module Nanoc::Deploying::Deployers # A deployer that deploys a site using [fog]( # # @example A deployment configuration with public and staging configurations # # deploy: # public: # kind: fog # bucket: nanoc-site # cdn_id: XXXXXX # preprod: # kind: fog # provider: local # local_root: ~/myCloud # bucket: nanoc-site # staging: # kind: fog # provider: local # local_root: ~/myCloud # bucket: nanoc-site-staging # # @api private class Fog < ::Nanoc::Deploying::Deployer identifier :fog class FogWrapper def initialize(directory, is_dry_run) @directory = directory @is_dry_run = is_dry_run end def upload(source_filename, destination_key) log_effectful("uploading #{source_filename} -> #{destination_key}") unless dry_run? # FIXME: source_filename file is never closed @directory.files.create( key: destination_key, body:, public: true, ) end end def remove(keys) keys.each do |key| log_effectful("removing #{key}") unless dry_run? @directory.files.get(key).destroy end end end def invalidate(keys, cdn, distribution) keys.each_slice(1000) do |keys_slice| keys_slice.each do |key| log_effectful("invalidating #{key}") end unless dry_run? cdn.post_invalidation(distribution, keys_slice) end end end def dry_run? @is_dry_run end def log_effectful(s) if @is_dry_run puts "[dry run] #{s}" else puts s end end end # @see Nanoc::Deploying::Deployer#run def run require 'fog' src = File.expand_path(source_path) bucket = config[:bucket] || config[:bucket_name] path = config[:path] cdn_id = config[:cdn_id] if path && path.end_with?('/') raise "The path `#{path}` is not supposed to have a trailing slash" end connection = connect directory = get_or_create_bucket(connection, bucket, path) wrapper =, dry_run?) remote_files = list_remote_files(directory) etags = read_etags(remote_files) modified_keys, retained_keys = upload_all(src, path, etags, wrapper) removed_keys = - retained_keys - modified_keys wrapper.remove(removed_keys) if cdn_id cdn = distribution = cdn.get_distribution(cdn_id) wrapper.invalidate(modified_keys + removed_keys, cdn, distribution) end end private def config_for_fog config.dup.tap do |c| c.delete(:bucket) c.delete(:bucket_name) c.delete(:path) c.delete(:cdn_id) c.delete(:kind) end end def connect end def get_or_create_bucket(connection, bucket, path) directory = begin connection.directories.get(bucket, prefix: path) rescue ::Excon::Errors::NotFound nil end if directory directory elsif dry_run? puts '[dry run] creating bucket' else puts 'creating bucket' connection.directories.create(key: bucket, prefix: path) end end def remote_key_for_local_filename(local_filename, src, path) relative_local_filename = local_filename.sub(/\A#{src}\//, '') if path File.join(path, relative_local_filename) else relative_local_filename end end def list_remote_files(directory) if directory [].tap do |files| directory.files.each { |file| files << file } end else [] end end def list_local_files(src) Dir[src + '/**/*'].select { |f| File.file?(f) } end def upload_all(src, path, etags, wrapper) modified_keys = [] retained_keys = [] local_files = list_local_files(src) local_files.each do |file_path| key = remote_key_for_local_filename(file_path, src, path) if needs_upload?(key, file_path, etags) wrapper.upload(file_path, key) modified_keys.push(key) else retained_keys.push(key) end end [modified_keys, retained_keys] end def needs_upload?(key, file_path, etags) remote_etag = etags[key] return true if remote_etag.nil? local_etag = calc_local_etag(file_path) remote_etag != local_etag end def read_etags(files) case config[:provider] when 'aws' files.each_with_object({}) do |file, etags| etags[file.key] = file.etag end else {} end end def calc_local_etag(file_path) case config[:provider] when 'aws' Digest::MD5.file(file_path).hexdigest end end end end