module Hydra #:nodoc: module Listener #:nodoc: # Output a progress bar as files are completed class ProgressBar < Hydra::Listener::Abstract # Store the total number of files def testing_begin(files) @total_files = files.size @files_completed = 0 @test_output = "" @errors = false render_progress_bar end # Increment completed files count and update bar def file_end(file, output) unless output == '.' @output.write "\r#{' '*60}\r#{output}\n" @errors = true end @files_completed += 1 render_progress_bar end # Break the line def testing_end render_progress_bar @output.write "\n" end private def render_progress_bar width = 30 complete = ((@files_completed.to_f / @total_files.to_f) * width).to_i @output.write "\r" # move to beginning @output.write 'Hydra Testing [' @output.write @errors ? "\033[0;31m" : "\033[0;32m" complete.times{@output.write '#'} @output.write '>' (width-complete).times{@output.write ' '} @output.write "\033[0m" @output.write "] #{@files_completed}/#{@total_files}" @output.flush end end end end