# CoinmarketcapFree Cryptocurrency information from the Coinmarketcap site without a key. ## Installation Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing: $ bundle add coinmarketcap_free If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing: $ gem install coinmarketcap_free ## How to use? ``` Ruby coins = CoinmarketcapFree::Coin.list ``` or ``` Ruby coins = CoinmarketcapFree.coins ``` ####Result: Model: ```Ruby [... #, @quotes= [#>], @state=#, added=#>, @supply=#, @tags= ["mineable", "pow", "sha-256", "store-of-value", "state-channel", "coinbase-ventures-portfolio", "three-arrows-capital-portfolio", "polychain-capital-portfolio", "binance-labs-portfolio", "blockchain-capital-portfolio", "boostvc-portfolio", "cms-holdings-portfolio", "dcg-portfolio", "dragonfly-capital-portfolio", "electric-capital-portfolio", "fabric-ventures-portfolio", "framework-ventures-portfolio", "galaxy-digital-portfolio", "huobi-capital-portfolio", "alameda-research-portfolio", "a16z-portfolio", "1confirmation-portfolio", "winklevoss-capital-portfolio", "usv-portfolio", "placeholder-ventures-portfolio", "pantera-capital-portfolio", "multicoin-capital-portfolio", "paradigm-portfolio", "bitcoin-ecosystem", "ftx-bankruptcy-estate"]>] ``` Json data: ``` JSON { "data": { "cryptoCurrencyList": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Bitcoin", "symbol": "BTC", "slug": "bitcoin", "tags": [ "mineable", "pow", "sha-256", "store-of-value", "state-channel", "coinbase-ventures-portfolio", "three-arrows-capital-portfolio", "polychain-capital-portfolio", "binance-labs-portfolio", "blockchain-capital-portfolio", "boostvc-portfolio", "cms-holdings-portfolio", "dcg-portfolio", "dragonfly-capital-portfolio", "electric-capital-portfolio", "fabric-ventures-portfolio", "framework-ventures-portfolio", "galaxy-digital-portfolio", "huobi-capital-portfolio", "alameda-research-portfolio", "a16z-portfolio", "1confirmation-portfolio", "winklevoss-capital-portfolio", "usv-portfolio", "placeholder-ventures-portfolio", "pantera-capital-portfolio", "multicoin-capital-portfolio", "paradigm-portfolio" ], "cmcRank": 1, "marketPairCount": 9922, "circulatingSupply": 19256812.0, "selfReportedCirculatingSupply": 0, "totalSupply": 19256812.0, "maxSupply": 21000000.0, "isActive": 1, "lastUpdated": "2023-01-09T08:25:00.000Z", "dateAdded": "2013-04-28T00:00:00.000Z", "quotes": [ { "name": "USD", "price": 17209.447088639048, "volume24h": 13652714044.770432, "marketCap": 331399087209.8695, "percentChange1h": -0.00692023, "percentChange24h": 1.50954046, "percentChange7d": 2.78181713, "lastUpdated": "2023-01-09T08:25:00.000Z", "percentChange30d": 0.30441134, "percentChange60d": 3.89490715, "percentChange90d": -9.99714982, "fullyDilluttedMarketCap": 361398388861.42, "marketCapByTotalSupply": 331399087209.8695, "dominance": 39.0828, "turnover": 0.0411972, "ytdPriceChangePercentage": 3.515 } ], "isAudited": false } ... ], "totalCount": "8857" }, "status": { "timestamp": "2023-01-08T15:33:30.271Z", "error_code": "0", "error_message": "SUCCESS", "elapsed": "2", "credit_count": 0 } } ``` Get a list of cryptocurrencies ``` Ruby list = CoinmarketcapFree.coins(limit: 100, start: 1) ``` If you want to sort in ascending: ``` Ruby list = CoinmarketcapFree.coins(limit: 100, start: 1, sort_type:'asc') ``` or in descending ``` Ruby list = CoinmarketcapFree.coins(limit: 100, start: 1, sort_type:'desc') ``` Also you can sort by name with ascending: ``` Ruby list = CoinmarketcapFree.coins(limit: 100, start: 1, sort_type:'asc', sort_by: 'name') ``` Convert cryptocurrency to USD: ``` Ruby list = CoinmarketcapFree.coins(limit: 100, start: 1, convert: 'USD') ``` or together ``` Ruby list = CoinmarketcapFree.coins(limit: 100, start: 1, convert: 'USD,BTC,ETH') ``` Parameters for ```CoinmarketcapFree::Coin.list``` or ```CoinmarketcapFree.coins```: | Name | Type | Description | Examples | |:------------------------------|:---------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------------------------------------| | ```limit:``` | Integer | Optionally specify the number of results to return. Use this parameter and the "start" parameter to determine your own pagination size. || | ```start:``` | Integer | Optionally offset the start (1-based index) of the paginated list of items to return. || | ```sort_by:``` | String | Default: ```market_cap```. (```rank```, ```name```, ```symbol```, ```date_added```, ```market_cap```, ```market_cap_strict```, ```price```, ```circulating_supply```, ```total_supply```, ```max_supply```, ```num_market_pairs```, ```volume_24h```, ```percent_change_1h```, ```percent_change_24h```, ```percent_change_7d```, ```market_cap_by_total_supply_strict```, ```volume_7d```, ```volume_30d```). What field to sort the list of cryptocurrencies by. || | ```sort_type:``` | String | Default: ```desc```. (```asc``` or ```desc```). The direction in which to order cryptocurrencies against the specified sort. || | ```convert:``` | String | Default: ```USD``` . Select cryptocurrencies to exchange (```AUD```, ```BRL```, ```CAD```, ```CHF```, ```CLP```, ```CNY```, ```CZK```, ```DKK```, ```EUR```, ```GBP```, ```HKD```, ```HUF```, ```IDR```, ```ILS```, ```INR```, ```JPY```, ```KRW```, ```MXN```, ```MYR```, ```NOK```, ```NZD```, ```PHP```, ```PKR```, ```PLN```, ```RUB```, ```SEK```, ```SGD```, ```THB```, ```TRY```, ```TWD```, ```ZAR```). | ```USD``` or together ```USD,BTC,ETH``` | | ```crypto_type:``` | String | Default: ```all```. (```all```, ```coins```, ```tokens```). The type of cryptocurrency to include. || | ```tag_type:``` | String | Default: ```all```. (```all```, ```defi```, ```filesharing```). The tag of cryptocurrency to include. || | ```audited:``` | Boolean | Show audited (true) or not (false) || | ```tags:``` | String | If you want to see cryptocurrencies that can be mined, just type ```mineable```. || | ```volume24h_range:``` | String | Optionally specify a threshold 24 hour USD volume to filter results by. | ```0~100000000000000000``` | | ```percent_change24h_range:``` | String | Optionally specify a threshold 24 hour percent change to filter results by. | ```0~100``` or ```-10~100``` | | ```circulating_supply_range:``` | String | Optionally specify a threshold circulating supply to filter results by. | ```0~100000000000000000``` | | ```price_range:``` | String | Optionally specify a threshold USD price to filter results by. | ```0~100000000000000000``` | | ```market_cap_range:``` | String | Optionally specify a threshold market cap to filter results by. | ```0~100000000000000000``` | ### Returns an interval of historic market quotes: ``` Ruby histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.custom_time(id_coin, '1D') histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.custom_time(id_coin, '1668981600~1671659999') ``` or short ``` Ruby histories = CoinmarketcapFree.coin_histories(id_coin, '1D') histories = CoinmarketcapFree.coin_histories(id_coin, '1668981600~1671659999') ``` Also you can call method like this: ``` Ruby histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.one_day(id_coin) histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.seven_days(id_coin) histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.one_month(id_coin) histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.three_months(id_coin) histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.one_year(id_coin) histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.current_year(id_coin) histories = CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.all(id_coin) ``` or in model ```CoinmarketcapFree::Coin``` ``` Ruby coin = CoinmarketcapFree::Coin.list.first histories = coin.histories('1D') histories = coin.one_day histories = coin.seven_days histories = coin.one_month histories = coin.three_months histories = coin.one_year histories = coin.current_year histories = coin.all ``` ####Result: Model: ```Ruby [... #] ``` Json: ```JSON { "data": { "points": { "1673192010": { "v": [ 16953.771282696678, 7609543976.45, 326457581376.786557398500, 1, 19255750.00000000000000000000 ], "c": [ 16953.771282696678, 7609543976.45, 326457581376.786557398500 ] }, ... } }, "status": { "timestamp": "2023-01-08T15:33:30.271Z", "error_code": "0", "error_message": "SUCCESS", "elapsed": "2", "credit_count": 0 } } ``` Parameters for ```CoinmarketcapFree::CoinHistory.custom_time``` or ```CoinmarketcapFree.coin_histories```: | Name | Type | Description | Examples | |:-----------------|:---------|:----------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ```id``` | Integer | Cryptocurrency identifier from coinmarketcap. | Bitcoin has id 1 | | ```range_time``` | String | Range time. | ```1D```, ```7D```, ```1M```, ```3M```, ```1Y```, ```YTD```, ```ALL``` or custom range ```1668981600~1671659999``` | ### Generation a link: ``` Ruby coin = CoinmarketcapFree.coins.first # take first coin icon = coin.get_icon(64) # generate string uri ``` Result string: ```https://s2.coinmarketcap.com/static/img/coins/64x64/1.png``` | Name | Type | Description | Examples | |:-----------------|:---------|:----------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ```id``` | Integer. | Cryptocurrency identifier from coinmarketcap. | Bitcoin has the number 1 | | ```size``` | Integer. | Choose one size: 64, 128, 200. | If choose 64, it means 64x64 | ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/cosmic-1/coinmarketcap_free. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).