module ShipCompliant # == ShipCompliant::SuggestedAddress # # This is a value object that wraps the +SuggestedAddress+ node. It inherits # methods from Address, but it also as methods to access suggested address # details and parts. class SuggestedAddress < Address # Returns a Hash of the address location details. # # - +city_abbreviation+ # - +congressional_district+ # - +county_fips+ # - +time_zone+ # - +time_zone_code+ def details address[:details] end # Returns a Hash of the address parts. # # - +company+ # - +mail_box_name+ # - +mail_box_number+ # - +post_direction+ # - +pre_direction+ # - +street_name+ # - +street_number+ # - +street_suffix+ # - +suite_name+ # - +suite_number+ def parts address[:parts] end end end