# # Cities # class City include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Geospatial include Geopolitocracy field :area, type: Integer # m2 square area field :geom, type: Point, spatial: true # field :capital, type: String spatial_scope :geom attr_writer :x, :y, :z belongs_to :region, inverse_of: :cities, optional: true belongs_to :nation, inverse_of: :cities has_many :hoods has_one :nation_governancy, as: :nation_capital, class_name: 'Nation' has_one :region_governancy, as: :region_capital, class_name: 'Region' before_validation :set_defaults, on: [:create] validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: :region_id } validate :region_inside_nation scope :population, -> { order_by(souls: -1) } index nation_id: 1 index souls: -1 index name: 1, nation_id: 1 index({ region_id: 1 }, sparse: true) def region_inside_nation return if !region || region.nation == nation errors.add(:region, 'not inside Nation') end def set_defaults self.nation ||= region.try(:nation) return unless City.where(slug: slug).first self.slug += "-#{region.abbr || region.slug}" return unless City.where(slug: slug).first raise "Two cities with the same name in #{region}: '#{slug}'" end def phone self[:phone] || region.phone || nation.phone end def phones hoods.map(&:phone) end def postal self[:postal] || region.postal || nation.postal end def postals hoods.map(&:postal) end def ==(other) return unless other.is_a?(City) other && slug == other.slug end def <=>(other) return unless other.is_a?(City) slug <=> other.slug end def with_region return name unless region "#{name}/#{region.abbr || region.name}" end def with_nation with_region + '/' + nation.abbr end def to_s with_region end end