#!/usr/bin/ruby -w # # Unit test for English inflection # $Id: inflect.tests.rb,v 21e0fa69b1a3 2008/09/06 05:20:07 ged $ # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2005 The FaerieMUD Consortium. # # Much of this test was adapted from the test script for Lingua::EN::Inflect by # Damien Conway: # # Copyright (c) 1997-2000, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved. # This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed # and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. # unless defined? Linguistics::TestCase testsdir = File::dirname( File::dirname(File::expand_path( __FILE__ )) ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift testsdir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( testsdir ) require 'lingtestcase' end ### This test case tests the english pluralization routines of the Linguistics ### module. class EnglishInflectionTestCase < Linguistics::TestCase InflectFromItems = [ %w{foo bar}, "foo bar", 15, 18.13 ] NumberTests = [ ["0", "zero", "zero", "zero", "zero", "zeroth", ], ["1", "one", "one", "one", "one", "first", ], ["2", "two", "two", "two", "two", "second", ], ["3", "three", "three", "three", "three", "third", ], ["4", "four", "four", "four", "four", "fourth", ], ["5", "five", "five", "five", "five", "fifth", ], ["6", "six", "six", "six", "six", "sixth", ], ["7", "seven", "seven", "seven", "seven", "seventh", ], ["8", "eight", "eight", "eight", "eight", "eighth", ], ["9", "nine", "nine", "nine", "nine", "ninth", ], ["10", "ten", "one, zero", "ten", "ten", "tenth", ], ["11", "eleven", "one, one", "eleven", "eleven", "eleventh", ], ["12", "twelve", "one, two", "twelve", "twelve", "twelfth", ], ["13", "thirteen", "one, three", "thirteen", "thirteen", "thirteenth", ], ["14", "fourteen", "one, four", "fourteen", "fourteen", "fourteenth", ], ["15", "fifteen", "one, five", "fifteen", "fifteen", "fifteenth", ], ["16", "sixteen", "one, six", "sixteen", "sixteen", "sixteenth", ], ["17", "seventeen", "one, seven", "seventeen", "seventeen", "seventeenth", ], ["18", "eighteen", "one, eight", "eighteen", "eighteen", "eighteenth", ], ["19", "nineteen", "one, nine", "nineteen", "nineteen", "nineteenth", ], ["20", "twenty", "two, zero", "twenty", "twenty", "twentieth", ], ["21", "twenty-one", "two, one", "twenty-one", "twenty-one", "twenty-first", ], ["29", "twenty-nine", "two, nine", "twenty-nine", "twenty-nine", "twenty-ninth", ], ["99", "ninety-nine", "nine, nine", "ninety-nine", "ninety-nine", "ninety-ninth", ], ["100", "one hundred", "one, zero, zero", "ten, zero", "one zero zero", "one hundredth", ], ["101", "one hundred and one", "one, zero, one", "ten, one", "one zero one", "one hundred and first", ], ["110", "one hundred and ten", "one, one, zero", "eleven, zero", "one ten", "one hundred and tenth", ], ["111", "one hundred and eleven", "one, one, one", "eleven, one", "one eleven", "one hundred and eleventh", ], ["900", "nine hundred", "nine, zero, zero", "ninety, zero", "nine zero zero", "nine hundredth", ], ["999", "nine hundred and ninety-nine", "nine, nine, nine", "ninety-nine, nine", "nine ninety-nine", "nine hundred and ninety-ninth", ], ["1000", "one thousand", "one, zero, zero, zero", "ten, zero zero", "one zero zero, zero", "one thousandth", ], ["1001", "one thousand and one", "one, zero, zero, one", "ten, zero one", "one zero zero, one", "one thousand and first", ], ["1010", "one thousand and ten", "one, zero, one, zero", "ten, ten", "one zero one, zero", "one thousand and tenth", ], ["1100", "one thousand, one hundred", "one, one, zero, zero", "eleven, zero zero", "one ten, zero", "one thousand, one hundredth", ], ["2000", "two thousand", "two, zero, zero, zero", "twenty, zero zero", "two zero zero, zero", "two thousandth", ], ["10000", "ten thousand", "one, zero, zero, zero, zero", "ten, zero zero, zero", "one zero zero, zero zero", "ten thousandth", ], ["100000", "one hundred thousand", "one, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero", "ten, zero zero, zero zero", "one zero zero, zero zero zero", "one hundred thousandth", ], ["100001", "one hundred thousand and one", "one, zero, zero, zero, zero, one", "ten, zero zero, zero one", "one zero zero, zero zero one", "one hundred thousand and first", ], ["123456", "one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six", "one, two, three, four, five, six", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six", "one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-sixth", ], ["0123456", "one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six", "zero, one, two, three, four, five, six", "zero one, twenty-three, forty-five, six", "zero twelve, three forty-five, six", "one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-sixth", ], ["1234567", "one million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven", "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seven", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six, seven", "one million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seventh", ], ["12345678", "twelve million, three hundred and forty-five thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight", "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six, seventy-eight", "twelve million, three hundred and forty-five thousand, six hundred and seventy-eighth", ], ["12_345_678", "twelve million, three hundred and forty-five thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight", "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six, seventy-eight", ], ["1234,5678", "twelve million, three hundred and forty-five thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight", "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six, seventy-eight", ], ["1234567890", "one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety", "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight, ninety", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six, seven eighty-nine, zero", "one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and ninetieth", ], ["123456789012345", "one hundred and twenty-three trillion, four hundred and fifty-six billion, seven hundred and eighty-nine million, twelve thousand, three hundred and forty-five", "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero, one, two, three, four, five", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight, ninety, twelve, thirty-four, five", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six, seven eighty-nine, zero twelve, three forty-five", "one hundred and twenty-three trillion, four hundred and fifty-six billion, seven hundred and eighty-nine million, twelve thousand, three hundred and forty-fifth", ], ["12345678901234567890", "twelve quintillion, three hundred and forty-five quadrillion, six hundred and seventy-eight trillion, nine hundred and one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety", "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero", "twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight, ninety, twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight, ninety", "one twenty-three, four fifty-six, seven eighty-nine, zero twelve, three forty-five, six seventy-eight, ninety", "twelve quintillion, three hundred and forty-five quadrillion, six hundred and seventy-eight trillion, nine hundred and one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and ninetieth", ], ["0.987654", "zero point nine eight seven six five four", "zero, point, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four", "zero, point, ninety-eight, seventy-six, fifty-four", "zero, point, nine eighty-seven, six fifty-four", "zero point nine eight seven six five fourth", ], [".987654", "point nine eight seven six five four", "point, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four", "point, ninety-eight, seventy-six, fifty-four", "point, nine eighty-seven, six fifty-four", "point nine eight seven six five fourth", ], ["9.87654", "nine point eight seven six five four", "nine, point, eight, seven, six, five, four", "nine, point, eighty-seven, sixty-five, four", "nine, point, eight seventy-six, fifty-four", "nine point eight seven six five fourth", ], ["98.7654", "ninety-eight point seven six five four", "nine, eight, point, seven, six, five, four", "ninety-eight, point, seventy-six, fifty-four", "ninety-eight, point, seven sixty-five, four", "ninety-eight point seven six five fourth", ], ["987.654", "nine hundred and eighty-seven point six five four", "nine, eight, seven, point, six, five, four", "ninety-eight, seven, point, sixty-five, four", "nine eighty-seven, point, six fifty-four", "nine hundred and eighty-seven point six five fourth", ], ["9876.54", "nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six point five four", "nine, eight, seven, six, point, five, four", "ninety-eight, seventy-six, point, fifty-four", "nine eighty-seven, six, point, fifty-four", "nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six point five fourth", ], ["98765.4", "ninety-eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty-five point four", "nine, eight, seven, six, five, point, four", "ninety-eight, seventy-six, five, point, four", "nine eighty-seven, sixty-five, point, four", "ninety-eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty-five point fourth", ], ["101.202.303", "one hundred and one point two zero two three zero three", "one, zero, one, point, two, zero, two, point, three, zero, three", "ten, one, point, twenty, two, point, thirty, three", "one zero one, point, two zero two, point, three zero three", ] ] Ordinals = { :numbers => { 0 => "0th", 1 => "1st", 2 => "2nd", 3 => "3rd", 4 => "4th", 5 => "5th", 6 => "6th", 7 => "7th", 8 => "8th", 9 => "9th", 10 => "10th", 11 => "11th", 12 => "12th", 13 => "13th", 14 => "14th", 15 => "15th", 16 => "16th", 17 => "17th", 18 => "18th", 19 => "19th", 20 => "20th", 21 => "21st", 22 => "22nd", 23 => "23rd", 24 => "24th", 100 => "100th", 101 => "101st", 102 => "102nd", 103 => "103rd", 104 => "104th", }, :words => { 'zero' => "zeroth", 'one' => "first", 'two' => "second", 'three' => "third", 'four' => "fourth", 'five' => "fifth", 'six' => "sixth", 'seven' => "seventh", 'eight' => "eighth", 'nine' => "ninth", 'ten' => "tenth", 'eleven' => "eleventh", 'twelve' => "twelfth", 'thirteen' => "thirteenth", 'fourteen' => "fourteenth", 'fifteen' => "fifteenth", 'sixteen' => "sixteenth", 'seventeen' => "seventeenth", 'eighteen' => "eighteenth", 'nineteen' => "nineteenth", 'twenty' => "twentieth", 'twenty-one' => "twenty-first", 'twenty-two' => "twenty-second", 'twenty-three' => "twenty-third", 'twenty-four' => "twenty-fourth", 'one hundred' => "one hundredth", 'one hundred and one' => "one hundred and first", 'one hundred and two' => "one hundred and second", 'one hundred and three' => "one hundred and third", 'one hundred and four' => "one hundred and fourth", } } PresentParticiples = { 'sees' => "seeing", 'eats' => "eating", 'bats' => "batting", 'hates' => "hating", 'spies' => "spying", } PluralDataLine = /^\s*(.*?)\s*->\s*(.*?)\s*(?:\|\s*(.*?)\s*)?(?:#\s*(.*))?$/ ArticleDataLine = /^\s+(an?)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ ### Auto-generate tests for pluralization and indefinite articles begin inDataSection = false methodCounter = 100 File::readlines( __FILE__ ).find_all do |line| case line when /^__END_DATA__$/ inDataSection = false false when /^__END__$/ inDataSection = true false else inDataSection end end.each do |line| case line when PluralDataLine singular, plural, altplural, comment = $~.to_a[1,4] methodName = "test_%04d_pluralize%s" % [ methodCounter, singular.gsub(/\W+/, '').capitalize ] define_method( methodName.intern ) {|| printTestHeader "English: Plural of '#{singular}'" assertPlural( singular, plural, altplural, comment ) } methodCounter += 1 when ArticleDataLine article, word = $~.to_a[1,2] methodName = "test_%04d_%s%s" % [ methodCounter, article, word.gsub(/\W+/, '').capitalize ] define_method( methodName.intern ) {|| printTestHeader "English: Indefinite article for '#{word}'" assertArticle( article, word ) } methodCounter += 1 else debug_msg "Skipped test data line '#{line.chomp}'" end end end ### Overridden initializer: auto-generated test methods have an arity of 1 ### even though they don't require an argument (as of the current Ruby CVS), ### and the default initializer throws an :invalid_test for methods with ### arity != 0. def initialize( test_method_name ) if !respond_to?( test_method_name ) throw :invalid_test end @method_name = test_method_name @test_passed = true Linguistics::use( :en ) end ################################################################# ### T E S T S ################################################################# def test_0000_loaded assert_respond_to Linguistics::EN, :numwords end def test_0030_numwords printTestHeader "English: Numbers to words" rval = nil NumberTests.each do |origin, regular, group1, group2, group3, numord, ordnum| op = "Regular numwords for #{origin}" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = origin.en.numwords } assert_equal regular, rval, op op = "Group 1 numwords for #{origin}" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = origin.en.numwords( :group => 1 ) } assert_equal group1, rval, op op = "Group 2 numwords for #{origin}" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = origin.en.numwords( :group => 2 ) } assert_equal group2, rval, op op = "Group 3 numwords for #{origin}" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = origin.en.numwords( :group => 3 ) } assert_equal group3, rval, op if numord op = "Numwords -> ordinal for #{origin}" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = origin.en.numwords.en.ordinal } assert_equal numord, rval, op end end end def test_numwords_with_an_symboland_should_use_it_to_join_words rval = nil assert_nothing_raised do rval = 2006.en.numwords( :and => ' ' ) end assert_equal "two thousand six", rval end def test_0040_ordinalNumbers printTestHeader "English: Numbers to ordinals" rval = nil Ordinals[:numbers].each do |input,output| op = "Ordinal for #{input.inspect}" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = input.en.ordinal } assert_kind_of String, rval, op assert_equal output, rval, op end end def test_0045_ordinalWords printTestHeader "English: Number words to ordinals" rval = nil Ordinals[:numbers].each do |input,output| op = "Ordinal for #{input.inspect}" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = input.en.ordinal } assert_kind_of String, rval, op assert_equal output, rval, op end end # # Common routines for auto-generated test methods # def assertPlural( singular, plural, altplural, comment ) rval, pl_noun, pl_verb, pl, pl_val, altpl_val = [nil] * 6 isNv = false case comment when /verb/i isNv = 'verb' when /noun/i isNv = 'noun' end op = "Pluralizing '#{singular}': " assert_nothing_raised( op + "plural verb" ) { pl_verb = singular.en.plural_verb } assert_nothing_raised( op + "plural noun" ) { pl_noun = singular.en.plural_noun } assert_nothing_raised( op + "plural" ) { pl = singular.en.plural } if !altplural.nil? && !altplural.empty? begin assert_nothing_raised( op + "classical" ) { Linguistics::classical = true altpl_val = singular.en.plural } ensure Linguistics::classical = false end end pl_val = isNv ? (isNv == "noun" ? pl_noun : pl_verb) : pl assert_equal plural, pl_val, "Plural of '#{singular}'" assert_equal altplural, altpl_val, "Classical plural of '#{singular}'" unless altplural.nil? or altplural.empty? end def assertArticle( article, word ) rval = nil op = "Indefinite article for '#{word}'" assert_nothing_raised( op ) { rval = word.en.a } assert_equal "#{article} #{word}", rval, op end end ### Dataset is from Lingua::EN::Inflect's test suite. __END__ a -> some # INDEFINITE ARTICLE a -> as # NOUN FORM A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. -> A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.s abscissa -> abscissas|abscissae Achinese -> Achinese acropolis -> acropolises adieu -> adieus|adieux adjutant general -> adjutant generals aegis -> aegises afflatus -> afflatuses afreet -> afreets|afreeti afrit -> afrits|afriti agendum -> agenda aide-de-camp -> aides-de-camp Alabaman -> Alabamans albino -> albinos album -> albums Alfurese -> Alfurese alga -> algae alias -> aliases alto -> altos|alti alumna -> alumnae alumnus -> alumni alveolus -> alveoli am -> are am going -> are going ambassador-at-large -> ambassadors-at-large Amboinese -> Amboinese Americanese -> Americanese amoeba -> amoebas|amoebae Amoyese -> Amoyese an -> some # INDEFINITE ARTICLE analysis -> analyses anathema -> anathemas|anathemata Andamanese -> Andamanese Angolese -> Angolese Annamese -> Annamese antenna -> antennas|antennae anus -> anuses apex -> apexes|apices apex's -> apexes'|apices' # POSSESSIVE FORM aphelion -> aphelia apparatus -> apparatuses|apparatus appendix -> appendixes|appendices apple -> apples aquarium -> aquariums|aquaria Aragonese -> Aragonese Arakanese -> Arakanese archipelago -> archipelagos are -> are are made -> are made armadillo -> armadillos arpeggio -> arpeggios arthritis -> arthritises asbestos -> asbestoses asparagus -> asparaguses ass -> asses Assamese -> Assamese asylum -> asylums asyndeton -> asyndeta at it -> at them # ACCUSATIVE ate -> ate atlas -> atlases attorney general -> attorneys general attorney of record -> attorneys of record aurora -> auroras|aurorae aviatrix -> aviatrixes|aviatrices aviatrix's -> aviatrixes'|aviatrices' Avignonese -> Avignonese axe -> axes axis -> axes Azerbaijanese -> Azerbaijanese bacillus -> bacilli bacterium -> bacteria Bahaman -> Bahamans Balinese -> Balinese bamboo -> bamboos banjo -> banjoes bass -> basses # INSTRUMENT, NOT FISH basso -> bassos|bassi bathos -> bathoses beau -> beaus|beaux beef -> beefs|beeves beneath it -> beneath them # ACCUSATIVE Bengalese -> Bengalese bent -> bent # VERB FORM bent -> bents # NOUN FORM Bernese -> Bernese Bhutanese -> Bhutanese bias -> biases biceps -> biceps bison -> bisons|bison Bolognese -> Bolognese bonus -> bonuses Borghese -> Borghese boss -> bosses Bostonese -> Bostonese box -> boxes boy -> boys bravo -> bravoes bream -> bream breeches -> breeches bride-to-be -> brides-to-be britches -> britches bronchitis -> bronchitises bronchus -> bronchi brother -> brothers|brethren brother's -> brothers'|brethren's buffalo -> buffaloes|buffalo Buginese -> Buginese buoy -> buoys bureau -> bureaus|bureaux Burman -> Burmans Burmese -> Burmese bursitis -> bursitises bus -> buses buzz -> buzzes buzzes -> buzz # VERB FORM by it -> by them # ACCUSATIVE caddis -> caddises cake -> cakes Calabrese -> Calabrese calf -> calves callus -> calluses Camaldolese -> Camaldolese cameo -> cameos campus -> campuses can -> cans # NOUN FORM can -> can # VERB FORM (all pers.) candelabrum -> candelabra cannabis -> cannabises canto -> cantos Cantonese -> Cantonese cantus -> cantus canvas -> canvases CAPITAL -> CAPITALS carcinoma -> carcinomas|carcinomata care -> cares cargo -> cargoes Carlylese -> Carlylese carp -> carp Cassinese -> Cassinese cat -> cats catfish -> catfish Celanese -> Celanese Ceylonese -> Ceylonese chairman -> chairmen chamois -> chamois chaos -> chaoses chapeau -> chapeaus|chapeaux charisma -> charismas|charismata chases -> chase chassis -> chassis chateau -> chateaus|chateaux cherub -> cherubs|cherubim chickenpox -> chickenpox chief -> chiefs child -> children Chinese -> Chinese chorus -> choruses church -> churches cicatrix -> cicatrixes|cicatrices circus -> circuses class -> classes classes -> class # VERB FORM clippers -> clippers clitoris -> clitorises|clitorides cod -> cod codex -> codices coitus -> coitus commando -> commandos compendium -> compendiums|compendia Congoese -> Congoese Congolese -> Congolese conspectus -> conspectuses contralto -> contraltos|contralti contretemps -> contretemps conundrum -> conundrums corps -> corps corpus -> corpuses|corpora cortex -> cortexes|cortices cosmos -> cosmoses court martial -> courts martial cow -> cows|kine cranium -> craniums|crania crescendo -> crescendos criterion -> criteria curriculum -> curriculums|curricula dais -> daises data point -> data points datum -> data debris -> debris decorum -> decorums deer -> deer delphinium -> delphiniums desideratum -> desiderata diabetes -> diabetes dictum -> dictums|dicta did -> did did need -> did need digitalis -> digitalises dingo -> dingoes diploma -> diplomas|diplomata discus -> discuses dish -> dishes ditto -> dittos djinn -> djinn does -> do dog -> dogs dogma -> dogmas|dogmata dominatrix -> dominatrixes|dominatrices domino -> dominoes Dongolese -> Dongolese drama -> dramas|dramata drum -> drums dwarf -> dwarves dynamo -> dynamos edema -> edemas|edemata eland -> elands|eland elf -> elves elk -> elks|elk embryo -> embryos emporium -> emporiums|emporia encephalitis -> encephalitises enconium -> enconiums|enconia enema -> enemas|enemata enigma -> enigmas|enigmata ephemeris -> ephemerides epidermis -> epidermises erratum -> errata ethos -> ethoses eucalyptus -> eucalyptuses extremum -> extrema eyas -> eyases factotum -> factotums Faroese -> Faroese fauna -> faunas|faunae fax -> faxes Ferrarese -> Ferrarese ferry -> ferries fetus -> fetuses fiance -> fiances fiancee -> fiancees fiasco -> fiascos fish -> fish fizz -> fizzes flamingo -> flamingoes flora -> floras|florae flounder -> flounder focus -> focuses|foci foetus -> foetuses folio -> folios Foochowese -> Foochowese foot -> feet foot's -> feet's # POSSESSIVE FORM foramen -> foramens|foramina formula -> formulas|formulae forum -> forums fought -> fought fox -> foxes from him -> from them from it -> from them # ACCUSATIVE fungus -> funguses|fungi Gabunese -> Gabunese gallows -> gallows ganglion -> ganglions|ganglia gas -> gases gateau -> gateaus|gateaux gave -> gave generalissimo -> generalissimos Genevese -> Genevese genie -> genies|genii genius -> geniuses|genii Genoese -> Genoese genus -> genera German -> Germans ghetto -> ghettos Gilbertese -> Gilbertese glottis -> glottises Goanese -> Goanese goose -> geese Governor General -> Governors General goy -> goys|goyim graffiti -> graffiti graffito -> graffiti guano -> guanos guardsman -> guardsmen Guianese -> Guianese gumma -> gummas|gummata gymnasium -> gymnasiums|gymnasia had -> had had thought -> had thought Hainanese -> Hainanese handkerchief -> handkerchiefs Hararese -> Hararese Harlemese -> Harlemese harmonium -> harmoniums has -> have has become -> have become has been -> have been has-been -> has-beens Havanese -> Havanese have -> have have conceded -> have conceded he -> they headquarters -> headquarters Heavenese -> Heavenese helix -> helices hepatitis -> hepatitises her -> them # PRONOUN her -> their # POSSESSIVE ADJ hero -> heroes herpes -> herpes hers -> theirs # POSSESSIVE NOUN herself -> themselves hiatus -> hiatuses|hiatus highlight -> highlights hijinks -> hijinks him -> them himself -> themselves hippopotamus -> hippopotamuses|hippopotami Hiroshiman -> Hiroshimans his -> their # POSSESSIVE ADJ his -> theirs # POSSESSIVE NOUN honorarium -> honorariums|honoraria hoof -> hoofs|hooves Hoosierese -> Hoosierese Hottentotese -> Hottentotese house -> houses housewife -> housewives hubris -> hubrises human -> humans Hunanese -> Hunanese hydra -> hydras|hydrae hyperbaton -> hyperbata hyperbola -> hyperbolas|hyperbolae I -> we ibis -> ibises ignoramus -> ignoramuses impetus -> impetuses|impetus incubus -> incubuses|incubi index -> indexes|indices Indochinese -> Indochinese inferno -> infernos innings -> innings Inspector General -> Inspectors General interregnum -> interregnums|interregna iris -> irises|irides is -> are is eaten -> are eaten it -> they # NOMINATIVE its -> their # POSSESSIVE FORM itself -> themselves jackanapes -> jackanapes Japanese -> Japanese Javanese -> Javanese Jerry -> Jerrys jerry -> jerries jinx -> jinxes jinxes -> jinx # VERB FORM Johnsonese -> Johnsonese Jones -> Joneses jumbo -> jumbos Kanarese -> Kanarese Kiplingese -> Kiplingese knife -> knives # NOUN FORM knife -> knife # VERB FORM (1st/2nd pers.) knifes -> knife # VERB FORM (3rd pers.) Kongoese -> Kongoese Kongolese -> Kongolese lacuna -> lacunas|lacunae lady in waiting -> ladies in waiting Lapponese -> Lapponese larynx -> larynxes|larynges latex -> latexes|latices leaf -> leaf # VERB FORM (1st/2nd pers.) leaf -> leaves # NOUN FORM leafs -> leaf # VERB FORM (3rd pers.) Lebanese -> Lebanese lemma -> lemmas|lemmata lens -> lenses Leonese -> Leonese lick of the cat -> licks of the cat Lieutenant General -> Lieutenant Generals life -> lives Liman -> Limans lingo -> lingos loaf -> loaves locus -> loci Londonese -> Londonese Lorrainese -> Lorrainese lothario -> lotharios louse -> lice Lucchese -> Lucchese lumbago -> lumbagos lumen -> lumens|lumina lustrum -> lustrums|lustra lyceum -> lyceums lymphoma -> lymphomas|lymphomata lynx -> lynxes Lyonese -> Lyonese M.I.A. -> M.I.A.s Macanese -> Macanese Macassarese -> Macassarese mackerel -> mackerel made -> made Madurese -> Madurese magma -> magmas|magmata magneto -> magnetos Major General -> Major Generals Malabarese -> Malabarese Maltese -> Maltese man -> men mandamus -> mandamuses manifesto -> manifestos mantis -> mantises marquis -> marquises Mary -> Marys maximum -> maximums|maxima measles -> measles medico -> medicos medium -> mediums|media medium's -> mediums'|media's medusa -> medusas|medusae memorandum -> memorandums|memoranda meniscus -> menisci Messinese -> Messinese metamorphosis -> metamorphoses metropolis -> metropolises mews -> mews miasma -> miasmas|miasmata Milanese -> Milanese milieu -> milieus|milieux millenium -> milleniums|millenia minimum -> minimums|minima minx -> minxes miss -> miss # VERB FORM (1st/2nd pers.) miss -> misses # NOUN FORM misses -> miss # VERB FORM (3rd pers.) mittamus -> mittamuses Modenese -> Modenese momentum -> momentums|momenta money -> monies mongoose -> mongooses moose -> mooses|moose mother-in-law -> mothers-in-law mouse -> mice mumps -> mumps Muranese -> Muranese murex -> murices museum -> museums mustachio -> mustachios my -> our # POSSESSIVE FORM myself -> ourselves mythos -> mythoi Nakayaman -> Nakayamans Nankingese -> Nankingese nasturtium -> nasturtiums Navarrese -> Navarrese nebula -> nebulas|nebulae Nepalese -> Nepalese neuritis -> neuritises neurosis -> neuroses news -> news nexus -> nexus Niasese -> Niasese Nicobarese -> Nicobarese nimbus -> nimbuses|nimbi Nipponese -> Nipponese no -> noes nostrum -> nostrums noumenon -> noumena nova -> novas|novae nucleolus -> nucleoluses|nucleoli nucleus -> nuclei oaf -> oafs octavo -> octavos octopus -> octopuses|octopodes oedema -> oedemas|oedemata Oklahoman -> Oklahomans omnibus -> omnibuses on it -> on them # ACCUSATIVE onus -> onuses opera -> operas optimum -> optimums|optima opus -> opuses|opera organon -> organa ought to be -> ought to be # VERB (UNLIKE bride to be) ovum -> ova ox -> oxen ox's -> oxen's # POSSESSIVE FORM oxymoron -> oxymorons|oxymora Panaman -> Panamans parabola -> parabolas|parabolae Parmese -> Parmese pathos -> pathoses pegasus -> pegasuses Pekingese -> Pekingese pelvis -> pelvises pendulum -> pendulums penis -> penises|penes penumbra -> penumbras|penumbrae perihelion -> perihelia persona -> personae petroleum -> petroleums phalanx -> phalanxes|phalanges PhD -> PhDs phenomenon -> phenomena philtrum -> philtrums photo -> photos phylum -> phylums|phyla piano -> pianos|piani Piedmontese -> Piedmontese pincer -> pincers pincers -> pincers Pistoiese -> Pistoiese plateau -> plateaus|plateaux play -> plays plexus -> plexuses|plexus pliers -> pliers plies -> ply # VERB FORM polis -> polises Polonese -> Polonese pontifex -> pontifexes|pontifices portmanteau -> portmanteaus|portmanteaux Portuguese -> Portuguese potato -> potatoes pox -> pox pragma -> pragmas|pragmata premium -> premiums prima donna -> prima donnas|prime donne pro -> pros proceedings -> proceedings prolegomenon -> prolegomena proof -> proofs proof of concept -> proofs of concept prosecutrix -> prosecutrixes|prosecutrices prospectus -> prospectuses|prospectus protozoan -> protozoans protozoon -> protozoa put -> put quantum -> quantums|quanta quartermaster general -> quartermasters general quarto -> quartos quorum -> quorums rabies -> rabies radius -> radiuses|radii radix -> radices rebus -> rebuses reindeer -> reindeer rhino -> rhinos rhinoceros -> rhinoceroses|rhinoceros Romagnese -> Romagnese Romanese -> Romanese romeo -> romeos roof -> roofs rostrum -> rostrums|rostra ruckus -> ruckuses salmon -> salmon Sangirese -> Sangirese sank -> sank Sarawakese -> Sarawakese sarcoma -> sarcomas|sarcomata sassafras -> sassafrases saw -> saws # NOUN FORM saw -> saw # VERB FORM (1st/2nd pers.) saws -> saw # VERB FORM (3rd pers.) scarf -> scarves schema -> schemas|schemata scissors -> scissors Scotsman -> Scotsmen sea-bass -> sea-bass self -> selves Selman -> Selmans Senegalese -> Senegalese seraph -> seraphs|seraphim series -> series shall eat -> shall eat Shavese -> Shavese Shawanese -> Shawanese she -> they sheaf -> sheaves shears -> shears sheep -> sheep shelf -> shelves should have -> should have Siamese -> Siamese Sienese -> Sienese Sikkimese -> Sikkimese silex -> silices simplex -> simplexes|simplices Singhalese -> Singhalese Sinhalese -> Sinhalese sinus -> sinuses|sinus size -> sizes sizes -> size #VERB FORM smallpox -> smallpox Smith -> Smiths Sogdianese -> Sogdianese soliloquy -> soliloquies solo -> solos|soli soma -> somas|somata son of a bitch -> sons of bitches Sonaman -> Sonamans soprano -> sopranos|soprani sought -> sought species -> species spectrum -> spectrums|spectra speculum -> speculums|specula spent -> spent spermatozoon -> spermatozoa sphinx -> sphinxes|sphinges stadium -> stadiums|stadia stamen -> stamens|stamina status -> statuses|status stereo -> stereos stigma -> stigmas|stigmata stimulus -> stimuli stoma -> stomas|stomata storey -> storeys story -> stories stratum -> strata strife -> strifes stylo -> stylos stylus -> styluses|styli succubus -> succubuses|succubi Sudanese -> Sudanese suffix -> suffixes Sundanese -> Sundanese superior -> superiors Surgeon-General -> Surgeons-General surplus -> surpluses Swahilese -> Swahilese swine -> swines|swine syringe -> syringes syrinx -> syrinxes|syringes tableau -> tableaus|tableaux Tacoman -> Tacomans tattoo -> tattoos tempo -> tempos|tempi Tenggerese -> Tenggerese testatrix -> testatrixes|testatrices testes -> testes testis -> testes that -> those their -> their # POSSESSIVE FORM (GENDER-INCLUSIVE) themself -> themselves # ugly but gaining currency they -> they # for indeterminate gender this -> these thought -> thought # VERB FORM thought -> thoughts # NOUN FORM Times -> Timeses Timorese -> Timorese Tirolese -> Tirolese to her -> to them to herself -> to themselves to him -> to them to himself -> to themselves to it -> to them to it -> to them # ACCUSATIVE to itself -> to themselves to me -> to us to myself -> to ourselves to them -> to them # for indeterminate gender to themself -> to themselves # ugly but gaining currency to you -> to you to yourself -> to yourselves Tocharese -> Tocharese tomato -> tomatoes Tonkinese -> Tonkinese tonsillitis -> tonsillitises tooth -> teeth Torinese -> Torinese torus -> toruses|tori trapezium -> trapeziums|trapezia trauma -> traumas|traumata travois -> travois trellis -> trellises tries -> try trilby -> trilbys trousers -> trousers trousseau -> trousseaus|trousseaux trout -> trout try -> tries tuna -> tuna turf -> turfs|turves Tyrolese -> Tyrolese ultimatum -> ultimatums|ultimata umbilicus -> umbilicuses|umbilici umbra -> umbras|umbrae uterus -> uteruses|uteri vacuum -> vacuums|vacua vellum -> vellums velum -> velums|vela Vermontese -> Vermontese Veronese -> Veronese vertebra -> vertebrae vertex -> vertexes|vertices Viennese -> Viennese Vietnamese -> Vietnamese virus -> viruses vixen -> vixens vortex -> vortexes|vortices walrus -> walruses was -> were was faced with -> were faced with was hoping -> were hoping Wenchowese -> Wenchowese were -> were were found -> were found wharf -> wharves whiting -> whiting Whitmanese -> Whitmanese wife -> wives wildebeest -> wildebeests|wildebeest will -> will # VERB FORM will -> wills # NOUN FORM will eat -> will eat # VERB FORM wills -> will # VERB FORM wish -> wishes with him -> with them with it -> with them # ACCUSATIVE wolf -> wolves woman -> women woman of substance -> women of substance woman's -> women's # POSSESSIVE FORM woodlouse -> woodlice Yakiman -> Yakimans Yengeese -> Yengeese Yokohaman -> Yokohamans you -> you your -> your # POSSESSIVE FORM yourself -> yourselves Yuman -> Yumans Yunnanese -> Yunnanese zoon -> zoa an A.B.C an AI an AGE an agendum an aide-de-camp an albino a B.L.T. sandwich a BMW a BLANK a bacterium a Burmese restaurant a C.O. a CCD a COLON a cameo a CAPITAL a D.S.M. a DNR a DINNER a dynamo an E.K.G. an ECG an EGG an embryo an erratum a eucalyptus an Euler number a eulogy a euphemism a euphoria a ewe a ewer an extremum an eye an F.B.I. agent an FSM a FACT a FAQ an F.A.Q. a fish a G-string a GSM phone a GOD a genus a Governor General an H-Bomb an H.M.S Ark Royal an HSL colour space a HAL 9000 an H.A.L. 9000 a has-been a height an heir a honed blade an honest man a honeymoon an honorarium an honorary degree an honoree an honorific a Hough transform a hound an hour an hourglass a houri a house an I.O.U. an IQ an IDEA an inferno an Inspector General a jumbo a knife an L.E.D. a LED an LCD a lady in waiting a leaf an M.I.A. a MIASMA an MTV channel a Major General an N.C.O. an NCO a NATO country a note an O.K. an OK an OLE an octavo an octopus an okay a once-and-future-king an oncologist a one night stand an onerous task an opera an optimum an opus an ox a Ph.D. a PET a P.E.T. scan a plateau a quantum an R.S.V.P. an RSVP a REST a reindeer an S.O.S. a SUM an SST a salmon a T.N.T. bomb a TNT bomb a TENT a thought a tomato a U-boat a U.F.O. a UFO a ubiquity a unicorn an unidentified flying object a uniform a unimodal system an unimpressive record an uninformed opinion an uninvited guest a union a uniplex a uniprocessor a unique opportunity a unisex hairdresser a unison a unit a unitarian a united front a unity a univalent bond a univariate statistic a universe an unordered meal a uranium atom an urban myth an urbane miss an urchin a urea detector a urethane monomer an urge an urgency a urinal an urn a usage a use an usher a usual suspect a usurer a usurper a utensil a utility an utmost urgency a utopia an utterance a V.I.P. a VIPER a viper an X-ray an X.O. a XYLAPHONE an XY chromosome a xenophobe a Y-shaped pipe a Y.Z. plane a YMCA an YBLENT eye an yblent eye an yclad body a yellowing a yield a youth a youth an ypsiliform junction an yttrium atom a zoo __END_DATA__