BuildResidentialHPXML Measure

The BuildResidentialHPXML measure builds a residential HPXML file.
The HPXML file that it produces is intended to be the input for the HPXMLtoOpenStudio measure.


The following arguments are used to populate fields of the HPXML file:

- Paths

  - HPXML File
  - Weather Directory

- Software Program

  - Name
  - Version

- Simulation Control

  - Timestep
  - Begin Month/Day
  - End Month/Day
  - Daylight Saving Begin Month/Day
  - Daylight Saving End Month/Day


  - Type (Average, Stochastic, User-Specified)
  - Path
  - Vacancy Begin Month/Day
  - Vacancy End Month/Day

- Weather

  - Station EPW Filename

- Geometry

  - Unit Type (manufactured home, single-family detached, single-family attached, apartment unit)
  - Building Orientation (Number of Units, Horizontal/Vertical Level)

- Enclosure

  - Attics (Vented, Unvented, Conditioned)
  - Foundations (Slab, Unconditioned Basement, Conditioned Basement, Vented Crawlspace, Unvented Crawlspace, Ambient)
  - Garages
  - Windows & Overhangs
  - Skylights
  - Doors

  - Heating Systems (Electric Resistance, Furnaces, Wall/Floor Furnaces, Stoves, Boilers, Portable Heaters, Fireplaces)
  - Cooling Systems (Central Air Conditioners, Room Air Conditioners, Evaporative Coolers)
  - Heat Pumps (Air Source, Mini Split, Ground Source, Dual-Fuel)
  - Dehumidifier
  - Setpoints
  - Ducts
- Water Heating

  - Water Heaters (Storage, Tankless, Heat Pump, Indirect, Tankless Coil)
  - Solar Hot Water
  - Hot Water Distribution (Standard, Recirculation)
  - Drain Water Heat Recovery
  - Hot Water Fixtures
- Ventilation

  - Mechanical Ventilation (Exhaust, Supply, Balanced, ERV, HRV, CFIS)
  - Kitchen Fan
  - Bathroom Fans
  - Whole House Fan

- Photovoltaics
- Appliances (Clothes Washer/Dryer, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Extra Refrigerator, Freezer, Cooking Range/Oven)
- Lighting (Interior, Exterior, Garage, Holiday)
- Ceiling Fans
- Plug Loads (Other, TV, Well Pump, Vehicle)
- Fuel Loads (Grill, Lighting, Fireplace)
- Pool (Pump, Heater)
- Hot Tub (Pump, Heater)

Software Tools

The following are software tools that currently use the OpenStudio-HPXML workflow for simulating residential buildings.


ResStock uses a subset of all the capabilities of OpenStudio-HPXML:

#. At most, one heating system and one cooling system can be simulated. This means that both a heating system and heat pump, or cooling system and heat pump, cannot be simulated.
#. At most, one water heater can be simulated.
#. Not supporting skylights adjacent to unconditioned space.
#. Not supporting walkout basements.
#. Not supporting DSE.
#. Not supporting constant ACH infiltration.


URBANopt uses the same subset of capabilities as ResStock. However, there is more mapping/defaulting of argument values in URBANopt: