#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Phusion Passenger - http://www.modrails.com/ # Copyright (C) 2008 Phusion # # Phusion Passenger is a trademark of Hongli Lai & Ninh Bui. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib") $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../ext") require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' require 'socket' require 'thread' require 'passenger/platform_info' require 'passenger/message_channel' require 'passenger/utils' include Passenger include Passenger::Utils include PlatformInfo # A thread or a process, depending on the Ruby VM implementation. class Subprocess attr_accessor :channel def initialize(name, &block) if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" a, b = UNIXSocket.pair @thread = Thread.new do block.call(true, MessageChannel.new(b)) end @channel = MessageChannel.new(a) @thread_channel = b else a, b = UNIXSocket.pair @pid = safe_fork(name) do a.close $0 = name Process.setsid block.call(false, MessageChannel.new(b)) end b.close @channel = MessageChannel.new(a) end end def stop if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" @thread.terminate @channel.close @thread_channel.close else Process.kill('SIGKILL', @pid) rescue nil Process.waitpid(@pid) rescue nil @channel.close end end end class StressTester def start @options = parse_options load_hawler Thread.abort_on_exception = true if GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true end @terminal_height = ENV['LINES'] ? ENV['LINES'].to_i : 24 @terminal_width = ENV['COLUMNS'] ? ENV['COLUMNS'].to_i : 80 if Process.euid != 0 puts "*** WARNING: This program might not be able to restart " << "Apache because it's not running as root. Please run " << "this tool as root." puts puts "Press Enter to continue..." begin STDIN.readline rescue Interrupt exit 1 end end run_crawlers end def parse_options options = { :concurrency => 20, :depth => 20, :nice => true, :apache_restart_interval => 24 * 60, :app_restart_interval => 55 } parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: passenger-stress-test [options]\n\n" << "Stress test the given (Passenger-powered) website by:\n" << " * crawling it with multiple concurrently running crawlers.\n" << " * gracefully restarting Apache at random times (please point the 'APXS2'\n" << " variable to your Apache's 'apxs' binary).\n" << " * restarting the target (Passenger-powered) application at random time.\n" << "\n" << "Example:\n" << " passenger-stress-test mywebsite.com /webapps/mywebsite\n" << "\n" opts.separator "Options:" opts.on("-c", "--concurrency N", Integer, "Number of crawlers to start (default = #{options[:concurrency]})") do |v| options[:concurrency] = v end opts.on("-p", "--apache-restart-interval N", Integer, "Gracefully restart Apache after N minutes\n" << (" " * 37) << "(default = #{options[:apache_restart_interval]})") do |v| options[:apache_restart_interval] = v end opts.on("-a", "--app-restart-interval N", Integer, "Restart the application after N minutes\n" << (" " * 37) << "(default = #{options[:app_restart_interval]})") do |v| options[:app_restart_interval] = v end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end parser.parse! options[:host] = ARGV[0] options[:app_root] = ARGV[1] if !options[:host] || !options[:app_root] puts parser exit 1 end return options end def load_hawler begin require 'hawler' rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "This tool requires Hawler (http://tinyurl.com/ywgk6x). Please install it with:" STDERR.puts STDERR.puts " gem install --source http://spoofed.org/files/hawler/ hawler" exit 1 end end def run_crawlers @started = false @crawlers = [] # Start crawler processes. GC.start if GC.copy_on_write_friendly? @options[:concurrency].times do |i| STDOUT.write("Starting crawler #{i + 1} of #{@options[:concurrency]}...\n") STDOUT.flush process = Subprocess.new("crawler #{i + 1}") do |is_thread, channel| if !is_thread && @options[:nice] system("renice 1 #{Process.pid} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") end while true crawl!(i + 1, channel) end end @crawlers << { :id => i + 1, :process => process, :channel => process.channel, :mutex => Mutex.new, :current_uri => nil, :crawled => 0 } end puts if RUBY_PLATFORM != "java" # 'sleep' b0rks when running in JRuby? sleep 1 end begin $0 = "Passenger Crawler: control process" io_to_crawler = {} ios = [] @crawlers.each do |crawler| io_to_crawler[crawler[:channel].io] = crawler ios << crawler[:channel].io end # Tell each crawler to start crawling. @crawlers.each do |crawler| crawler[:channel].write("start") end # Show progress periodically. @start_time = Time.now progress_reporter = Thread.new(&method(:report_progress)) @next_apache_restart = Time.now + @options[:apache_restart_interval] * 60 apache_restarter = Thread.new(&method(:restart_apache)) @next_app_restart = Time.now + @options[:app_restart_interval] * 60 app_restarter = Thread.new(&method(:restart_app)) while true note_progress(ios, io_to_crawler) end rescue Interrupt trap('SIGINT') {} puts "Shutting down..." @done = true @crawlers.each do |crawler| STDOUT.write("Stopping crawler #{crawler[:id]} of #{@options[:concurrency]}...\r") STDOUT.flush crawler[:process].stop end progress_reporter.join if progress_reporter apache_restarter.join if apache_restarter app_restarter.join if app_restarter puts end end def note_progress(ios, io_to_crawler) select(ios)[0].each do |io| crawler = io_to_crawler[io] uri = crawler[:channel].read[0] crawler[:mutex].synchronize do crawler[:current_uri] = uri crawler[:crawled] += 1 end end end def report_progress while !@done output = "\n" * @terminal_height output << "### Running for #{duration(Time.now.to_i - @start_time.to_i)}\n" @crawlers.each do |crawler| crawler[:mutex].synchronize do line = sprintf("Crawler %-2d: %-3d -> %s", crawler[:id], crawler[:crawled], crawler[:current_uri]) output << sprintf("%-#{@terminal_width}s\n", line) end end output << "Next Apache restart: in #{duration(@next_apache_restart.to_i - Time.now.to_i)}\n" output << "Next app restart : in #{duration(@next_app_restart.to_i - Time.now.to_i)}\n" STDOUT.write(output) sleep 0.5 end end def restart_apache while !@done if Time.now > @next_apache_restart @next_apache_restart = Time.now + @options[:apache_restart_interval] * 60 system("#{HTTPD} -k graceful") end end end def restart_app while !@done if Time.now > @next_app_restart @next_app_restart = Time.now + @options[:app_restart_interval] * 60 system("touch #{@options[:app_root]}/tmp/restart.txt") end end end def duration(seconds) result = "" if seconds >= 60 minutes = (seconds / 60) if minutes >= 60 hours = minutes / 60 minutes = minutes % 60 if hours == 1 result << "#{hours} hour " else result << "#{hours} hours " end end seconds = seconds % 60 if minutes == 1 result << "#{minutes} minute " else result << "#{minutes} minutes " end end result << "#{seconds} seconds" return result end def crawl!(id, channel) progress_reporter = lambda do |uri, referer, response| begin if !@started # At the beginning, wait until the control process # tells us to start. @started = true channel.read end channel.write(uri, referer, response) rescue if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" Thread.current.terminate else Process.kill('SIGKILL', Process.pid) end end end crawler = Hawler.new(@options[:host], progress_reporter) if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" trap('SIGINT') do raise Interrupt, "Interrupted" end end crawler.recurse = true crawler.depth = @options[:depth] crawler.start end end StressTester.new.start