**configs[:screencapture_config]) return FAILED_SCREENCAPTURE unless success end return SUCCESS end # Ensure that the selected device is accessable # @param options [Hash] The options hash # @param logger [Logger] system logger def self.check_devices(options:, config:, configs:, logger:) ping = host = configs[:device_config][:ip] return [GOOD_DEVICE, configs] if host, 1, 0.2, 1 return [BAD_DEVICE, nil] if options[:device_given] config[:devices].each_pair {|key, value| unless key == :default host = value[:ip] if host, 1, 0.2, 1 configs[:device_config] = value configs[:device_config][:logger] = logger return [CHANGED_DEVICE, configs] end end } return [NO_DEVICES, nil] end # List of command options # @return [Array] List of command symbols that can be used in the options hash def self.commands [:sideload, :package, :test, :deeplink,:configure, :validate, :delete, :navigate, :text, :build, :monitor, :update, :screencapture, :screen, :screens] end # List of source options # @return [Array] List of source symbols that can be used in the options hash def self.sources [:ref, :set_stage, :working, :current] end # List of commands requiring a source option # @return [Array] List of command symbols that require a source in the options hash def self.source_commands [:sideload, :package, :test, :build] end # Handle error codes # @param options_code [Integer] the error code returned by validate_options # @param handle_code [Integer] the error code returned by handle_options # @param logger [Logger] system logger def self.handle_error_codes(options:, options_code: nil, device_code: nil, handle_code: nil, logger:) if options_code case options_code when EXTRA_COMMANDS logger.fatal "Only one command is allowed" abort when NO_COMMANDS logger.fatal "At least one command is required" abort when EXTRA_SOURCES logger.fatal "Only use one of --ref, --working, --current or --stage" abort when NO_SOURCE logger.fatal "Must use at least one of --ref, --working, --current or --stage" abort when BAD_CURRENT logger.fatal "Can only sideload or build 'current' directory" abort when BAD_DEEPLINK logger.fatal "Must supply deeplinking options when deeplinking" abort when BAD_IN_FILE logger.fatal "Can only supply in file for building" abort end elsif device_code case device_code when CHANGED_DEVICE "The default device was not online so a secondary device is being used" when BAD_DEVICE logger.fatal "The selected device was not online" abort when NO_DEVICES logger.fatal "No configured devices were found" abort end elsif handle_code case handle_code when DEPRICATED_CONFIG logger.warn 'Depricated config. See Above' when CONFIG_OVERWRITE logger.fatal 'Config already exists. To create default please remove config first.' abort when MISSING_CONFIG logger.fatal "Missing config file: #{options[:config]}" abort when INVALID_CONFIG logger.fatal 'Invalid config. See Above' abort when MISSING_MANIFEST logger.fatal 'Manifest file missing' abort when UNKNOWN_DEVICE logger.fatal "Unkown device id" abort when UNKNOWN_PROJECT logger.fatal "Unknown project id" abort when UNKNOWN_STAGE logger.fatal "Unknown stage" abort when FAILED_SIDELOAD logger.fatal "Failed Sideloading App" abort when FAILED_SIGNING logger.fatal "Failed Signing App" abort when FAILED_DEEPLINKING logger.fatal "Failed Deeplinking To App" abort when FAILED_NAVIGATING logger.fatal "Command not sent" abort when FAILED_SCREENCAPTURE logger.fatal "Failed to Capture Screen" abort end end end # Configure the gem # @param options [Hash] The options hash # @return [Integer] Success or failure code # @param logger [Logger] system logger def self.configure(options:, logger:) source_config = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", '..', 'config.json.example')) target_config = File.expand_path(options[:config]) if File.exist?(target_config) unless options[:edit_params] return CONFIG_OVERWRITE end else ### Copy Config File ### FileUtils.copy(source_config, target_config) end if options[:edit_params] ConfigManager.edit_config(config: target_config, options: options[:edit_params], device: options[:device], project: options[:project], stage: options[:stage], logger: logger) end return SUCCESS end # Load config file and generate intermeidate configs # @param options [Hash] The options hash # @param logger [Logger] system logger # @return [Integer] Return code # @return [Hash] Loaded config # @return [Hash] Intermeidate configs def self.load_config(options:, logger:) config_file = File.expand_path(options[:config]) return MISSING_CONFIG unless File.exists?(config_file) code = SUCCESS config = ConfigManager.get_config(config: config_file, logger: logger) return INVALID_CONFIG unless config configs = {} codes = ConfigManager.validate_config(config: config, logger: logger) fatal = false warning = false codes.each {|code| if code > 0 logger.fatal "Invalid Config: "+ ConfigManager.error_codes()[code] fatal = true elsif code < 0 logger.warn "Depricated Config: "+ ConfigManager.error_codes()[code] warning = true elsif code == 0 and options[:validate] "Config Valid" end } return [INVALID_CONFIG, nil, nil] if fatal code = DEPRICATED_CONFIG if warning #set device unless options[:device] options[:device] = config[:devices][:default] end #set project if options[:current] or not options[:project] path = self.system(command: "pwd") project = nil config[:projects].each_pair {|key,value| if value.is_a?(Hash) repo_path =[:directory]).realdirpath.to_s if path.start_with?(repo_path) project = key break end end } if project options[:project] = project else options[:project] = config[:projects][:default] end end #set outfile options[:out_folder] = nil options[:out_file] = nil if options[:out] if options[:out].end_with?(".zip") or options[:out].end_with?(".pkg") or options[:out].end_with?(".jpg") options[:out_folder], options[:out_file] =[:out]){|p| p.to_s} else options[:out_folder] = options[:out] end end unless options[:out_folder] options[:out_folder] = "/tmp" end # Create Device Config configs[:device_config] = config[:devices][options[:device].to_sym] return [UNKNOWN_DEVICE, nil, nil] unless configs[:device_config] configs[:device_config][:logger] = logger #Create Project Config project_config = {} if options[:current] pwd = self.system(command: "pwd") return [MISSING_MANIFEST, nil, nil] unless File.exist?(File.join(pwd, "manifest")) project_config = { directory: pwd, folders: nil, files: nil, stages: { production: { branch: nil } } } else project_config = config[:projects][options[:project].to_sym] end return [UNKNOWN_PROJECT, nil, nil] unless project_config configs[:project_config] = project_config stage = options[:stage].to_sym return [UNKNOWN_STAGE, nil, nil] unless project_config[:stages][stage] configs[:stage] = stage root_dir = project_config[:directory] branch = project_config[:stages][stage][:branch] branch = options[:ref] if options[:ref] branch = nil if options[:current] branch = nil if options[:working] # Create Sideload Config configs[:sideload_config] = { root_dir: root_dir, branch: branch, update_manifest: options[:update_manifest], fetch: options[:fetch], folders: project_config[:folders], files: project_config[:files] } if options[:package] # Create Key Config configs[:key] = project_config[:stages][stage][:key] # Create Package Config configs[:package_config] = { password: configs[:key][:password], app_name_version: "#{project_config[:app_name]} - #{stage}" } if options[:out_file] configs[:package_config][:out_file] = File.join(options[:out_folder], options[:out_file]) end # Create Inspector Config configs[:inspect_config] = { pkg: configs[:package_config][:out_file], password: configs[:key][:password] } end if # Create Build Config configs[:build_config] = { root_dir: root_dir, branch: branch, fetch: options[:fetch], folders: project_config[:folders], files: project_config[:files] } # Create Manifest Config configs[:manifest_config] = { root_dir: project_config[:directory], logger: logger } # Create Deeplink Config configs[:deeplink_config] ={ options: options[:deeplink_options] } # Create Monitor Config if options[:monitor] configs[:monitor_config] = { type: options[:monitor].to_sym } end # Create Navigate Config if options[:navigate] configs[:navigate_config] = { command: options[:navigate].to_sym } end # Create Text Config configs[:text_config] = { text: options[:text] } # Create Test Config configs[:test_config] = { sideload_config: configs[:sideload_config] } #Create screencapture config configs[:screencapture_config] = { out_folder: options[:out_folder], out_file: options[:out_file] } if options[:screen] configs[:screen_config] = { type: options[:screen].to_sym } end return [code, config, configs] end # Update the intermeidate configs # @param configs [Hash] Intermeidate configs hash # @param options [Hash] Options hash # @return [Hash] New intermeidate configs hash def self.update_configs(configs:, options:) if options[:build_version] configs[:package_config][:app_name_version] = "#{configs[:project_config][:app_name]} - #{configs[:stage]} - #{options[:build_version]}" if configs[:package_config] unless options[:outfile] configs[:package_config][:out_file] = File.join(options[:out_folder], "#{configs[:project_config][:app_name]}_#{configs[:stage]}_#{options[:build_version]}.pkg") if configs[:package_config] configs[:build_config][:outfile] = File.join(options[:out_folder], "#{configs[:project_config][:app_name]}_#{configs[:stage]}_#{options[:build_version]}.zip") if configs[:build_config] configs[:inspect_config][:pkg] = configs[:package_config][:out_file] if configs[:inspect_config] and configs[:package_config] end end return configs end # Run a system command # @param command [String] The command to be run # @return [String] The output of the command def self.system(command:) `#{command}`.chomp end end end