3.1.11 (Brainy Betty)
@linei:@template"F@import "shared";

// display:box; must be used for any of the other flexbox mixins to work properly
@mixin display-box {
  @include experimental-value(display, box,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// Default box orientation, assuming that the user wants something less block-like
$default-box-orient: horizontal !default;

// Box orientation [ horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit ]
@mixin box-orient(
  $orientation: $default-box-orient
) {
  $orientation : unquote($orientation);
  @include experimental(box-orient, $orientation,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// Default box-align
$default-box-align: stretch !default;

// Box align [ start | end | center | baseline | stretch ]
@mixin box-align(
  $alignment: $default-box-align
) {
  $alignment : unquote($alignment);
  @include experimental(box-align, $alignment,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// Default box flex
$default-box-flex: 0 !default;

// mixin which takes an int argument for box flex. Apply this to the children inside the box.
// For example: "div.display-box > div.child-box" would get the box flex mixin.
@mixin box-flex(
  $flex: $default-box-flex
) {
  @include experimental(box-flex, $flex,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// Default flex group
$default-box-flex-group: 1 !default;

// mixin which takes an int argument for flexible grouping
@mixin box-flex-group(
  $group: $default-box-flex-group
) {
  @include experimental(box-flex-group, $group,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// default for ordinal group
$default-box-ordinal-group: 1 !default;

// mixin which takes an int argument for ordinal grouping and rearranging the order
@mixin box-ordinal-group(
  $group: $default-ordinal-flex-group
) {
  @include experimental(box-ordinal-group, $group,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// Box direction default value
$default-box-direction: normal !default;

// mixin for box-direction [ normal | reverse | inherit ]
@mixin box-direction(
  $direction: $default-box-direction
) {
  $direction: unquote($direction);
  @include experimental(box-direction, $direction,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// default for box lines
$default-box-lines: single !default;

// mixin for box lines [ single | multiple ]
@mixin box-lines(
  $lines: $default-box-lines
) {
  $lines: unquote($lines);
  @include experimental(box-lines, $lines,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official

// default for box pack
$default-box-pack: start !default;

// mixin for box pack [ start | end | center | justify ]
@mixin box-pack(
  $pack: $default-box-pack
) {
  $pack: unquote($pack);
  @include experimental(box-pack, $pack,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official
;i:@imported_filename"shared;0;	[�:
@options{�o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode:@value["Y/* display:box; must be used for any of the other flexbox mixins to work properly */;i:
@loud0:@silenti�;	[�;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode;i	:
@args[�;T;	[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;i;[
o:Sass::Script::String	;"display;i
@type:identifier;@o;	;"box;i
;;;@o;	;"	-moz;i;;;@o;	;"-webkit;i;;;@o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation	;i:@operator:not:
@operando;	;"-o;i;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;i;;;@o;	;i;;;o;	;"-khtml;i;;;@;@o;	;"
official;i;;;@:@keywords{�;	[�:
@name"experimental-value;@;"display-box;@o;
;["Z/* Default box orientation, assuming that the user wants something less block-like */;i;0;i�;	[�;@o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode;i:
@expro;	;"horizontal;i;;;@;	[�;"default-box-orient;@:
;["Y/* Box orientation [ horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit ] */;i;0;i�;	[�;@o;;i;[[o:Sass::Script::Variable:@underscored_name"orientation;"orientation;@o; 	;i;!"default_box_orient;"default-box-orient;@;T;	[o;;i;o:Sass::Script::Funcall
;i;[o; 	;i;!"orientation;"orientation;@;{�;"unquote;@;	[�;"orientation;@;0o;;i;[
o;	;"box-orient;i;;;@o; 	;i;!"orientation;"orientation;@o;	;"	-moz;i;;;@o;	;"-webkit;i;;;@o;	;i;;;o;	;"-o;i;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;i;;;@o;	;i;;;o;	;"-khtml;i;;;@;@o;	;"
official;i;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"box-orient;@o;
;["/* Default box-align */;i;0;i�;	[�;@o;;i;o;	;"stretch;i;;;@;	[�;"default-box-align;@;"
;["B/* Box align [ start | end | center | baseline | stretch ] */;i;0;i�;	[�;@o;;i";[[o; ;!"alignment;"alignment;@o; 	;i!;!"default_box_align;"default-box-align;@;T;	[o;;i#;o;"
;i#;[o; 	;i#;!"alignment;"alignment;@;{�;"unquote;@;	[�;"alignment;@;0o;;i&;[
o;	;"box-align;i$;;;@o; 	;i$;!"alignment;"alignment;@o;	;"	-moz;i%;;;@o;	;"-webkit;i%;;;@o;	;i%;;;o;	;"-o;i%;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;i%;;;@o;	;i%;;;o;	;"-khtml;i%;;;@;@o;	;"
official;i%;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"box-align;@o;
;["/* Default box flex */;i);0;i�;	[�;@o;;i*;o:Sass::Script::Number;i�;i*:@numerator_units[�:@original"0:@denominator_units[�;@;	[�;"default-box-flex;@;"
;["�/* mixin which takes an int argument for box flex. Apply this to the children inside the box.
 * For example: "div.display-box > div.child-box" would get the box flex mixin. */;i,;0;i�;	[�;@o;;i1;[[o; ;!"	flex;"	flex;@o; 	;i0;!"default_box_flex;"default-box-flex;@;T;	[o;;i4;[
o;	;"
box-flex;i2;;;@o; 	;i2;!"	flex;"	flex;@o;	;"	-moz;i3;;;@o;	;"-webkit;i3;;;@o;	;i3;;;o;	;"-o;i3;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;i3;;;@o;	;i3;;;o;	;"-khtml;i3;;;@;@o;	;"
official;i3;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"
box-flex;@o;
;["/* Default flex group */;i7;0;i�;	[�;@o;;i8;o;#;i;i8;$[�;%"1;&@�;@;	[�;"default-box-flex-group;@;"
;["B/* mixin which takes an int argument for flexible grouping */;i:;0;i�;	[�;@o;;i=;[[o; ;!"
group;@o; 	;i<;!"default_box_flex_group;"default-box-flex-group;@;T;	[o;;i@;[
o;	;"box-flex-group;i>;;;@o; 	;i>;!"
group;@o;	;"	-moz;i?;;;@o;	;"-webkit;i?;;;@o;	;i?;;;o;	;"-o;i?;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;i?;;;@o;	;i?;;;o;	;"-khtml;i?;;;@;@o;	;"
official;i?;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"box-flex-group;@o;
;["$/* default for ordinal group */;iC;0;i�;	[�;@o;;iD;o;#;i;iD;$[�;%"1;&@�;@;	[�;"default-box-ordinal-group;@;"
;["[/* mixin which takes an int argument for ordinal grouping and rearranging the order */;iF;0;i�;	[�;@o;;iI;[[o; ;!"
group;@o; 	;iH;!"default_ordinal_flex_group;"default-ordinal-flex-group;@;T;	[o;;iL;[
o;	;"box-ordinal-group;iJ;;;@o; 	;iJ;!"
group;@o;	;"	-moz;iK;;;@o;	;"-webkit;iK;;;@o;	;iK;;;o;	;"-o;iK;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;iK;;;@o;	;iK;;;o;	;"-khtml;iK;;;@;@o;	;"
official;iK;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"box-ordinal-group;@o;
;["&/* Box direction default value */;iO;0;i�;	[�;@o;;iP;o;	;"normal;iP;;;@;	[�;"default-box-direction;@;"
;["A/* mixin for box-direction [ normal | reverse | inherit ] */;iR;0;i�;	[�;@o;;iU;[[o; ;!"direction;"direction;@o; 	;iT;!"default_box_direction;"default-box-direction;@;T;	[o;;iV;o;"
;iV;[o; 	;iV;!"direction;"direction;@;{�;"unquote;@;	[�;"direction;@;0o;;iY;[
o;	;"box-direction;iW;;;@o; 	;iW;!"direction;"direction;@o;	;"	-moz;iX;;;@o;	;"-webkit;iX;;;@o;	;iX;;;o;	;"-o;iX;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;iX;;;@o;	;iX;;;o;	;"-khtml;iX;;;@;@o;	;"
official;iX;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"box-direction;@o;
;[" /* default for box lines */;i\;0;i�;	[�;@o;;i];o;	;"single;i];;;@;	[�;"default-box-lines;@;"
;["4/* mixin for box lines [ single | multiple ] */;i_;0;i�;	[�;@o;;ib;[[o; ;!"
lines;@o; 	;ia;!"default_box_lines;"default-box-lines;@;T;	[o;;ic;o;"
;ic;[o; 	;ic;!"
lines;@;{�;"unquote;@;	[�;"
lines;@;0o;;if;[
o;	;"box-lines;id;;;@o; 	;id;!"
lines;@o;	;"	-moz;ie;;;@o;	;"-webkit;ie;;;@o;	;ie;;;o;	;"-o;ie;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;ie;;;@o;	;ie;;;o;	;"-khtml;ie;;;@;@o;	;"
official;ie;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"box-lines;@o;
;["/* default for box pack */;ii;0;i�;	[�;@o;;ij;o;	;"
start;ij;;;@;	[�;"default-box-pack;@;"
;["@/* mixin for box pack [ start | end | center | justify ] */;il;0;i�;	[�;@o;;io;[[o; ;!"	pack;"	pack;@o; 	;in;!"default_box_pack;"default-box-pack;@;T;	[o;;ip;o;"
;ip;[o; 	;ip;!"	pack;"	pack;@;{�;"unquote;@;	[�;"	pack;@;0o;;is;[
o;	;"
box-pack;iq;;;@o; 	;iq;!"	pack;"	pack;@o;	;"	-moz;ir;;;@o;	;"-webkit;ir;;;@o;	;ir;;;o;	;"-o;ir;;;@;@o;	;"-ms;ir;;;@o;	;ir;;;o;	;"-khtml;ir;;;@;@o;	;"
official;ir;;;@;{�;	[�;"experimental;@;"
box-pack;@;@