The EQF namespace defines a list of educational level codes, which are used to describe the information of an educational experience.
The ISCED namespace defines a list of educational field and educational level codes, which are used to describe the information of an educational experience.
Extends the generic ExperienceType to include information about a learning achievement or a training period.
Contains information about the period the learning experience took place and the awarded title, as well as information about the skills acquired, the organisation providing the education, the educational field and level.
Contains an list of learning achievements or a training periods (formal or not). The order of those experiences is defined by the related printing preferences.
Defines an educational level. The educational level is described by a code and a label. E.g. code: 5, label: ISCED 5.
The educational level code type is defined in the imported schema of ISCED97.
Defines an educational field. The educational field is described by a code and a label. E.g. code: 21, label: Arts.
The educational field code type is defined in the imported schema of ISCED97.