module Gmaps4rails class JsBuilder DEFAULT_MAP_ID = "map" DATA_KEYS = [:markers, :polylines, :polygons, :circles, :direction, :kml] #the 'option_hash' must have the following structure #{ # :map_options => hash, # :markers => { :data => json, :options => hash }, # :polylines => { :data => json, :options => hash }, # :polygons => { :data => json, :options => hash }, # :circles => { :data => json, :options => hash }, # :direction => { :data => hash, :options => hash }, # :kml => { :data => json, :options => hash } #} #should be with only symbol keys or with indifferent access def initialize(option_hash) @js = @hash = option_hash end def create_js @js << "#{gmap_id} = new #{ map_constructor };" @js << "Gmaps.#{js_function_name} = function() {" process_map_options @js << "#{gmap_id}.initialize();" process_data @js << "#{gmap_id}.adjustMapToBounds();" @js << "#{gmap_id}.callback();" @js << "};" @js << "Gmaps.oldOnload = window.onload;\n window.onload = function() { Gmaps.triggerOldOnload(); Gmaps.loadMaps(); };" if load_map? @js * ("\n") end def process_map_options return unless map_options map_options.each do |option_key, option_value| next if [:class, :container_class].include? option_key.to_sym case option_key.to_sym when :bounds, :raw #particular case, render the content unescaped @js << "#{gmap_id}.map_options.#{option_key} = #{option_value};" else @js << "#{gmap_id}.map_options.#{option_key} = #{option_value.to_json};" end end end def process_data data.each do |name, hash| datum =, name, hash) @js.concat datum.create_js end end def map_options @hash[:map_options] end def data{|key, value| DATA_KEYS.include?(key.to_sym) } end def load_map? @hash[:last_map].nil? || @hash[:last_map] == true end def js_function_name "load_" + map_id end def gmap_id @gmap_id ||= "Gmaps." + map_id end def map_id @map_id ||= map_options.try(:[],:id) || DEFAULT_MAP_ID end def map_constructor map_options.try(:[],:provider) ? "Gmaps4Rails#{map_options[:provider].capitalize}()" : "Gmaps4RailsGoogle()" end class Datum # example: # - name: :markers # - hash: { :data => json, :options => hash } delegate :options, :data, :to => :@element_info def initialize(gmap_id, name, hash) @gmap_id, @name, @js = gmap_id, name, @element_info = end def create_js if @name.to_sym == :direction create_direction_js else create_standard_js end end def create_standard_js set_configuration_variables @js << "#{@gmap_id}.add#{@name.capitalize}(#{data});" end def create_direction_js @js << "#{@gmap_id}.direction_conf.origin = '#{data["from"]}';" @js << "#{@gmap_id}.direction_conf.destination = '#{data["to"]}';" set_direction_variables @js << "#{@gmap_id}.create_direction();" end def set_configuration_variables return unless options options.each do |option_key, option_value| @js << if option_key.to_sym == :raw "#{@gmap_id}.#{@name}_conf.#{option_key} = #{option_value};" else "#{@gmap_id}.#{@name}_conf.#{option_key} = #{option_value.to_json};" end end end def set_direction_variables return unless options options.each do |option_key, option_value| if option_key.to_sym == :waypoints waypoints = option_value.each do |waypoint| waypoints << { "location" => waypoint, "stopover" => true }.to_json end @js << "#{@gmap_id}.direction_conf.waypoints = [#{waypoints * (",")}];" else @js << "#{@gmap_id}.direction_conf.#{option_key} = #{option_value.to_json};" end end end end end end